Interview Questions. Certain interview questions can give rise to allegations of age, race, gender, and other forms of employment discrimination. This document provides a sample of permissible interview questions.
Interview Questions. All interview questions will be relevant to the qualifications, skills and abilities needed to perform the duties of the position. The Region shall ensure that uniform interview questions are asked of all applicants for the position. Upon request, the Region will supply the applicant with a summary of their own screening or interview results.
Interview Questions. Any structured interview for vacant positions will include the administrator and one (1) classified employee who will use a structured interview format when conducting interviews. The question and answers will be job-related, and ratings will be based on criteria identified. Each candidate who is not selected will be advised of the basis for non-selection.
Interview Questions. Section A
Interview Questions. Certain interview questions can give rise to allegations of age, race, gender, and other forms of employment discrimination. This document provides a sample of permissible interview questions. This template agreement is intended to be used during the pre-employment process (for example, during the interview process or pre-offer) if the applicant will be exposed to confidential information. This document provides an overview of District of Columbia and federal law regarding permissible uses of unpaid interns.
Interview Questions the other hand, should be designed to do two things: solicit the specific kinds of information you are seeking and leave room for volunteering other information or observations. The emphasis on volunteering other information is greater in an interview than in a survey. Your interview respondents should be selected for the depth of their knowledge and, because of that, their ability to expand on the basic questions. Build in open-ended, leading questions. For example: In your opinion, why did a certain project or program succeed or fail? Where and how do you find volunteers? What is the nature of your private/public sector support? Has your level of public funding changed significantly over the past five years, and to what would you attribute this? Again, be sure to collect the essential, baseline data you need to complete your inventory. In this regard, interviewees are on the same footing as survey respondents. You need to know their function, their specific sector, and how they use or provide resources. Don’t make assumptions; groups may have connections or functions of which you are not aware. Possible Survey & Interview Questions Interview Questions for Core Respondents “the major mapping tool is the ‘cultural assessment’ or audit, which involves investigations into census data bases; community profiling through surveys, interviews, and focus groups; ethnic profiling; profiling of tourism and leisure activities; and profiling of arts-related organizations and business.” – xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Full House theory Stage III: Step 9 – Contacting the Community The next step is to approach members of the community in order to collect the data. You should do a little spadework before giving your interviewers the go-ahead. It is always a good idea to let the public know about the study, usually through a media release and public communications. If local media pick it up as a story, so much the better. This advance notification tends to stimulate a buzz. It can give potential respondents a chance to think ahead about their contribution and issues that are important to them. It can also save your researchers time otherwise spent explaining the nature of the exercise and its objectives. Another avenue is to build an announcement into the agendas of organizations and associations. Ask the chair or convener of a meeting to mention the mapping project and lead a discussion of possible responses before your interviewers show up. Local or sector organizations can assist...
Interview Questions. The Committee shall formulate interview questions (including an appropriate follow-up question procedure) to ensure a thorough assessment of the candidate’s qualifications. Human Resources shall make available a composite list of questions used by other committees. A committee could wait until after paper-screening to either write or review interview questions.
Interview Questions. Teachers have their own National Occupational Standards which should be used in place of CEC competencies. A bank of suggested questions is provided below. Candidates should be given the questions they will be asked to consider at least 15 minutes prior to interview. Each candidate must be given the same questions, which must be chosen on the basis of the identified competencies for the post.
Interview Questions. 7.1.1 The Director of the department of quality care and education and the three policy advisors
(1) In het kwaliteitsplan (KP) wordt aangegeven dat xx xxxx aandacht xxx xxxxxx gegeven aan de kwaliteit van het onderwijs en minder aan intensiv- eren, verkorten en rendementen. In het gesprek over het onderwijs zou de kwaliteit meer aandacht moeten krijgen ‘in xx xxxxx breedte’. • In het KP wordt aangegeven dat het concept Entree 2.0 wordt ingevo- erd, waarmee bedrijven xxxxxx betrokken om leerlingen naar betaald werk • In het KP wordt er gesproken over ROC-standaarden die breed xxxxx- gen xxxxxx o In xxxxx mate denkt u dat xx xxxx ROC xxxxx standaarden gekomen zijn na de introductie van het kp? • In het KP wordt er gesproken over ICT in het onderwijs om zo de kwaliteit, de flexibiliteit en de aantrekkelijkheid van het onderwijs te ver- xxxxx o In xxxxx mate denkt u dat xx xxxx ICT in het onderwijs is ingevoerd na de introductie van het kp? • Hier wordt er in het kp gesproken over een ‘sectorbreed keurmerk’. • Er wordt ook genoemd dat het werkveld meer betrokken moet xxxxxx en dat er een meer intensieve samenwerking met externe partners zal zijn ten behoeve van de ontwikkeling van examenproducten. • In het xx xxxxx dat xx xxxx aandacht xxx xxxxxx geschonken aan het stimuleren van excellentie. Hierbij wordt genoemd dat de ambitie is om het werkveld, de studenten en de docenten te betrekken hierbij. • In het kp wordt genoemd dat activiteiten bij zullen dragen aan het succes van de student.
Interview Questions. Interview Protocol Questions
1. Which grades are you studying in?
2. How do you feel about your studies?
3. Which subjects do you like the most and why?
4. Which subjects do you dislike and why?
5. What subject did you choose?
6. Why did you choose this particular subject?
7. What factors motivated you to choose WH?
8. Who did you consult for making your decision about the elective subject?
9. Does socio economic factor influencing your decision?
10. Do you enjoy WH lesson and why?
11. What is your aim and future plans of studying WH?
12. Why you did not choose another subject? Teachers of WH subject
1. How long have you been teaching in this school and in other schools, if any?
2. What subject do you teach?
3. What is your background?
4. How many students (roughly) usually take WH as their elective subject every year?
5. What does motivate students to choose WH subject?
6. Do students discuss their choice with you?
7. Does the school have a good conditions for developing the WH subject
8. How do you motivate students to choose WH?
9. How do you promote the subject / WH?
10. What can be done to motivate more students study world history? Teachers
1. How long have you been teaching in this school and in other schools, if any?
2. What subjects do you teach?
3. How many students do you usually get in the elective subjects you teach?
4. What does motivate students to choose these subjects?
5. Do students discuss their choice with you?
6. How do you see World History as an elective subject?
7. In your opinion, why should students study WH?
8. How do teachers, leadership and other stakeholders see WH as a subject and what can they do to promote the subject?
9. How do you motivate students to choose WH? Administration (DP-coordinators)
1. How long have you been working at this school and in which positions?
2. What subject do you teach?
3. How do you see the importance of WH subject?
4. Do you think students are aware of WH subject opportunities?
5. How does the administration of the school support WH subject?
6. What can be done to further promote WH subject at the school? Parents
1. What is you background?
2. How do you support your children in their decision making about their subjects?
3. What do you consider in advising your children to select a particular subject / field of study? And why?
4. How do you see the importance of WH subject?
5. Does social-economic factor influence your children choice?
6. Do you think the school supports WH subject and how?
7. ...