PERFORMING PARTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TCEQ, GENERAL. 14.1 All Grant Activities for which reimbursement is requested must be completed as set forth in the Scope of Work.
14.2 The Grant Equipment is listed in the Scope of Work. For on-road vehicle replacement or repower projects only, the PERFORMING PARTY may substitute a replacement vehicle and/or engine for the unit listed in the Scope of Work; provided that the substitute unit meets all eligibility and other requirements, is of the same weight category, has the same or better certified NOX emissions rate, and will result in the same or better NOX emissions reductions as the unit listed. For other project types and categories, the PERFORMING PARTY may not substitute different Grant Equipment for the units listed in the Approved Application without approval from the TCEQ. This provision includes conformance with the NOX emissions of the engines as listed in the Application. The PERFORMING PARTY understands that, in some cases, engines of the same make, model, and model year may be certified to different NOX emissions standards, and that the TCEQ's approval of the application does not constitute final verification that an engine meets the required certified NOX emissions rate.
14.3 The PERFORMING PARTY agrees to continuously own, lease, or otherwise commercially finance the Grant Equipment; continuously maintain registration of the Grant Equipment in Texas, and operate the Grant Equipment in Texas for the specified Activity Life, regardless of the financing arrangements used for the purchase of the Grant Equipment, and subject to the more specific provisions contained in the General Conditions, Article 15, of this Agreement.
PERFORMING PARTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TCEQ, GENERAL. 14.1 All Grant Activities for which reimbursement is requested must be completed as set forth in the Scope of Work.
14.2 The Grant Equipment is listed in the Scope of Work. For on-road vehicle replacement projects, the PERFORMING PARTY may substitute a different replacement vehicle for the unit listed in the Scope of Work, provided that the substitute unit meets all eligibility and other requirements, is of the same weight category, has the same or better certified NOx emissions rate, and will result in the same or better NOx emissions reductions as the unit listed. This provision includes conformance with the NOx emissions of the engines as listed in the Approved Application. The PERFORMING PARTY understands that , in some cases, engines of the same make, model, and model year may be certified to different NOx emissions standards, and that the TCEQ's approval of the application does not constitute final verification that an engine meets the required certified NOx emissions rate.
14.3 The PERFORMING PARTY agrees to continuously own, register, and operate in Texas the Grant Equipment acquired under this Agreement for the specified Activity Life, regardless of the financing arrangements used for the purchase of the Grant Equipment, and subject to the more specific provisions contained in the General Conditions, Article 15, of this Agreement.
PERFORMING PARTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TCEQ, GENERAL. 14.1 All Grant Activities for which reimbursement is requested must be completed as set forth in the Scope of Work.
14.2 The Grant Equipment is listed in the Scope of Work. The PERFORMING PARTY may substitute a newer model year replacement vehicle and/or engine for the unit listed in the Scope of Work; provided that the substitute unit meets all eligibility and other requirements, is of the same weight category, has the same or better certified NOX emissions rate, and will result in the same or better NOX emissions reductions as the unit listed. This provision includes conformance with the NOX emissions of the engines as listed in the Application. The PERFORMING PARTY understands that, in some cases, engines of the same make, model, and model year may be certified to different NOX emissions standards, and that the TCEQ's approval of the application does not constitute final verification that an engine meets the required certified NOX emissions rate.
14.3 The PERFORMING PARTY agrees to continuously own, lease, or otherwise commercially finance the Grant Equipment; continuously maintain registration of the Grant Equipment in Texas, and operate the Grant Equipment in Texas for the specified Activity Life, regardless of the financing arrangements used for the purchase of the Grant Equipment, and subject to the more specific provisions contained in the General Conditions, Article 15, of this Agreement.
PERFORMING PARTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TCEQ, GENERAL. 10.1 All Grant Activities for which reimbursement is requested must be completed as set forth in the Scope of Work.
10.2 The PERFORMING PARTY hereby ratifies and attests to all representations and certifications in the Application and agrees to give prompt written notice to the TCEQ if there is any material change in these representations or certifications.
10.3 The PERFORMING PARTY is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and the coordination of all Grant Activities under this Contract.
PERFORMING PARTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TCEQ, GENERAL. 10.1 The PERFORMING PARTY agrees to conduct all Grant Activities in full compliance with the Contract. The PERFORMING PARTY undertakes the Grant Activities for its own benefit and not as an agent for TCEQ.
10.2 The PERFORMING PARTY hereby ratifies and attests to all representations and certifications in the Application and agrees to give prompt written notice to the TCEQ if there is any material change in these representations or certifications.
10.3 The PERFORMING PARTY is solely responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and the coordination of Grant Activities under this Contract.
PERFORMING PARTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TCEQ, GENERAL. 11.1 All Grant Activities for which reimbursement is requested must be completed as described in the Scope of Work and Approved Grant Budget.
11.2 The PERFORMING PARTY hereby ratifies and attests to all representations and certifications in the Application and agrees to give prompt written notice to the TCEQ if there is any material change in these representations or certifications.
11.3 The PERFORMING PARTY must maintain sufficient property insurance for the repair or replacement of any Grant Equipment for the Reporting Period as required by the Contract, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the TCEQ. Failure to do so shall constitute a material breach of this Contract.
11.4 Any insurance proceeds received by or on behalf of the PERFORMING PARTY under an insurance policy due to the damage or destruction of Grant Equipment must be utilized to acquire equivalent or better Grant Equipment or be paid to the TCEQ. Failure to do so shall constitute a material breach of this Contract.
PERFORMING PARTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TCEQ, GENERAL. 14.1 All Granl Activities for which reimbursement is requested must be completed as sel forth in the Scope of Work.
14.2 The Grant Equipment is listed in the Scope of Work. For on-road vehicle and non-road equipment replacement projects only, the PERFORMING PARTY may substitute a replacement vehicle and/or engine for the unit lisled in the Scope of Work; provided that the substitute unit meets all eligibility and olher requirements, is certified to the same or better NOx emission standard or family emission limit (FEL), and will result in the same or better NOx emissions rcduclions as the unit lisled. For other project types and categories, the PERFORMING PARTY may nol substitute different Grant Equipment for the units lisled in the Approved Applicalion withoul approval from the TCEQ. This provision includes conformance with the NOx emissions of the engines as Usted in Ihe AppUcation.. The PERFORMING PARTY understands that, in some cases, engines of the same make, model, and model year may be certified t o differeni NOx emissions standards and that the TCEQ's approval of the appUcation does not conslilute final veriiication thai an engine meets the required certified NOx emissions rate.
14.3 The PERFORMING PARTY agrees to continuously own or otherwise commercially finance the Grant Equipmenl; conlinuously maintain registration of the Grant Equipment in T exas, where registration is appUcable, and operate the Grant Equipment in Texas for the specified Aclivity Life, regardless of the financing arrangements used for the purchase of the Grant Equipment and subject to the more specific provisions contained in the General Conditions, Article 15, of this Agreement.
PERFORMING PARTY’S RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE TCEQ, GENERAL. 14.1. All Granl Activities for which reimbursement is requested must be completed as set forth in Ihe Scope of Work.