Prospective longitudinal studies Sample Clauses

Prospective longitudinal studies. As stated earlier, heritability is a hallmark in ASD (e.g., Xxxx et al., 2017). Twin studies have examined to what extent genetic and environmental factors involved in the aetiology of ASD by comparing monozygotic and dizygotic twins. The results have indicated that ASD has considerable genetic influences whereas environmental factors are much less salient (e.g., Xxxxxxx et al., 2015; Xxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxxx, Xxxxxx, & Xxxxxxxx, 2016), which suggests there is a genetic risk for siblings of individuals with ASD. Population studies have explored the recurrence rates of ASD in at least one or more full siblings, half-siblings and cousins of proband children (Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, & Xxx, 2010; Xxx et al., 2017). ASD reoccurs mostly in full-siblings, moderately in half-siblings and the least in cousins (Xxx et al., 2017). Among full biological siblings, the reoccurrence rate is almost 10%, and approximately 20% of unaffected siblings represent the sub-clinical threshold of ASD traits (Xxxxxxxxxxx et al., 2010). Moreover, prospective familial risk studies have shown that the recurrence rate of ASD among 3-year-old siblings is almost 20% and a further 20% of younger siblings develop other social and communication difficulties (Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, et al., 2017; Xxxxxxxxx et al., 2013; Xxxxxxx et al., 2011). Hence, there is substantial evidence of genetic liability for ASD and subsequent HR of developing it among siblings of probands with ASD. Consequently, the recurrence of ASD in siblings of probands to identify early signs within a prospective longitudinal design would be a beneficial avenue for research. The prospective HR design has been shown to be feasible for following up infant siblings of ASD probands from the first year of life until the 3 years of age when a reliable and stable ASD diagnosis can be made (Xxxxx et al., 2014; Xxxxxxxx et al., 2016). The longitudinal nature of the HR design allows for testing younger siblings at various time points to understand developmental trajectories, the onset of the emerging difficulties and the effect of early abnormalities to later clinically-elevated ASD symptoms. Moreover, this design facilitates comparison of HR siblings (due to having (an) older sibling(s) with XXX) and a LR control group (due to having (an) older sibling(s) without ASD or having no history of ASD in first degree relatives), which is essential for controlling possible confounders, such as the effect of being a later-born child and to ...
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  • Feasibility Study Buyer will, at Buyer's expense and within ____ days from Effective Date ("Feasibility Study Period"), determine whether the Property is suitable, in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion, for ___________________ use. During the Feasibility Study Period, Buyer may conduct a Phase I environmental assessment and any other tests, analyses, surveys and investigations ("Inspections") that Buyer deems necessary to determine to Buyer's satisfaction the Property's engineering, architectural and environmental properties; zoning and zoning restrictions; subdivision statutes; soil and grade; availability of access public roads, water, and other utilities; consistency with local, state and regional growth management plans, availability of permits, government approvals, and licenses; and other inspections that Buyer deems appropriate to determine the Property's suitability for the Buyer's intended use. If the Property must be rezoned, Buyer will obtain the rezoning from the appropriatx xxxernment agencies. Seller will sign all documents Buyer is required to file in connection with development or rezoning approvals. Seller gives Buyer, its agents, contractors and assigns, the right to enter the Property at any time during the Feasibility Study Period for the purpose of conducting inspections; provided, however, that Buyer, its agents, contractors and assigns enter the Property and conduct inspections at their own risk. Buyer will indemnify and hold Seller harmless from xxxxes, damages, costs, claims and expenses of any nature, including attorney's fees, expenses and liability incurred in application for rezoning or related proceedings, and from liability to any person, arising from the conduct of any and all inspections of any work authorized by Buyer. Buyer will not engage in any activity that xxxxx result in a construction lien being filed against the Property without Seller's prior written consent. If this transaction does not close, Buyer will, at Buyer's expense, (1) repair all damages to the Property resulting from the Inspections and return the Property to the condition it was in prior to conduct of the Inspections, and (2) release to Seller all reports and other work generated as a result of the Inspections. Buyer will deliver written notice to Seller prior to the expiration of the Feasibility Study Period of Buyer's determination of whether or not the Properxx xx acceptable. Buyer's failure to comply with this notice requirement will constitute acceptance of the Property as suitable for Buyer's intended use in its "as is" condition. If the Property is unacceptable to Buyer and written notice of this fact is timely delivered to Seller, this Contract will be deemed terminated as of the day after the Feasibility Study period ends and Buyer's deposit(s) will be returned after Escrow Axxxx receives proper authorization form all interested parties.

  • ROAD DIMENSIONS Purchaser shall perform road work in accordance with the dimensions shown on the TYPICAL SECTION SHEET and the specifications within this road plan.

