Payment for Overtime Work Sample Clauses
Payment for Overtime Work. Overtime will be computed on a twenty-four (24) hour day commencing from the starting time of a signed-up shift. There shall be no compounding of premiums. This provision shall also apply to X and XX employees.
Payment for Overtime Work. In any one day, the following overtime rates shall be paid for time worked after completion of an index run or after the stated time worked on random shifts in the case of Spareboard Operators. Time Worked Per Day Rate of Pay (Times regular rate) From 7 hours and 30 minutes to 9 1/2 hours 150% In excess of 9 1/2 hours 200%
1. On all days except Sundays and Statutory Holidays, the rates of pay for overtime worked shall be 150% of the regular rate up to 9 1/2 hours of time worked and 200% of the regular rate for overtime worked after 9 1/2 hours.
Payment for Overtime Work. Where practicable, payment for overtime work properly claimed will be paid by the pay period following that in which it is received by payroll.
Payment for Overtime Work. Except Sundays 71
Payment for Overtime Work. EXCEPT SUNDAYS On any day except Sunday, all hours worked in excess of 6½ hours shall be paid at double time (2x). “M”12.02 shall not apply.
Payment for Overtime Work. Time Worked Per Day Rate of Pay
1. On all days except Sundays and Statutory Holidays, the rates of pay for overtime worked shall be 150% of the regular rate up to 9 1/2 hours of time worked and 200% of the regular rate for overtime worked after 9 1/2 hours.
Payment for Overtime Work. The hourly rate for overtime work is the hourly rate + an overtime supplement specified as a percentage of the hourly rate.
Payment for Overtime Work. In any one day the following overtime rates shall be paid for time worked after completion of an index run or after the stated time worked on random shifts in the case of Spareboard Operators.
Payment for Overtime Work. Overtime will be computed on a twenty-four (24) hour day commencing from the starting time of an employee’s regular signed-up shift. There shall be no compounding of premiums, however, it is understood that the shift premiums shall be paid in addition to overtime rates although the premium shall remain the same (i.e straight pay instead of double time on the premium itself). This provision shall also apply to X employees.
Payment for Overtime Work. EXCEPT SUNDAYS All hours worked in excess of the regular scheduled hours of work shall be paid at double time (2x).