PEACEFUL RELATIONS. Section 1. Continuous and uninterrupted operations by the District and orderly collective bargaining relations between the Employer and the Union to secure prompt and fair disposition of disputes and grievances being essential considerations of this Agreement, it is agreed that the Union and its members, individually and collectively, will not, during the terms of this Agreement call, permit, sanction, take part in, or assist in: (a) any strike, sympathetic or otherwise, including work stoppages, or slow downs; (b) honoring of any picket line or strike by any other Union, organization or individual against the District, unless the reason for honoring the picket line is serious and imminent physical danger, in which event the employee shall have the burden of proving the actual existence of such danger.
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PEACEFUL RELATIONS. It is the intent of the parties, in the interests of attaining peaceful, orderly relations and efficient, uninterrupted operations, to set forth in this Agreement the obligations of the Employer to the Union and the employees it represents, and to provide the exclusive procedures through which the Union and the employees shall resort to secure redress for any grievances arising from this Agreement.


  • Contractual Relations Nothing contained in this Contract shall create any contractual relations between County and a subcontractor.

  • Contractual Relationship It is understood and agreed that the relationship described in this Agreement between the Parties is contractual in nature and is not to be construed to create a partnership or joint venture or agency relationship between the parties. Neither party shall have the right to act on behalf of the other except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. Contractor will be solely responsible for and will pay all taxes related to the receipt of payments hereunder and shall give reasonable proof and supporting documents, if reasonably requested, to verify the payment of such taxes. No Contractor personnel shall obtain the status of or otherwise be considered an employee of NCTCOG or Participating Entity by virtue of their activities under this Agreement.

  • SUBCONTRACTUAL RELATIONS 5.3.1 By written agreement, the Contractor shall require each Subcontractor, to the extent of the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor, to be bound to the Contractor by the terms of the Contract Documents, and to assume toward the Contractor all the obligations and responsibilities which the Contractor, by these Documents, assumes toward the State and the Architect. Said agreement shall preserve and protect the rights of the State and the Architect under the Contract Documents with respect to the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor so that the subcontracting thereof will not prejudice such rights, and shall allow to the Subcontractor, unless specifically provided otherwise in the Contractor Subcontractor agreement, the benefit of all rights, remedies and redress against the Contractor that the Contractor, by these Documents, has against the State. The Contractor shall require each Subcontractor to enter into similar agreements with his Sub-subcontractors. The Contractor shall make available to each proposed Subcontractor, prior to the execution of the Subcontract, copies of the Contract Documents to which the Subcontractor will be bound by this Paragraph 5.3, and identify to the Subcontractor any terms and conditions of the proposed Subcontract which may be at variance with the Contract Documents. Each Subcontractor shall similarly make copies of such Documents available to his / her Sub-subcontractors.

  • WAGE VIOLATIONS Contractor represents and warrants that, during the term of this Master Contract and the three (3) year period immediately preceding the award of the Master Contract, it is not determined, by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction, to be in willful violation of any provision of Washington state wage laws set forth in RCW chapters 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52.

  • Site to be free from Encumbrances Subject to the provisions of Clause 8.2, the Site shall be made available by the Authority to the Contractor pursuant hereto free from all Encumbrances and occupations and without the Contractor being required to make any payment to the Authority because of any costs, compensation, expenses and charges for the acquisition and use of such Site for the duration of the Project Completion Schedule. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that the existing rights of way, easements, privileges, liberties and appurtenances to the Site shall not be deemed to be Encumbrances. It is further agreed that, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Contractor accepts and undertakes to bear any and all risks arising out of the inadequacy or physical condition of the Site.

  • Industrial Relations 4.1 The Unions agree that, provided the provisions of this Agreement are implemented, no stoppage of work shall occur.

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