PMT Meeting Sample Clauses
PMT Meeting. 4: LCOG shall arrange and conduct PMT Meeting #4 via teleconference to review Development Code Amendments Draft #1.
PMT Meeting. 3: Consultant shall arrange and conduct PMT Meeting #3 via teleconference to review the Draft Action Plan and discuss PMT comments on the preliminary Draft Action Plan. Consultant shall prepare PMT Meeting #3 summary notes.
PMT Meeting. 2: Consultant shall arrange and conduct PMT Meeting #2 via teleconference to review the Draft Evaluation Memorandum and discuss PMT comments on the Draft Evaluation Memorandum. Consultant shall prepare PMT Meeting #2 summary notes.
PMT Meeting. 2: LCOG shall arrange and conduct PMT Meeting #2 via teleconference to review Draft Development Code Amendments Matrix and discuss the upcoming Code Committee Work Session #1.
PMT Meeting. 1: Consultant shall organize and facilitate PMT Meeting #1, up to 3-hour meeting to be held at City offices. Consultant shall prepare the agenda and distribute it, draft Memo #2 and draft interview questions one week in advance of the PMT Meeting #
1. Consultant shall lead a discussion on the following topics unless otherwise noted:
a. Memo #1, Memo #2, Base Maps and Stakeholder Interviews draft questions;
b. Project coordination with Boones Ferry Improvement Project (led by City Project Manager);
c. Project parking inventory and utilization methodology for Memo #3.
d. Identify sites of interest to include in the Task 3 Project Area Tour, determine appropriate coordination with Boones Ferry Improvement Project, and discuss the content of materials for the TAC and SAC Meetings in Task 3.
e. Schedule of activities including target dates for PMT, meetings, SAC and TAC meetings, Stakeholder Interviews, Open Houses, staff Planning Commission and City Council Project briefings and Planning Commission and City Council work sessions.
f. Additional information needed by Consultant to be provided by the City. Consultant shall prepare meeting summary and send electronically to PMT within one week of PMT Meeting #1.
PMT Meeting. 1: Consultant shall arrange and conduct PMT Meeting #1 in Bay City, or by telephone as determined by APM, to discuss the Community Site Visit and Walking Tour, review the objective and schedule of the Project, provide feedback on the PIP, confirm City's expectations, and discuss issues, including those arising from Key Documents. If held in Bay City, PMT Meeting #1 must occur on the same day as the Community Site Visit and Walking Tour. City Project Manager shall invite State Contacts and relevant City staff to attend the meeting.
PMT Meeting. 2: Consultant shall arrange and conduct PMT Meeting #2 via remote conference to review preliminary Draft Evaluation Memorandum and preliminary Parking Policy and Data Memorandum and discuss the upcoming Code Committee Work Session #1 and Community Meeting #1. Consultant shall prepare meeting summary notes.
PMT Meeting. 3: LCOG shall arrange and conduct PMT Meeting #3 via teleconference to discuss the results of Task 2 public involvement, and confirm any changes needed to the proposed Development Code amendments between Final Code Amendments Matrix and Development Code Amendments Draft #1. City Deliverables
PMT Meeting. 2: Consultant shall organize and facilitate PMT Meeting #2, an up to one hour phone- meeting to prepare for TAC Meeting #1 and SAC Meeting #1. Consultant shall prepare TAC Meeting #1 and SAC Meeting #1 draft meeting agendas with estimated time per topic and send electronically to PMT prior to meeting.
PMT Meeting. 1: LCOG shall arrange and conduct PMT Meeting #1 in Xxxxxx to discuss the Community Site Visit and Walking Tour, review the objective and schedule of the Project, provide feedback on the PIP, confirm City's expectations, and discuss specific Development Code issues, including those listed in Project Objective and arising from Key Documents. PMT Meeting #1 must occur on the same day as the Community Site Visit and Walking Tour. City Project Manager shall invite other relevant City staff to attend the meeting. APM may approve PMT Meeting #1 to be held as a remote meeting, which may occur on a different day from the Community Site Visit.