O ther Leaves Sample Clauses

O ther Leaves. 1. Absences during any one (1) school year for the following reasons, which are not chargeable against a Teacher's accumulated sick leave, shall be allowed with full pay, except as otherwise provided, and subject to the limitations set forth in this Article.

Related to O ther Leaves

  • Other Leaves Other short-term leaves may be granted at the discretion of the Chancellor. The Chancellor’s decision to approve or deny the request shall be final.

  • Other Leave Granting of leave is a matter between the employees and the mill management. The Company will consider length of service and will endeavour to arrange leave of absence to suit the employee's wishes. Employees with ten or more years service will be given special consideration.

  • Other Leave with Pay The Employer may grant leave with pay for purposes other than those specified in this Agreement, including military or civil defence training, and emergencies affecting the community or place of work.

  • Sabbatical Leaves A. A sabbatical leave, without pay, for one year may be granted to a teacher, and/or 10 and/or 12 month support employee by the Board for full time credit graduate study/degree program in their appropriate field subject to Board approval and the following conditions: 1. Not more than four employees in the system may be granted sabbatical leaves at any one time. 2. Request for sabbatical leave must be received by the superintendent, in writing, no later than January 31st of the school year preceding the school year for which the leave is being requested. 3. The employee has completed at least seven (7) full school years of service in the Xxxxxxxx Township school district. No year shall be credited in which the employee has worked or been on paid leave less than ninety-three (93) days. If more than four requests (two for pay and two without pay) for such leave are submitted, the board will determine those eligible for such leave by the program the employee plans to take. If all candidates are in an approved program, then seniority shall determine the eligibility. The decision of the board shall not be arbitrable. 4. Two of the four sabbatical leaves sited in A.1 above may be with 1/2 pay if the employee is taking a full time Board approved graduate program/degree program in their appropriate field during the day or if they are fulfilling an on-campus requirement of an advanced program. Documentation of this requirement must be furnished with the request stated in A.2 above. B. All sabbatical leaves must be approved by the Board and the Board shall take action on same no later than March 31st of the school year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested. The employee shall continue to receive paid health benefits during the sabbatical leave. C. Upon return from a sabbatical leave, which was granted for full time graduate/degree program, the employee shall be placed on the proper step of the salary guide at the level which he/she would have achieved had he/she remained actively employed in the school system during the period of his/her absence, and, in addition, shall receive proper credit for any advanced degree earned.

  • Bereavement Leave (a) Upon the death of an employee's spouse, spouse to include same sex partner, child or stepchild, an employee shall be granted leave up to a maximum of five (5) continuous calendar days without loss of pay. One of the days of leave shall include the day of the funeral or equivalent service. Additional days off with or without pay may be granted by the Employer. Part-time employees will be credited with seniority and service for all such leave. In the event of a delayed interment or ceremony for reason of religion or other protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code, an Employee may save one of the days identified above without loss of pay to attend the interment or ceremony. (b) When a death occurs in the immediate family of an employee, the employee shall be granted leave up to a maximum of three (3) continuous calendar days without loss of pay around the date of the funeral or equivalent service provided that the employee must be regularly scheduled to work such days to receive pay. (c) Immediate family shall be defined as parent, step-parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in- law, son-in-law, legal guardian, grandmother, grandfather, and grandchildren. (d) An employee shall be granted one (1) day bereavement leave without loss of pay to attend the funeral, or if there is no funeral, an equivalent service for his or her aunt or uncle, niece or nephew. Where there is a funeral but the employee cannot attend by reason of religion or other protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code, the employee shall be granted one (1) day bereavement leave without loss of pay to attend an equivalent service within a week following the funeral. (e) An employee will not be eligible to receive payment for any period in which she is receiving any other payments. For example, holiday pay or sick pay. (f) Where it is necessary, with as much notice as possible, the employee may apply for personal leave of absence in addition to bereavement leave. Permission for such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  • Donor Leave An employee shall be granted the necessary leave of absence with pay for the purpose of donating bone marrow or an organ.

