POJIŠTĚNÍ A ODŠKODNĚNÍ. 17.1. AstraZenecaCZ se zavazuje, že odškodní a zajistí, aby se AstraZenecaAB zavázala, že odškodní, Provozovatele, a nedopustí, aby byl poškozen ve věci jakýchkoli nároků a řízení vedených a zahájených Subjekty Klinického hodnocení nebo jejich jménem proti Provozovateli pro újmu při ublížení na zdraví nebo usmrcení způsobené Subjektu Klinického hodnocení, a to v rozsahu vyplývajícím z nebo vztahujícím se k (i) použití Hodnoceného léčivého přípravku v souladu s touto Smlouvou, Protokolem a jinými písemnými pokyny společnosti AstraZenecaCZ nebo AstraZenecaAB, nebo (ii) provedení vyšetření nebo procedury vyžadované podle Protokolu, jíž by Subjekt Klinického hodnocení nebyl vystaven, kdyby se neúčastnil Klinického hodnocení, ovšem vždy za předpokladu, že v každém případě:
AutoNDA by SimpleDocs
POJIŠTĚNÍ A ODŠKODNĚNÍ. Sponsor hereby represents and warrants that it will provide clinical trial insurance in accordance with § 58, par. 2 Act on Pharmaceuticals as may be subsequently amended. Instituton shall maintain, at their sole expense, commencing with the effective date of this Agreement and continuing throughout the term of the Agreement and any renewals thereof, sufficient insurance coverage to satisfy their contractual, professional and medical liabilities, including indemnity obligations, and as required by applicable law. Institution shall, at IQVIA request, have its insurance carrier for such insurance furnish to IQVIA a certificate that such insurance is in force, such certificate to indicate any deductible and/or self-insured retention and stipulate that such insurance will not be canceled or reduced while this Agreement is in effect without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to IQVIA Zadavatel prohlašuje a potvrzuje, že v souladu s ust. § 58 odst. 2, zákona č. 378/2007 Sb., o léčivech, v platném znění, zajistí pojištění klinického hodnocení. Zdravotnické zařízení je povinno zachovávat na své vlastní náklady, počínaje datem účinnosti této Smlouvy a po celou dobu jejího trvání a jejího případného obnovení, dostatečné pojistné krytí, aby splnilo své smluvní, profesní a zdravotní závazky, včetně závazků k náhradě škody, a jak to vyžadují platné právní předpisy. Zdravotnické zařízení je povinno na žádost společnosti IQVIA požádat svého pojistitele o předložení potvrzení, že toto pojištění je v platnosti, přičemž v tomto potvrzení musí být uvedena případná spoluúčast a/nebo samopojištění a musí být stanoveno, že toto pojištění nebude zrušeno nebo sníženo po dobu platnosti této Smlouvy bez písemného oznámení společnosti IQVIA nejméně třicet (30) dnů předem. Sponsor shall reimburse Institution for the direct and necessary medical expenses incurred by Institution for the treatment of any adverse event experienced by, illness of or bodily injury to a Study Subject that is caused by treatment of the Study Subject in accordance with the Protocol. The Sponsor’s liability to reimburse the Institution under this provision shall not be limited to the amount payable under any insurance required to be carried by Sponsor but shall extend to the full amount of the Institution’s actual damages in the amount of subject’s claim or of subject's legal representative's claim successfully claimed under Czech legal order. Zadavatel uhradí Zdravotnickému zařízení přímé a nezbyt...
POJIŠTĚNÍ A ODŠKODNĚNÍ. 17.1. AstraZenecaCZ se zavazuje, že v případě, že Provozovatel či Hlavní zkoušející budou na základě pravomocného rozhodnutí povinni nahradit Subjektu klinického hodnocení, popř. dalším oprávněným osobám: - škodu, která vznikla v důsledku provádění Klinického hodnocení, - nemajetkovou újmu způsobenou v důsledku provádění Klinického hodnocení, nahradí, nebo zajistí, že AstraZenecaAB nahradí, Provozovateli a/nebo Hlavnímu zkoušejícímu částky, které tito budou povinni z výše uvedených titulů uhradit Subjektu klinického hodnocení či oprávněným osobám. 17.2. AstraZenecaCZ však není povinna Provozovateli či Hlavnímu zkoušejícímu poskytnout plnění podle Článku 17.1 (nebo zajistit jejich poskytnutí ze strany AstraZenecaAB) v rozsahu, v jakém škoda anebo nemajetková újma uvedená v Článku 17.1 (resp. nároky z nich) vznikly v důsledku: • porušení této Smlouvy či právních předpisů, Příslušných zákonů a Požadavků ze strany Provozovatele či Hlavního zkoušejícího (pro zamezení pochybnostem, za takové porušení se považuje i non lege artis neučinění či chybné učinění přiměřených lékařských závěrů, včetně závěru o vhodnosti jednotlivých Subjektů klinického hodnocení pro účast v Klinickém hodnocení); • nedodržení pokynů AstraZenecaCZ nebo AstraZenecaAB anebo nesplnění požadavků Protokolu (a veškerých dodatků) ze strany Provozovatele, Hlavního zkoušejícího nebo některého člena Studijního týmu;
POJIŠTĚNÍ A ODŠKODNĚNÍ. (a) Odpovědnost a ručení za jakýkoliv nárok ohledně osobního zranění anebo jakýkoliv jiný nárok na odškodnění učiněný jakýmkoliv pacientem nebo jakoukoliv jinou třetí stranou související se Studií či jinými nároky, bude vyřešen v souladu s legislativou a precedenty země, ve které se Řešitelské centrum nachází, dle potřeby pro nároky učiněné účastníkem klinické studie na produkty, na které ještě nebyla obdržena registrace. Samostatné prohlášení o odškodnění je poskytnuto Zadavatelem níže a také přiloženo jako Příloha D. (b) Zadavatel prohlašuje, že v souladu s čl. 52 odst. 3 písm. f) Zákona 378/2007 o léčivech a o změnách některých souvisejících zákonů, ve znění dodatků, uzavřel pojistnou smlouvu ve prospěch Xxxxxxxxxx a Zkoušejícího, pokrývající ručení za škodu, která může být způsobena výkonem Studie a správným použitím Hodnoceného léku. Zadavatel potvrzuje, že toto pojištění pokrývá také odškodnitelnou smrt subjektu Studie a odškodnění subjektu Studie v případě škody na zdraví, která mohla nastat jako důsledek výkonu Studie. Smluvní strany tímto souhlasí, za předpokladu, že jsou povinné požadavky dodrženy, že Zadavatel může upravit nebo změnit relevantní pojištění v průběhu Studie.
POJIŠTĚNÍ A ODŠKODNĚNÍ. 17.1. AstraZenecaCZ se zavazuje, že odškodní a zajistí, aby se AstraZenecaAB zavázala, že odškodní, Provozovatele a Hlavního zkoušejícího a nedopustí, aby byli poškozeni ve věci jakýchkoli nároků a řízení vedených a zahájených Subjekty Klinického hodnocení nebo jejich jménem proti Provozovateli nebo Hlavnímu zkoušejícímu pro újmu při ublížení na zdraví nebo usmrcení způsobené Subjektu Klinického hodnocení, a to v rozsahu vyplývajícím z nebo vztahujícím se k (i) použití Hodnoceného léčivého přípravku v souladu s touto Smlouvou, Protokolem a jinými písemnými pokyny společnosti AstraZenecaCZ nebo AstraZenecaAB, nebo


