PROJECT FACT SHEET. The goal of this task is to develop an initial and final project fact sheet that describes the CEC- funded project and the benefits resulting from the project for the public and key decision makers. • Prepare an Initial Project Fact Sheet at start of the project that describes the project and the expected benefits. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Prepare a Final Project Fact Sheet at the project’s conclusion that describes the project, the actual benefits resulting from the project, and lessons learned from implementing the project. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Provide at least (6) six High Quality Digital Photographs (minimum resolution of 1300x500 pixels in landscape ratio) of pre and post technology installation at the project sites or related project photographs.
PROJECT FACT SHEET. The goal of this task is to develop an initial and final project fact sheet that describes the CEC- funded project and the benefits resulting from the project for the public and key decision makers. The Recipient shall:‌ Products:‌ RESOLUTION NO: 22-1214-02j‌
PROJECT FACT SHEET. The Applicant shall provide a project fact sheet indicating the following data and information (as applicable):
PROJECT FACT SHEETFact sheet about the project will be developed to communicate basic project information. Consultant will meet with the Owner to develop a fact sheet detailing basic project information. This fact sheet can be posted by the City on their website, made available at City Hall and other locations around town, and emailed out to key stakeholders. Consultant will print up to 1000 copies of the fact sheet.
PROJECT FACT SHEET. Consultant will provide basic project information to City for development of fact sheet by the City’s public relations (PR) staff. Consultant will conduct conference calls with PR staff and review draft documents prior to issuing. City shall post the fact sheet on their website and print hard copies for local distribution.
PROJECT FACT SHEET. The Fact Sheet will outline the project's rationale and objectives, specify its technical baseline and intended target groups and application domains, and detail intermediate and final outputs. The Fact Sheet will be used by the Commission for its own dissemination and awareness activities throughout the project lifecycle, and will be published on EC and EC sponsored websites. The Fact Sheet has to be maintained and updated until the end of the project; this will be documented in the regular management reporting. [month 1]
PROJECT FACT SHEET. The goal of this task is to develop an initial and final project fact sheet that describes the CEC- funded project and the benefits resulting from the project for the public and key decision makers. The fact sheet will be reviewed by project stakeholders and community members for successful development and distribution. • Prepare an Initial Project Fact Sheet at start of the project that describes the project and the expected benefits. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Prepare a Final Project Fact Sheet at the project’s conclusion that describes the project, the actual benefits resulting from the project, and lessons learned from implementing the project. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Provide at least six High Quality Digital Photographs (minimum resolution of 1300x500 pixels in landscape ratio) from the project.
PROJECT FACT SHEET. The goal of this task is to develop an initial and final project fact sheet that describes the CEC- funded project and the benefits resulting from the project for the public and key decision makers. ● Prepare a Final Project Fact Sheet at the project’s conclusion that describes the project, the actual benefits resulting from the project, and lessons learned from implementing the project. Use the format provided by the CAM. ● Provide at least (6) six High Quality Digital Photographs (minimum resolution of 1300x500 pixels in landscape ratio) of pre and post technology installation at the project sites or related project photographs.
PROJECT FACT SHEET. The goal of this task is to develop an initial and final project fact sheet that describes the Energy Commission-funded project and the benefits resulting from the project for the public and key decision makers. • Prepare and submit to the CAM an Initial Project Fact Sheet at start of the project that describes the project and the expected benefits. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Prepare and submit to the CAM a Final Project Fact Sheet at the project’s conclusion that describes the project, the actual benefits resulting from the project, and lessons learned from implementing the project. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Prepare and submit to the CAM at least seven, one for each site, High landscape ratio). • Initial Project Fact Sheet • Final Project Fact Sheet • High Quality Digital Photograph for each site
PROJECT FACT SHEET. R+A will prepare a public-facing fact sheet (2-page max) that simply describes State regulations, the need to create objective standards, and establishing a streamlined process for ministerial review. This document will be clearly written for the public, contain graphics describing the issues, challenges and outcomes.