P.A Sample Clauses

P.A. Day 09.01 The parties agree that the Professional Activity day(s) designated above may be scheduled by the board, in consultation with the Union, either as full days or in half-day segments.
P.A. BSL shall assume responsibility for all existing and future well abandonment as well as any future site restoration and associated facility costs. Fulucai retains an option to relinquish its rights, interests and obligations in Langsa TAC by notifying BSL in writing. In this event Fulucai shall be credited with its share of the oil in the tank and debited with its share of expenses as of the date of notice and Fulucai shall have no further rights, interests and obligations.
P.A. License For as long as the Employee is employed by Employer, the Employer shall pay for : 1. Application fees and annual dues for Employee’s membership in the New Mexico Society of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. 2. Employee’s licensing as a CPA by the New Mexico Public Accountancy Board.
P.A. Day‌ Following the establishment of the number of professional activity days by the Ministry of Education and the scheduling of those days by the Tri-Board Committee, plans for professional activities subject to the Ministry of Education requirements in respect to professional activity days will be determined by the Union-Management Committee. Teachers will follow these professional activity day plans unless a prior approval for an individual school plan is given by the committee. 09.01 The parties agree that the Professional Activity day(s) designated above may be scheduled by the board, in consultation with the Union, either as full days or in half-day segments.
P.A rties affected there y shall enter into immediate negotiations upon the request of either party for the purpose of arriving at a mutually satisfactory replaceme t for such article or section during the period of invalidity or restraint. If the parties do not agree on a mutually satisfactory replacement, they shall submit the dispute to the Grievance Procedure.
P.A. T. Glaziers, Architectural Metal Mechanics and Glassworkers Union, Local 1527, BCLRB No. B498/94 (Leave for Reconsideration of B304/94), Case No. 20141, a decision of the British Columbia Labour Relations Board, and urged the Board to apply the principle outlined in that case where the British Columbia Labour Relations Board canceled a certification order because the employer had proven that it had ceased to be the employer of the employees in the unit and had indicated that it would not operate the same or a similar business in the province in the future.
P.ACheck Point's Customers Data Protection Addendum [ □PA]. which is available at xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx/ [/customersdpa] forms an integral part of these Terms and is incorporated herein by reference.
P.A. I. may retain a repair lien at any time securing the balance pursuant to the Repair and Storage Liens Act, R.S.O. 1990 or equivalent with all the rights of a lien and without limitation, the right to repossess and retain or repossess and sell the subject goods to satisfy the amount owing and its costs incurred in connection therewith. Interest on past due account is two (2%) percent per month.
P.A. Except as set forth on Schedule 5(c), there exists no Well that (i) Seller is currently obligated by applicable law or contract to plug and abandon or (ii) has been plugged and abandoned in a manner that does not comply in all material respects with applicable laws and rules, regulations, permits, judgments, orders and decrees of any court or the applicable federal and state regulatory authorities.