Parent/Teacher Collaboration & Engagement. 6.20.1 Teachers shall collaborate and engage with parents throughout the course of each school year. Parent/teacher collaboration shall be compensated for nine (9) hours salary as reflected in Article 18.
6.20.2 Activities that successfully fulfill parent/teacher collaboration shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Parent/teacher conferences
b. High School classroom presentations
c. Academic Parent Teacher Meetings (e.g. SIG)
d. Parent training
e. Subject matter presentations
6.20.3 Beginning in the 2017-2018 school year, an additional nine (9) hours of Parent Teacher Collaboration and Engagement time will be added to be used for parent teacher conferences. At least fifteen (15) hours will be used for parent/teacher conferences and will be completed within forty-five (45) working days of the Fall assessment results being available. At a minimum, teachers will make all reasonable efforts to conference with parents in the Fall. If any of the fifteen (15) hours remain after meeting all parents in the Fall, the remaining hours may be utilized after the Winter assessment. The other three (3) hours will be used for open house or back to school night. Each elementary school will have a Fall back to school night and a Spring open house. Each high school will spend at least nine (9) hours on parent conferences. High school parent conferences will prioritize parent/teacher meetings for students in danger of failing and will occur within thirty (30) days after first semester and second semester progress reports. Three (3) hours will be used for open house or back to school night. Each high school will have a Fall back to school night and a Spring open house. For the remaining six (6) hours, each high school teacher will choose at least one of the activities listed in Article 6.20.