PROJECT ARCHITECT AND/OR PROJECT ENGINEER. The individual designated by the Designer as its Project Architect or Project Engineer. Such Project Architect or Project Engineer shall be a registered architect, engineer or landscape architect as required by the Request For Designer Services, shall be the person who shall oversee the performance of all services provided on the Project and shall be certified in the Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official Program as administered by the Inspector General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
PROJECT ARCHITECT AND/OR PROJECT ENGINEER. The Designer shall designate an individual as its Project Architect or Project Engineer. Such Project Architect or Project Engineer shall be a registered architect, engineer or landscape architect as required by the RFS and shall be the person who shall oversee the performance of all services provided on the Project.
PROJECT ARCHITECT AND/OR PROJECT ENGINEER. The individual designated by the A/E as its Project Architect or Project Engineer. Such Project Architect or Project Engineer shall be a registered architect, engineer or landscape architect as required by the Request for A/E Services and shall be the person who shall oversee the performance of all services provided on the Project PROJECT CONSTRUCTION BUDGET – That portion of the Total Project Budget that enumerates the cost of constructing the Project inclusive of all designed construction, demolition, and renovation work; all supportive and preparatory construction work required for the Project; the General Contractor or the CM at Risk and all subcontractors, suppliers, materials, equipment, general conditions, insurance, overhead and profit; and all other expenditures that are ordinarily considered as construction cost allocations. The Project Construction Budget includes the design contingency, bidding contingency, and price escalation contingency, as appropriate to the phase of the Project. PROJECT SCHEDULE – A complete list of all activities, time, and sequence required to complete the Project, as described in Exhibit C. RECORD DRAWINGS – The drawings prepared by the A/E and its Subconsultants pursuant to Article 7.22 of this Contract which incorporate the design changes made during the construction period and which incorporate information on the marked-up prints, as-built drawings and other data furnished by the General Contractor or CM at Risk and any subcontractors. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES – Costs and expenses incurred by the A/E that are reimbursable pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of this Contract. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS or RFP – The written document appended hereto as Exhibit D specifying various requirements including the project goals and general scope, project site, scope of services, submission requirements, schedule, and construction budget. STANDARD OF CARE – The generally accepted professional standard of care ordinarily used by design professionals performing a similar scope of services in the same geographic area on projects of comparable size and complexity. SUBCONSULTANT – An individual, company, firm, or business having a direct contractual relationship with the A/E, who provides services on the Project. SUBCONTRACTOR – The person or entity having a direct contractual relationship with the Contractor, or CM at Risk who has the contract to perform the construction of the Project, except as otherwise specifically provided or requ...
PROJECT ARCHITECT AND/OR PROJECT ENGINEER. The individual designated by the Designer as its Project Architect or Project Engineer. Such Project Architect or Project