Volunteer Peer Assistants 1. Up to eight (8)
Nurse is an employee included in the Bargaining Unit described in Article 2.
Outpatient If you receive infusion therapy services in a hospital's outpatient unit, we cover the use of the treatment room, related supplies, and solutions. For prescription drug coverage, see Section 3.27
Skilled Care in a Nursing Facility This plan covers skilled nursing services in a skilled nursing facility if: • the services are prescribed by a physician: • your condition needs skilled nursing services, skilled rehabilitation services or skilled nursing observation; • the services are provided by or supervised by licensed technical or professional medical personnel; and • the services are not custodial care, respite care, day care, or for the purpose of assisting with activities of daily living.
Inpatient If you are an inpatient in a general or specialty hospital for mental health services, this agreement covers medically necessary hospital services and the services of an attending physician for the number of hospital days shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits. See Section
Office Visits (other than Preventive Care Services) This plan covers office and clinic visits to diagnose or treat a sickness or injury. Office visit copayments differ depending on the type of provider you see. This plan covers physician visits in your home if you have an injury or illness that: • confines you to your home; or • requires special transportation; and • because of this injury or illness, you are physically unable to travel to the provider’s
Assistants Any Assistant Secretary or Assistant Treasurer, respectively, may exercise any of the powers of Secretary or Treasurer, respectively, as provided in this Agreement or as directed by the Board, and shall perform such other duties as are imposed upon them by this Agreement or the Board.
Hospital This plan covers behavioral health services if you are inpatient at a general or specialty hospital. See Inpatient Services in Section 3 for additional information. This plan covers services at behavioral health residential treatment facilities, which provide: • clinical treatment; • medication evaluation management; and • 24-hour on site availability of health professional staff, as required by licensing regulations. This plan covers intermediate care services, which are facility-based programs that are: • more intensive than traditional outpatient services; • less intensive than 24-hour inpatient hospital or residential treatment facility services; and • used as a step down from a higher level of care; or • used a step-up from standard care level of care. Intermediate care services include the following: • Partial Hospital Program (PHP) – PHPs are structured and medically supervised day, evening, or nighttime treatment programs providing individualized treatment plans. A PHP typically runs for five hours a day, five days per week. • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – An IOP provides substantial clinical support for patients who are either in transition from a higher level of care or at risk for admission to a higher level of care. An IOP typically runs for three hours per day, three days per week.
Ambulance The deductible and coinsurance for services not subject to copays applies.
Specialists Persons working within a juridical person who possess uncommon knowledge essential to the commercial presence’s production, research equipment, techniques or management. In assessing such knowledge, account will be taken not only of knowledge specific to the commercial presence, but also of whether the person has a high level of qualification referring to a type of work or trade requiring specific technical knowledge, including membership of an accredited profession.