Oral Warnings Sample Clauses
Oral Warnings. An Employee’s Supervisor(s) may issue oral warnings. Oral warnings are issued to express disapproval of conduct or poor work performance and/or attendance, to clarify applicable procedures or guidelines, and to warn Employee that repetition of the conduct or failure to improve work performance and/or attendance, to clarify applicable procedures or guidelines, and to warn an Employee that repetition of the conduct or failure to improve work performance and/or attendance may result in more severe discipline, up to and including discharge. The Supervisor imposing the oral warning will discuss the warning with the Employee and suggest how to correct the offending conduct. Documentation of an oral warning may be placed in an Employee’s personnel file.
Oral Warnings. In cases of oral warnings, the supervisor must inform the bargaining unit member that he/she is receiving an oral warning and of his/her right to Union representation.
Oral Warnings. Oral warnings may be noted in the personnel file. Oral warning notations will be kept in the personnel file for a period of one (1) year. If no additional warnings are issued for the same offense, the oral notification will be removed.
Oral Warnings. Oral warnings will be oral. The University may, however, keep logs of such warnings for six (6) months.
Oral Warnings. When instruction and training have not resulted in the change in behavior or performance that is desired, an Oral Warning is typically the first level in the progressive disciplinary process. An Oral Warning is documentation, confirmed in writing, that behavior or performance is inappropriate, and the employee was notified. A copy of the Oral Warning will be filed in the Supervisor File if one is maintained. This level of discipline may be skipped when the seriousness of the employee's behavior and/or performance warrants a higher level of discipline on a first offense. An employee may provide written comment to the Oral Warning and may request a review meeting with their supervisor or manager. An employee may grieve an Oral Warning by filing a grievance under Article 16, Grievance Procedure.
Oral Warnings. When instruction and training have not resulted in the change in behavior or performance that is desired, an Oral Warning is typically the first level in the progressive disciplinary process. An Oral Warnings is a verbal communication with the employee that: Identifies the conversation as an oral warning; Identifies the gap between the performance standard and actual performance or identifies misconduct. Establishes standard or outlines employee improvement action plan; and Identifies consequences of further performance issues and/or misconduct. An Oral Warning is documentation, confirmed in writing, that behavior or performance is inappropriate, and the employee was notified. A copy of the Oral Warning will be filed in the Supervisor File if one is maintained. This level of discipline may be skipped when the seriousness of the employee's behavior and/or performance warrants a higher level of discipline on a first offense. Oral Warnings are not subject to grievance under Article 19, Grievance Process; however, an employee may provide written comment to the Oral
Oral Warnings. An oral warning shall not be given to the teacher in the presence of students, parents, or colleagues. These warnings shall be given after school hours so that a teacher need not return to his/her classroom in an upset emotional state, with the exception of extreme and unusual circumstances.
Oral Warnings. When instruction and training have not resulted in the change in behavior or performance that is desired, an Oral Warning is typically the first level in the progressive disciplinary process. An Oral Warnings is a verbal communication with the employee that: Identifies the conversation as an oral warning; Identifies the gap between the performance standard and actual performance or identifies misconduct. Establishes standard or outlines employee improvement action plan; and Identifies consequences of further performance issues and/or misconduct. An Oral Warning is documentation, confirmed in writing, that behavior or performance is inappropriate, and the employee was notified. A copy of the Oral Warning will be filed in the Supervisor File if one is maintained. This level of discipline may be skipped when the seriousness of the employee's behavior and/or performance warrants a higher level of discipline on a first offense. Oral Warnings are not subject to grievance under Article _ , Grievance Process; however, an employee may provide written comment to the Oral Warning and may request a review meeting with their supervisor or manager.
Oral Warnings. Oral warnings recorded in an employee’s personnel file, if not followed by any other just cause discipline within a twelve (12) month period, shall not be used after the twelve months to justify any subsequent disciplinary action except for a related offense. Non-meritorious disciplinary actions shall not be relied upon to justify any subsequent disciplinary action.
Oral Warnings. Oral warnings shall be given to unit members for actions or infractions that need remediation. A follow-up post conference summary document may be given.