Paid Days Sample Clauses
Paid Days. Full-time employees on the payroll January 1 of each year will be granted three (3) paid absence days which must be taken during that calendar year. Paid absence days shall be used in accordance with the following provisions.
Paid Days. A. All administrators are entitled to be paid for the following days, and such other days as may be designated by the School Board from time to time: Fourth of July Day before Christmas Labor Day (if school is not in session) Columbus Day Christmas Veterans’ Day Day after Christmas Day before Thanksgiving Day Day before New Year's Day (if school is not in session) New Year’s Day Thanksgiving Day Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Washington’s Birthday Memorial Day
B. If an official holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, and it is observed by the School Department on the preceding Friday or the following Monday, respectively, the administrator will be eligible to have it off, subject to the Superintendent's requiring that said day be worked pursuant to the last paragraph hereof.
C. If an official holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, and it is not observed by the School Department on the preceding Friday or the following Monday, the Superintendent will grant each administrator another day off when school is not in session or time mutually agreed upon by the Superintendent and administrator in lieu of the designated day.
D. Some situations require that administrators be on the job during designated paid days in order to maintain the proper operation of the School Department. The Superintendent may require any administrator to work on any of the official days. In that event, the Superintendent will grant each administrator another day off when school is not in session or time mutually agreed upon by the Superintendent and administrator in lieu of the designated day.
Paid Days. The maximum number of instructional and professional activity days in the school year will not exceed 194 provided the number of days is in accordance with The Education Act and Regulations.
Paid Days. A. An employee shall be entitled to paid personal hours. Deduction for discretionary time shall be at the minimum rate of Two (2) hours per time used. An application form is due five (5) working days in advance of requested leave date, except in the case of an emergency.
B. School year employees shall receive three (3) personal days based upon regularly scheduled hours per year to be used at the employee’s discretion with proper notification and may carry over one day per year to a maximum of four days.
C. An employee will not be charged for sick hour(s) or personal leave applied for in the event school is canceled on those days unless the employee is expected to report to work on a day when school is canceled.
Paid Days. A. An employee shall be entitled to paid personal hours. Deduction for discretionary time shall be at the minimum rate of two (2) hours per time used. An application form is due three (3) working days in advance of requested leave date, except in the case of an emergency. If an emergency is determined, the three-day application period may be waived. The nature of the emergency must be communicated to the immediate supervisor, the Superintendent or designee. He/she will make a decision on the information available in terms of the three-day waiver.
B. School year employees shall receive three (3) personal days based upon regularly scheduled hours per year to be used at the employee’s discretion with proper notification and may carry over one day per year to a maximum of four days. Under the following guidelines:
1. No personal day will be granted unless a substitute from the sub list or sub pool is in place to cover the absence of the employee.
2. All requests for time off must be approved by the employee’s direct or immediate supervisor at least three (3) business days in advance.
C. An employee will not be charged for sick hour(s) or personal leave applied for in the event school is canceled on those days unless the employee is expected to report to work on a day when school is canceled. Employees choosing to utilize personal business days on Act of God days, may do so without penalty to attendance incentive (Article XV, G) by completing personal business day paperwork and having it signed by the direct supervisor the next workday after Act of God day.
D. Any personal hours not used in the current school year will be allowed to accumulate as sick hours at the start of the new school year. Total accumulation of sick time is not to exceed 125 days.
E. Employees must request in writing, by the second pay period in May, their intent to carry over a discretionary day or move it into sick time.
F. Employees will be paid their regular, per-diem rate for the first two (2) full days when school is canceled due to weather or another “Act of God.” If an employee wishing to work on additional “Act of God days,” said employee shall communicate with the building principal or their direct supervisor and gain prior approval to work. Compensation for said time will be at the normal hourly rate for said employee. No employee shall be required to work on “Act of God” days.
G. Attendance incentive: All school-year employees whose absences (except for approved school business ...
Paid Days. 1. The RUEAA work year will include all student days, all on site PD days, all paid holidays, and all teacher days, with the exception of teacher work days. If RU students have a half day of instruction this will also be a half day for RUEAA members. The calendar for employees represented by the RUEAA will be mutually established by RUEAA representatives and Human Resources Department annually. Employees will attend and participate in all scheduled professional development, as well as monthly building staff meetings. Employees shall submit time sheets for the extra time worked as a result of participating in monthly staff meetings. RUEAA members will not receive compensation for paid holidays or work days at an amount less than the 2018 -2021contractual work year.
2. Employees shall receive pay at their average daily rate of pay for the following holidays which fall within their scheduled work year provided the employee works the scheduled work days immediately before and after the holiday except in cases of emergency or illness:
a. Labor Day b. Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day (only if non-student day) c. Thanksgiving Day d. Friday after Thanksgiving Day e. Day before Christmas f. Christmas Day g. Day before New Years’ h. New Year’s Day i. MLK Day j.
Paid Days. All full-time employees on the payroll as of January 1 of each year; will be granted sixteen (16) hours or two (2) paid absence days per calendar year. Full-time employees hired after January 1 will not be entitled to paid absence days during the balance of the year in which they were hired.
Paid Days. If the funeral is within 250 miles of Minneapolis, pay for time lost shall be for a maximum period of two (2) days, immediately prior to or including the day of the funeral. If the funeral is more than 250 miles from Minneapolis, pay for time lost shall be for a maximum of three (3) such days.
Paid Days. 11.01 The following days shall be paid days: New Year's Day Labour Day Family Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day August Civic Holiday In addition to the above Paid Days, one (1) additional Paid Day will be given at a time to be decided by the Company. The maximum number of days that will be paid is twelve (12) paid days.
11.02 The Company agrees to pay to all employees who are subject to this Agreement one (1) full day's pay for each of the above listed days, subject to the following conditions:
a) Employees must work on the work day preceding and the work day following the paid day or the observed day in order to be eligible for holiday pay.
b) All work performed on the day observed as the paid day by the employee will be compensated at the rate of time and one-half (1½) the regular straight time hourly rate, in addition to the paid day, providing they qualify for the same under paragraph (a) above.
c) When a paid day occurs in the period in which an employee is on vacation, the employee will have the choice of another day off at a time mutually satisfactory outside of their scheduled vacation period, or the employee will be paid eight (8) hours pay times their normal straight hourly rate.
d) When one (1) of the Paid Days listed above fall within the basic work week, the work week will be reduced by the number of hours normally scheduled for that day or days, and weekly overtime will be paid on the basis of the reduced work week.
11.03 The Company will review on an annual basis, the need to work on the Family Day and/or Remembrance Day holiday. If Local Management determines that some work is available, employees will be given the opportunity by seniority (provided they have the demonstrated skill required), to work the Family Day and/or Remembrance Day holiday at their normal straight-time hourly rate and use the Family Day and/or Remembrance Day holiday at a time of mutual agreement between the Parties. The banked holiday must be taken in the year it occurs.
Paid Days. Fifteen (15) work days vacation will be paid to bus drivers by the school district during scheduled vacation work days when school is not in session. Paid vacation for bus drivers for a partial year or terminating employment with the district shall be pro-rated dependent on the portion of the year they work.