  • Carry Forward to a Subsequent Year If you do not withdraw the excess contribution, you may carry forward the contribution for a subsequent tax year. To do so, you under-contribute for that tax year and carry the excess contribution amount forward to that year on your tax return. The six percent excess contribution penalty tax will be imposed on the excess amount for each year that it remains as an excess contribution at the end of the year. You must file IRS Form 5329 along with your income tax return to report and remit any additional taxes to the IRS.

  • STRS PICK-UP The Board agrees, as a condition of employment, to tax shelter employee contributions to the State Teacher's Retirement System (STRS) in accordance with State Retirement System and Federal Internal Revenue Service guidelines and restrictions. This section in no way implies that the Board will contribute any portion of the employee's share of retirement contributions. For purposes of this paragraph, total annual salary and salary per pay period of each bargaining unit member shall be the salary otherwise payable under this Agreement, as amended. The total annual salary and salary per pay period of each member shall be payable by the Board in two parts: (1) deferred salary and (2) cash salary. A member's deferred salary shall be equal to that percentage of said member's total annual salary or salary per pay period which is required from time to time by the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) to be paid as an employee contribution by said member as a pickup of the STRS employee contribution otherwise payable by said member. A member's cash salary shall be equal to said member's total annual salary or salary per period less the amount of the pickup for said member and shall be payable, subject to applicable payroll deductions, to said member. The Board's total combined expenditures for members' total annual salaries otherwise payable under this Agreement, as amended, (including pickup amounts) and its employer contributions to STRS shall not be greater than the amounts it would have paid for those items had this provision not been in effect. The Board shall compute and remit its employer contributions to STRS based upon total annual salary, including the "pickup". The Board shall report for Federal and Ohio income tax purposes as a member's gross income said member's total annual salary less the amount of the "pickup". The Board shall report for municipal income tax purposes as a member's gross income said member's total annual salary, including the amount of the pickup. The pickup shall be included in the member's total annual salary for the purpose of computing daily rate of pay, for determining paid salary adjustments to be made due to absence, or for any other similar purpose. The pickup shall apply to all payroll payments made after the effective date of this provision. Should the Board's payment of deferred salary cause an individual bargaining unit member's annuity contributions to exceed the IRS permissible level, any such individual shall have the right to adjust annuity deductions within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this provision.

  • Working Xxxxxxx An employee who is in charge of a crew not more than five men including himself, engaged in line clearance work. (In the application of Article X, the Company need not consider the application for promotion to this classification from any employee having less than one year of experience in the Climber classification.)

  • How Much May I Contribute to a Xxxx XXX As a result of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (“EGTRRA”) of 2001, the maximum dollar amount of annual contributions you may make to a Xxxx XXX is $5,500 for tax years beginning in 2013 with the potential for Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) increases in $500 increments. However, these amounts are phased out or eliminated entirely if your adjusted gross income is over a certain level, as explained in more detail below. Year 2020 2021 Xxxx XXX Contribution Limit $6,000 $6,000 You may make annual contributions to a Xxxx XXX in any amount up to 100% of your compensation for the year or the maximum contribution limits shown in the table above, whichever is less. The limitation is reduced by any contributions made by you or on your behalf to any other individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA) except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs. Your annual contribution limitation is not reduced by contributions you make to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account that covers someone other than yourself. In addition, qualifying rollover contributions and transfers are not subject to these limitations. If you are age 50 or older by the end of the year, you may make additional “catch-up” contributions to a Xxxx XXX. The “catch-up” contribution limit is $1,000 for tax years 2009 and beyond. If you are married and file a joint return, you may make contributions to your spouse’s Xxxx XXX. However, the maximum amount contributed to both your own and to your spouse’s Xxxx XXX may not exceed 100% of your combined compensation or the maximum contribution shown in the table above, whichever is less. The maximum amount that may be contributed to either your Xxxx XXX or your spouse’s Xxxx XXX is shown in the table above. Again, these dollar limits are reduced by any contributions made by or on behalf of you or your spouse to any other individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA) except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs. Again, the limit is not reduced for contributions either of you make to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account for someone other than yourselves. As noted in Item 1, your eligibility to contribute to a Xxxx XXX depends on your AGI (as defined below). The amount that you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX is reduced proportionately for AGI which exceeds the applicable dollar amount. For the 2020 and 2021 tax years, the amount that you may contribute to your Xxxx XXX is as follows: Single Individual Year Eligible to Make a Contribution if AGI is Less Than: Eligible to Make a Partial Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make A Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $124,000 $124,000 - $139,000 $139,000 2021 & After - sub- ject to COLA increases $125,000 $125,000 - $140,000 $140,000 Married Individual Filing a Joint Income Tax Return Year Eligible to Make a Contribution if AGI is Less Than: Eligible to Make a Partial Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make A Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $196,000 $196,000 - $206,000 $206,000 2021 & After - sub- ject to COLA increases $198,000 $198,000 - $208,000 $208,000 If you are a married taxpayer filing separately, your contribution phases out over the first $10,000 of AGI, so that if your AGI is $10,000 or more you may not contribute to a Xxxx XXX for the year. Note that the amount you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX is not affected by your participation in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. To determine the amount you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX (assuming it does not exceed 100% of your compensation), you can refer to IRS Publication 590-A: Modified Adjusted Gross Income for Xxxx XXX Purposes and Determining Your Reduced Xxxx XXX Contribution Limit. The amount you contribute may not exceed the maximum contribution limits shown in the table above reduced by the amount contributed on your behalf to all other individual retirement accounts (except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). Your contribution to a Xxxx XXX is not reduced by any amount you contribute to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account for the benefit of someone other than yourself. If you are the beneficiary of a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account, additional limits may apply to you. Please contact your tax advisor for more information.

  • Falls Far Below Target  Upon further review following a preliminary Pending rating, the Commission identifies significant financial risk and has concerns about financial viability such that heightened monitoring and/or intervention are necessary.

  • Tax Periods Beginning Before and Ending After the Closing Date The Company or the Purchaser shall prepare or cause to be prepared and file or cause to be filed any Returns of the Company for Tax periods that begin before the Closing Date and end after the Closing Date. To the extent such Taxes are not fully reserved for in the Company’s financial statements, the Sellers shall pay to the Company an amount equal to the unreserved portion of such Taxes that relates to the portion of the Tax period ending on the Closing Date. Such payment, if any, shall be paid by the Sellers within fifteen (15) days after receipt of written notice from the Company or the Purchaser that such Taxes were paid by the Company or the Purchaser for a period beginning prior to the Closing Date. For purposes of this Section, in the case of any Taxes that are imposed on a periodic basis and are payable for a Taxable period that includes (but does not end on) the Closing Date, the portion of such Tax that relates to the portion of such Tax period ending on the Closing Date shall (i) in the case of any Taxes other than Taxes based upon or related to income or receipts, be deemed to be the amount of such Tax for the entire Tax period multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the number of days in the Tax period ending on the Closing Date and the denominator of which is the number of days in the entire Tax period (the “Pro Rata Amount”), and (ii) in the case of any Tax based upon or related to income or receipts, be deemed equal to the amount that would be payable if the relevant Tax period ended on the Closing Date. The Sellers shall pay to the Company with the payment of any taxes due hereunder, the Sellers’ Pro Rata Amount of the costs and expenses incurred by the Purchaser or the Company in the preparation and filing of the Tax Returns. Any net operating losses or credits relating to a Tax period that begins before and ends after the Closing Date shall be taken into account as though the relevant Tax period ended on the Closing Date. All determinations necessary to give effect to the foregoing allocations shall be made in a reasonable manner as agreed to by the parties.

  • Default Not Exceeding 10% of Firm Units If any Underwriter or Underwriters shall default in its or their obligations to purchase the Firm Units and if the number of the Firm Units with respect to which such default relates does not exceed in the aggregate 10% of the number of Firm Units that all Underwriters have agreed to purchase hereunder, then such Firm Units to which the default relates shall be purchased by the non-defaulting Underwriters in proportion to their respective commitments hereunder.

  • Scheduled RDOs on Designated Long Weekends It is recognised that there is merit in programming no work on the RDOs adjacent to public holiday weekends during the working year. This will allow Employees to have quality paid family leisure time.

  • Adjustments Not Yet Effective Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Indenture or the Notes, if: (i) a Note is to be converted pursuant to Physical Settlement or Combination Settlement; (ii) the record date, effective date or Expiration Time for any event that requires an adjustment to the Conversion Rate pursuant to Section 5.05(A) has occurred on or before the Conversion Date for such conversion (in the case of Physical Settlement) or on or before any VWAP Trading Day in the Observation Period for such conversion (in the case of Combination Settlement), but an adjustment to the Conversion Rate for such event has not yet become effective as of such Conversion Date or VWAP Trading Day, as applicable; (iii) the Conversion Consideration due upon such conversion includes any whole shares of Common Stock (in the case of Physical Settlement) or due in respect of such VWAP Trading Day includes any whole or fractional shares of Common Stock (in the case of Combination Settlement); and (iv) such shares are not entitled to participate in such event (because they were not held on the related record date or otherwise), then, solely for purposes of such conversion, the Company will, without duplication, give effect to such adjustment on such Conversion Date (in the case of Physical Settlement) or such VWAP Trading Day (in the case of Combination Settlement). In such case, if the date on which the Company is otherwise required to deliver the consideration due upon such conversion is before the first date on which the amount of such adjustment can be determined, then the Company will delay the settlement of such conversion until the second (2nd) Business Day after such first date.

  • Allocations During the Early Amortization Period During the Early Amortization Period, an amount equal to the product of the Allocation Percentage and the aggregate amount of Principal Collections processed on such Date of Processing shall be allocated to the 2009-VFN Noteholders and transferred to the Principal Account until applied as provided herein; provided, however, that after the date on which an amount of such Principal Collections equal to the Note Principal Balance has been deposited into the Principal Account such amount shall be first, if any other Principal Sharing Series is outstanding and in its accumulation period or amortization period, retained in the Principal Account for application, to the extent necessary, as Shared Principal Collections to other Principal Sharing Series on the related Distribution Date, second deposited in the Excess Funding Account to the extent necessary so that the Transferor Amount is not less than the Specified Transferor Amount and third paid to the holders of the Transferor Interest.

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