OPERATION PLAN. A. Licensee shall submit to Department, for approval, a written Operation Plan (“Operation Plan”) prior to commencement of the Period of Operation for the Initial Term and any subsequent Renewal Term(s). The Operation Plan shall include the following:
(i) Proposed schedule including dates, hours, and locations that Licensee will deliver/pickup customers, boats and related equipment;
(ii) List of types and prices for all boats and related equipment;
(iii) Description of the proposed uniform(s) and name tags to be worn by applicable employees in accordance with Subparagraph 15(B); and
(iv) A written list of all vehicles, including license plate number, to be used as part of the License Operation.
B. Licensee shall not change, modify or deviate from said approved Operation Plan without first obtaining written pre-approval from Department.
OPERATION PLAN a) Prior to or on the effective date of this Agreement, the Seller shall provide the Purchaser with the chart(s) on annual average electric power generation at the power plant’s bus bar on a monthly basis in compliance with the basic design of the power plant and the chart(s) on electric power generation using biomass data of the previous years.
b) The Seller shall provide the Purchaser with annual electricity production plan(s), comprising of: - Monthly operation plan(s) of the year (electricity output and available capacity); - Generator maintenance/repair plan(s) for different months of the year (if any).
c) The Seller must provide information on maintenance/repair and generator mobilization plan(s) for the load dispatch entity (which has control authority) in compliance with legal stipulations on the operation of the national electricity system.
OPERATION PLAN. A. Licensee shall submit to Department, for approval, a written Operation Plan (“Operation Plan”) prior to commencement of the Period of Operation for the Initial Term and any subsequent Renewal Term(s). The Operation Plan shall include the following:
(i) Proposed schedule including dates and hours that Licensee will offer environmental education boat tours;
(ii) List of types and prices for all environmental education boat tours pursuant to Subparagraph 18(B);
(iii) Description of the proposed uniform(s) and name tags to be worn by applicable employees in accordance with Subparagraph 19(B); and
(iv) A description of Licensee’s process for monitoring weather and other conditions in advance of and during scheduled environmental education boat tours.
OPERATION PLAN a) Before or on the date of performance of this Agreement, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with the chart of annual power generation capacity on the busbar of the plant by each month in line with the basic design of the power plant and provide the charts of generation capacity based on the biomass data of the previous years;
OPERATION PLAN. A. Licensee shall submit to Department, for approval, a written Operation Plan (“Operation Plan”) prior to commencement of the Period of Operation for the Initial Term and any subsequent Renewal Term(s). The Operation Plan shall include the following:
(i) Proposed schedule including dates and hours that Licensee will offer Guided Outfitter Experiences;
(ii) List of types and prices for all Guided Outfitter Experiences and related Vessel and equipment;
(iii) Description of the proposed uniform(s) and name tags to be worn by applicable employees in accordance with Subparagraph 16(B); and
B. Licensee shall not change, modify or deviate from said approved Operation Plan without first obtaining written pre-approval from Department.
OPERATION PLAN a) Prior to the effective date of this Agreement, the Seller shall provide the Purchaser with charts on capability for annual average electric power generation of the power plant on a monthly basis and in compliance with the basic design of such power plant;
b) Before August 1 every year, the Seller shall provide the Purchaser the electricity production plan for the next year, including: - Monthly operation plans in the year (electricity output and available capacity); - Monthly maintenance and repairing plans of the power plant in the year (if any).
c) The Seller shall provide the power system dispatching agency (competent dispatch level) with the information about the maintenance and repairing plans and plans for mobilizing groups of electric power generators in compliance with the regulation on the operation of the national electricity system.
OPERATION PLAN a) Prior to the effective date of this Agreement, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with charts on capability for annual average electric power generation of the power plant on a monthly basis and in compliance with the basic design of such power plant;
OPERATION PLAN. The City and Partners shall develop a five-year plan of operation for the facility prior to [Enter Date]. This plan shall include, but not be limited to, future uses, anticipated purchases and management policies. This plan shall then be updated annually upon mutual agreement.
OPERATION PLAN. 19.1. The Authority shall develop a plan which shall contain details including but not limited to number of Contracted Buses, details of the Annual Assured Fleet Availability, Fleet Deployment Plan and any other relevant details required for Operation of Contracted Buses (“Operation Plan”).
19.2. The Fleet Deployment Plan, to be prepared as part of Operation Plan, shall include Routes, Frequency, Stoppage plan, and table of Schedule providing bus headways based on peak and off peak hour requirements (“Fleet Deployment Plan”).
19.3. The Authority may develop the Operation Plan in consultation with the Operator provided however, the suggestions made by the Operator shall not be binding on the Authority.
19.4. The operator needs to operate the Contracted Buses in accordance with this Operation Plan.
19.5. The Authority reserves the right at its own sole discretion to make changes to the Operation Plan from time to time and shall notify the same to the Operator.
OPERATION PLAN. A. Concessionaire shall submit to Department, for approval, a written Operation Plan (“Operation Plan”) prior to commencement of the Period of Operation for the Initial Term and any subsequent Renewal Term(s). The Operation Plan shall include the following:
(i) Schedule for all theatrical performances including dates and hours that the Concession Premises will be open;
(ii) List of types and prices for all theatrical performances, prepackaged food, prepackaged non-alcoholic beverages, and novelty items;
(iii) Description of the proposed uniform(s) and name tags to be worn by applicable employees in accordance with Subparagraph 18(B);
(iv) A written report of Concessionaire’s inspection of all State-owned equipment located on the Concession Premises; and
(v) Confirmation that all utility services necessary for operation of the Concession Premises has been arranged, including confirmation that all deposits have been paid, and connection dates and payment plan(s) have been setup.
B. Concessionaire shall not change, modify or deviate from said approved Operation Plan without first obtaining written pre-approval from Department.