  • Additional Information for Product Development Projects Outcome of product development efforts, such copyrights and license agreements. • Units sold or projected to be sold in California and outside of California. • Total annual sales or projected annual sales (in dollars) of products developed under the Agreement. • Investment dollars/follow-on private funding as a result of Energy Commission funding. • Patent numbers and applications, along with dates and brief descriptions.  Additional Information for Product Demonstrations: • Outcome of demonstrations and status of technology. • Number of similar installations. • Jobs created/retained as a result of the Agreement.

  • Access Toll Connecting Trunk Group Architecture 9.2.1 If CBB chooses to subtend a Verizon access Tandem, CBB’s NPA/NXX must be assigned by CBB to subtend the same Verizon access Tandem that a Verizon NPA/NXX serving the same Rate Center Area subtends as identified in the LERG.

  • Development Plans 4.3.1 For each Licensed Indication and corresponding Licensed Product in the Field, Licensee will prepare and deliver to Licensor a development plan and budget (each a “Development Plan”). The initial Development Plans for each Licensed Indication will be delivered within […***…] after the Grant Date for such Licensed Indication.

  • For Product Development Projects and Project Demonstrations  Published documents, including date, title, and periodical name.  Estimated or actual energy and cost savings, and estimated statewide energy savings once market potential has been realized. Identify all assumptions used in the estimates.  Greenhouse gas and criteria emissions reductions.  Other non-energy benefits such as reliability, public safety, lower operational cost, environmental improvement, indoor environmental quality, and societal benefits.  Data on potential job creation, market potential, economic development, and increased state revenue as a result of the project.  A discussion of project product downloads from websites, and publications in technical journals.  A comparison of project expectations and performance. Discuss whether the goals and objectives of the Agreement have been met and what improvements are needed, if any.

  • Development Area 10.4. The Development Area shall encompass all Deposits to be produced.

  • Programming Phase Schematic Design Phase: Design Development Phase:

  • Program Narrative All restricted xxxxxx courses which are taught for the purpose of qualifying an individual for restricted xxxxxx license to practice barbering shall consist of a minimum of 1200 hours of training to prepare each restricted xxxxxx to service their communities.

  • Xxxxxx Prospecting Pty Ltd. of the other part, a copy of which agreement is set out in the Schedule to the Iron Ore (Hanwright) Agreement Xxx 0000. SECONDLY The agreement under seal of even date herewith between the said the Honourable Xxxxx Xxxxx, M.L.A. of the first part, Xxxxxxx Prospecting Pty. Ltd. and Xxxxxx Prospecting Pty. Ltd. of the second part and Mount Xxxxx Mining Pty. Limited of the third part amending and adding to the agreement firstly referred to in this Schedule. SECOND SCHEDULE WESTERN AUSTRALIA Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Xxx 0000 MINERAL LEASE Lease No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Goldfield(s) XXXXXXXXX THE SECOND by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Australia and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith: TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS shall come GREETINGS: KNOW YE that WHEREAS by an Agreement made the day of 1968 between the State of Western Australia of the one part and HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED (hereinafter called “the Company” which expression will include the successors and assigns of the company including where the context so admits the assignees of the Company under the said Agreement) of the other part the said State agreed to grant to the Company a mineral lease of portion or portions of the lands referred to in the said Agreement as “the mining areas” AND WHEREAS the said Agreement was ratified by the Act 196 which said Act (inter alia) authorized the grant of a mineral lease to the Company NOW WE in consideration of the rents and royalties reserved by and of the provisions of the said Agreement and in pursuance of the said Act DO BY THESE PRESENTS GRANT AND DEMISE unto the Company subject to the said provisions ALL THOSE pieces and parcels of land situated in the Goldfield(s) containing approximately acres and (subject to such corrections as may be necessary to accord with survey when made) being the land shaded pink on the plan in the Schedule hereto and all those mines, veins, seams, lodes and deposits of iron ore in on or under the said land (hereinafter called “the said mine”) together with all rights, liberties, easements, advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining to a lessee of a mineral lease under the Mining Xxx 0000 including all amendments thereof for the time being in force and all regulations made thereunder for the time being in force (which Act and regulations are hereinafter referred to as “the Mining Act”) or to which the Company is entitled under the said Agreement TO HOLD the said land and mine and all and singular the premises hereby demised for the full term of twenty‑one years from the day of 19 with the right to renew the same from time to time for further periods each of twenty‑one years as provided in but subject to the said Agreement for the purposes but upon and subject to the terms covenants and conditions set out in the said Agreement and to the Mining Act (as modified by the said Agreement) YIELDING and paying therefor the rent and royalties as set out in the said Agreement. AND WE do hereby declare that this lease is subject to the observance and performance by the Company of the following covenants and conditions, that is to say: —

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