TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULE. Unless the WOC is terminated or suspended, Consultant shall complete all tasks and provide all deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) included in this WOC and in accordance with the performance requirements and delivery schedules included in this WOC. For purposes of standardization, the task numbering in this SOW may be non-sequential. The delivery schedule is consolidated in a table at the end of Section E.
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULE. Assigned WOCs will include a detailed Statement of Work and delivery schedule that may include, but is not limited to, any or all of the following types of tasks and deliverables that may be required for a given project assignment:
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULE. Assigned WOCs will include a detailed SOW and delivery schedule that may include, but is not limited to, any or all of the following types of tasks and Deliverables that may be required for a given project assignment: TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Coordination Progress Meetings Progress Reports and Invoices Task 1 Consultant Deliverables: Project Management Plan Meeting agendas Meeting minutes Meeting summary notes Progress reports TASK 2 ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Review existing Agency communications program including, but not limited to, press releases, newsletters, media campaigns, print and digital content Identify areas of strength and areas of opportunity in existing Agency external communications program Identify areas of strength and areas of opportunity in existing Agency internal communications program Recommend improvements to existing Agency communications programs Assess training needs to develop and create a strategic communications program including, but not limited to, evaluation of internal staff capacity, training, expertise and tools Task 2 Consultant Deliverables: Report of assessment results and recommendations TASK 3 STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING Provide staff development and training to build a strategic communications program that includes, but is not limited to: Identification of and ability to leverage strategic communications opportunities Development and execution of proactive communications campaigns for current, and future, Agency projects and programs Ability to develop, deliver, and ensure consistent and coordinated messaging both internally and externally Ability to xxxxxx public support for high profile priorities and initiatives Successful interaction with media, external stakeholders, and Agency partners Ability to translate high-level Agency priorities into tangible, understandable, and relatable results through regular communications channels Identification of specific areas and categories of needed staff development Development of training materials and program Delivery and execution of training program, possibly in coordination with Agency staff Staff development and training will include: Assist Agency in identifying and recruiting trainers from current ODOT staff Design and conduct training for the internal trainers Evaluate readiness of each trainer to perform training Observe, evaluate and provide feedback to trainer and Agency for coaching purposes Develop and submit to APM an overall process for evaluat...
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULETask 1. Project Management and Public Involvement Objectives
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULE. Unless the WOC is terminated or suspended, Consultant shall complete all tasks and provide all deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) included in this WOC and in accordance with the performance requirements and delivery schedules included in this WOC. For purposes of standardization, the task numbering in this SOW may be non-sequential. All Project meetings including but not limited to PMT meetings, Technical Advisory Committee (“TAC”) meetings, Planning Advisory Commission (“PAC”) meetings, Planning Commission (“PC”) meetings, City Council (“CC”) meetings and other Project meetings are to occur as virtual meetings, requiring no travel time or travel expenses for Consultants or participants. The delivery schedule is listed under each task.
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULEConsultant shall complete all tasks and provide all deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) included in this SOW and in accordance with the performance and delivery schedules listed below.
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULE. Unless the WOC is terminated or suspended, Consultant shall complete all tasks and provide all deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) included in this WOC and in accordance with the performance requirements and delivery schedules included in this WOC. For purposes of standardization, the task numbering in this SOW may be non-sequential. [Recommended standardized task numbering is available here.] The delivery schedule is listed under each task. [OR] The delivery schedule is consolidated in a table at the end of Section E. [The delivery schedule for each deliverable may either be listed under each task or consolidated along with a summary list of Tasks/Deliverables in table at the end of the task section (shouldn’t be in both places due to potential inconsistencies). Generally, it is helpful for contract administration purposes to have one consolidated delivery schedule that can be used as a checklist, especially if the SOW is more than 5 or 10 pages long. Invoice Preparation - may be listed as a task and/or deliverable (and may include costs in BOC) only if ODOT has on a file a signed Certification of Invoicing and ODC Billing Practices from the Consultant that indicates invoice preparation is charged to each project and is not included in the firm’s overhead. Firm’s approved for invoice prep charges are identified in the Billing Rate Share Drive maintained by OPO. The invoice limitation does not apply to project status reports, which are a required deliverable to be submitted with monthly invoices.]
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULE. Assigned WOCs will include a detailed statement of work (“SOW”) and delivery schedule that may include, but is not limited to, any or all of the following types of tasks and deliverables that may be required for a given project assignment. Tasks and deliverables that may be assigned via WOCs under this PA may include but are not limited to those listed in the sections below. The tasks and deliverables identified in this exhibit are examples and are not exhaustive. Individual WOC assignments may include any task, reasonably within the scope of work included in this PA or the associated solicitation, as determined necessary to complete an assigned project.
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULE. Unless the WOC is terminated or suspended, Consultant shall complete all tasks and provide all deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) included in this WOC and in accordance with the performance requirements and delivery schedules included in this WOC. For purposes of standardization, the task numbering in this SOW may be non-sequential. Consultant understands that the City has significant tasks related to, and involvement with, the Project. As such Agency has entered into a separate Intergovernmental Agreement with the City to provide services to the Project as described in this SOW that are not the responsibility of the Consultant. The information regarding the City deliverables and responsibilities is for informational purposes only. The delivery schedule is consolidated in a table at the end of Section E (Deliverable Table).
TASKS, DELIVERABLES and SCHEDULE. Unless the WOC is terminated or suspended, Contractor shall complete all tasks and provide all deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) included in this WOC and in accordance with the performance requirements and delivery schedules included in this WOC. The delivery schedule is listed under each task. [The delivery schedule for each deliverable may either be listed under each task or consolidated along with a summary list of Tasks/Deliverables in table at the end of the task section (shouldn’t be in both places due to potential inconsistencies). Generally, it is helpful for contract administration purposes to have one consolidated delivery schedule that can be used as a checklist, especially if the SOW is more than 5 or 10 pages long. 1.1 Deliverables: