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Process Measures Sample Clauses

Process Measures. Outputs for Each Strategy
Process Measures. All psychotherapy sessions, including experimental sessions, will be recorded to audio and video, with all recordings preserved for research and training purposes. Adherence criteria and competence ratings will be conducted by qualified, trained blinded adherence raters who will analyze video data from selected preparatory, experimental and integrative sessions. The elements included in adherence criteria are specific to each type of session. These ratings will be collected, at minimum, for each therapist team in the study. The goal of these ratings will be to correlate therapist adherence to the treatment manual with outcome as a part of the sponsor’s ongoing efforts to standardize treatment methods of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD. Therapeutic alliance will be assessed using the Segmented Working Alliance Inventory- Observer form (S-WAI-O) on video data from selected preparatory, experimental and integrative sessions [114]. The S-WAI-O is an observer-based measure designed to assess changes in working alliance over the course of a session. The scale can provide two scores, one measuring the bond between the subject and therapist and the other measuring their agreement on tasks of therapy. These ratings will be collected, at minimum, for each therapist team in the study. The goal of these ratings will be to correlate overall S-WAI-O scores of therapeutic alliance with outcome, as measured by CAPS scores. Belief of condition assignment and certainty will be collected from each therapist responsible for treating the subject and the subject at the integrative session on the day after each blinded experimental session in Stage 1. At the primary endpoint, the IR for the study will also provide their guess and certainty of condition assignment prior to unblinding. These beliefs are collected as a part of the sponsor’s ongoing initiative to optimize the double-blind as a part of dose response studies.
Process MeasuresPlease select all the process measures that the CMP site will attempt to achieve. Each CMP site must select at least three (3). X IOG meeting attendance (all partners signing MOU attending 75% of the time at 75% of scheduled meetings); X Family agency or member participation on the IOG as a voting member; X Seventy-five (75%) percent of the agencies contribute resources at a service level, either in-kind or actual funds; X Use of Evidence Based or Evidence Informed practices; X Process of Continuous Quality Improvement used by the IOG; X Evidence of cost-sharing X Cost acquired by organizations within the MOU to serve a child, youth, and/or family when the items are tangible will be logged into the data information system.
Process Measures. ‌ ACCMP selects at least three (3) from the following six (6) process measures annually: 1. IOG meeting attendance Measure: all partners signing MOU attending 75% of the time at 75% of the meetings. Sign-in sheets and meeting minutes will confirm attendance. 2. Family agency or member participation on the IOG as a voting member Measure: a voting family member or agency will be in attendance at 50% of all IOG meetings held within the fiscal year. Sign-in sheets and meeting minutes will confirm attendance. 3. Seventy-five (75%) percent of the agencies contribute resources at a service level, either in-kind or actual funds Measure: as determined in section VFunding Sourcestable of the annual MOU. 4. Use of Evidence-Based or Evidence-Informed practices Measure: at least one (1) evidence-based, or evidence-informed practice will be implemented/used under the IOG, as reflected in the current approved MOU. 5. Process of Continuous Quality Improvement used by the IOG Measure: IOG meeting minutes will reflect the continuous quality improvement practices used to inform and improve efforts, at least one (1) time per year. 6. Evidence of cost-sharing will be reflected in the expenditures section of the annual report Measure: cost-sharing will be reflected in the expenditures section of the annual report.‌
Process Measures. All sessions after enrollment may be recorded to audio and video, including introductory, integrative and experimental sessions for research and training purposes. These recordings will be used for further development of the manual of standard procedures for performing MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in people with PTSD. Adherence criteria and competence ratings will be conducted by qualified, trained blinded adherence raters who will analyze video data from selected preparatory, experimental and integrative sessions. The elements included in adherence criteria are specific to each type of session. These ratings will be collected, at minimum, for each therapist team in the study. The goal of these ratings will be to correlate therapist adherence to the treatment manual with outcome as a part of the sponsor’s ongoing efforts to standardize treatment methods of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD. The SOCQ is a 100-item questionnaire based on the “Peak Experience Profile” designed by Xxxxxx and colleagues [166, 167]. Subjects respond to the SOCQ using a six-point Likert-type scale anchored at 0=none at all and 5=extreme (more than ever before in my life). It has seven subscale scores; internal unity, external unity, transcendence of time and space, ineffability and paradoxicality (claim of difficulty in describing the experience in words), sense of sacredness, noetic quality, and deeply felt positive mood. The measure is a self-report instrument and takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Subjects will complete the SOCQ after each experimental session, at any time between the end of an experimental session and prior to leaving the treatment facility the next day. Response to study participation and perceived degree of choice in taking part in the study will be assessed with the Reactions to Research Participation Questionnaire (RRPQ) [168]. Subjects will complete this measure during their final study visit, roughly six weeks after the last experimental session. The RRPQ is intended to assess the subject’s experience as a research subject, perceived reasons for consenting to be a research subject and perceived freedom to take part in the study, and is a process measure. Questions regarding the belief of condition assignment and certainty of the belief will be asked of the therapists and subjects at the integrative session on the day after each blinded experimental session in Stage 1. Each therapist responsible for treating the subject will indicate the...
Process Measures. 1. One hundred percent (100%) of all admissions to the PHF shall include the proper submission of noticing forms to DBH. 2. 100% of the dates for which Day Treatment Intensive (DTI) is provided shall be authorized by the DBH Access Unit
Process Measures. Increase percentage of enrollees who receive PCP annual visit; Increase percentage of enrollees receiving initial and follow-up screenings; Increase the number of enrollees who are contacted; Increase the number of contacted enrollees with Integrated Care Plans (ICP); and Increase percent of enrollees receiving Integrated Health Management (IHM) resources;
Process Measures. FRC will meet or exceed its membership recruitment and retention goals each year (defined by program in program design, item I).
Process MeasuresPlease select all the process measures that the CMP site will attempt to achieve. Each CMP site must select at least three (3). ☒ IOG meeting attendance (all partners signing MOU attending 75% of the time at 75% of scheduled meetings); ☒ Family agency or member participation on the IOG as a voting member; ☒ Seventy-five (75%) percent of the agencies contribute resources at a service level, either in-kind or actual funds; ☒ Use of Evidence Based or Evidence Informed practices; Process of Continuous Quality Improvement used by the IOG; ☒ Evidence of cost-sharing ☒Appendix A. Article XIV, Section 3. Additionally, cost-sharing data will be collected and tracked with individual client data and reported annually.

Related to Process Measures

  • Bilateral Safeguard Measures 1. Where, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty under this Agreement, any product originating in a Party is being imported into the territory of another Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to constitute a substantial cause of serious injury or threat thereof to the domestic industry of like or directly competitive products in the territory of the importing Party, the importing Party may take bilateral safeguard measures to the minimum extent necessary to remedy or prevent the injury, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 10. 2. Bilateral safeguard measures shall only be taken upon clear evidence that increased imports have caused or are threatening to cause serious injury pursuant to an investigation in accordance with the procedures laid down in the WTO Agreement on Safeguards. 3. The Party intending to take a bilateral safeguard measure under this Article shall immediately, and in any case before taking a measure, make notification to the other Parties and the Joint Committee. The notification shall contain all pertinent information, which shall include evidence of serious injury or threat thereof caused by increased imports, a precise description of the product involved and the proposed measure, as well as the proposed date of introduction, expected duration and timetable for the progressive removal of the measure. A Party that may be affected by the measure shall be offered compensation in the form of substantially equivalent trade liberalisation in relation to the imports from any such Party. 4. If the conditions set out in paragraph 1 are met, the importing Party may take measures consisting in increasing the rate of customs duty for the product to a level not to exceed the lesser of: (a) the MFN rate of duty applied at the time the action is taken; or (b) the MFN rate of duty applied on the day immediately preceding the date of the entry into force of this Agreement. 5. Bilateral safeguard measures shall be taken for a period not exceeding one year. In very exceptional circumstances, after review by the Joint Committee, measures may be taken up to a total maximum period of three years. No measure shall be applied to the import of a product which has previously been subject to such a measure. 6. The Joint Committee shall within 30 days from the date of notification examine the information provided under paragraph 3 in order to facilitate a mutually acceptable resolution of the matter. In the absence of such resolution, the importing Party may adopt a measure pursuant to paragraph 4 to remedy the problem, and, in the absence of mutually agreed compensation, the Party against whose product the measure is taken may take compensatory action. The bilateral safeguard measure and the compensatory action shall be immediately notified to the other Parties and the Joint Committee. In the selection of the bilateral safeguard measure and the compensatory action, priority must be given to the measure which least disturbs the functioning of this Agreement. The compensatory action shall normally consist of suspension of concessions having substantially equivalent trade effects or concessions substantially equivalent to the value of the additional duties expected to result from the bilateral safeguard measure. The Party taking compensatory action shall apply the action only for the minimum period necessary to achieve the substantially equivalent trade effects and in any event, only while the measure under paragraph 4 is being applied. 7. Upon the termination of the measure, the rate of customs duty shall be the rate which would have been in effect but for the measure. 8. In critical circumstances, where delay would cause damage which would be difficult to repair, a Party may take a provisional emergency measure pursuant to a preliminary determination that there is clear evidence that increased imports constitute a substantial cause of serious injury, or threat thereof, to the domestic industry. The Party intending to take such a measure shall immediately notify the other Parties and the Joint Committee thereof. Within 30 days of the date of the notification, the procedures set out in paragraphs 2 to 6, including for compensatory action, shall be initiated. Any compensation shall be based on the total period of application of the provisional emergency measure and of the emergency measure. 9. Any provisional measure shall be terminated within 200 days at the latest. The period of application of any such provisional measure shall be counted as part of the duration of the measure set out in paragraph 5 and any extension thereof. Any tariff increases shall be promptly refunded if the investigation described in paragraph 2 does not result in a finding that the conditions of paragraph 1 are met. 10. Five years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall review in the Joint Committee whether there is need to maintain the possibility to take safeguard measures between them. If the Parties decide, after the first review, to maintain such possibility, they shall thereafter conduct biennial reviews of this matter in the Joint Committee.