  • Bereavement Leave With Pay For the purpose of this Article, immediate family is defined as father, mother (or alternatively stepfather, stepmother or xxxxxx parent), grandparent, brother, sister, spouse including common-law spouse residing with the employee), child (including child of common-law spouse or adopted child), stepchild or xxxx of the employee, grandchild, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and relative permanently residing in the employee’s household or with whom the employee permanently resides and/or traditional Gitxsan affiliations as determined by the administrator in consultation with tribal elder. A) When a member of his/her immediate family dies, an employee: i) shall be entitled to a bereavement period of five (5) consecutive calendar days which does not extend beyond the day following the day of the funeral. During such period he shall be paid for those days which are not regularly scheduled days of rest for that employee; ii) in addition, the employee may be granted up to three (3) days leave with pay for the purpose of travel related to the death. B) In special circumstances and at the request of the employee, the fourth (4th) day bereavement period may be moved beyond the day following the day of the funeral but must include the day of the funeral. C) It is recognized by the parties that the circumstances which call for leave in respect of bereavement are based on individual circumstances. On request, the Employer may, after considering the particular circumstances involved, grant leave with pay for a period greater than that provided for in Article 14.02(A)(i) and (C) – Bereavement Leave with Pay. D) An employee is entitled to up to fourteen (14) hours bereavement leave per year with pay to attend or participate at a funeral of a person that is not immediate family, subject to operational requirements.

  • Assault Leave 1. A Bargaining Unit Member who is required to be absent due to physical or mental disability resulting from an assault, which occurs in the course of Board employment while on duty on school grounds during school hours or where required to be in attendance at a school-sponsored function, shall receive assault leave. If such leave extends beyond five (5) days, the Bargaining Unit Member may be required to be evaluated by a licensed professional appointed by and paid for by the Board. The Board shall be entitled only to a simple certification of disability as a result of said examination. Upon determination of eligibility by the Board, such leave shall be granted for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty- four (184) school days upon the Bargaining Unit Member's delivering to the Treasurer a signed statement, unless unable to sign, on forms prescribed by the Board of Education and maintained by the Treasurer. 2. Such statements will indicate the nature of the injury, the date of its occurrence, the identity of individual(s) causing the assault, if known, the facts surrounding the assault and the willingness of the Bargaining Unit Member to participate and cooperate with the Board in pursuing legal action against the assailant(s). If medical attention is required, the Bargaining Unit Member shall supply a certificate from a licensed physician stating the nature of the disability and its duration. Need for absence because of assault may also be verified by a Board appointed physician. 3. Full payment for assault leave, less worker's compensation and any other financial remuneration, shall not exceed the Bargaining Unit Member's per diem rate of pay and will not be approved for payment unless and until the form and certificate, as provided above, are supplied to the Treasurer. A Bargaining Unit Member absent from work because of an assault shall not be gainfully employed elsewhere. Falsification of either the signed statement or a physician's certificate is grounds for suspension or termination of employment under Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.16 Where the assaulted Bargaining Unit Member becomes eligible for benefits under the State Bargaining Unit Members Retirement System because of any disability or because of age, or where the Bargaining Unit Member's employment by this district ceases, this leave provision shall no longer apply.

  • Vacations; Leave The Employee shall be entitled to annual paid vacation in accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors for executive employees and to voluntary leave of absence, with or without pay, from time to time at such times and upon such conditions as the Board of Directors may determine in its discretion.

  • Other Leaves of Absence In the event that you are on a bona fide leave of absence, not otherwise described in this definition, from which you have not returned to employment with the Company or an Affiliate, your Separation from Service has occurred on the first day on which your leave of absence period exceeds six months or, if earlier, upon your termination of employment (provided that such termination of employment constitutes a Separation from Service in accordance with the last sentence of the first paragraph of this definition).