PROVIDER NETWORK STATUS. The allowed amount may vary depending upon whether the Provider is an In-Network or an Out-of-Network Provider. For Covered Services performed by an In-Network Provider, the allowed amount for this plan is the rate the Provider has agreed with Alliant to accept as reimbursement for the Covered Services. Because In-Network Providers have agreed to accept the allowed amount as payment in full for that service, they should not send You a xxxx or collect for amounts above the allowed amount. However, You may receive a xxxx or be asked to pay all or a portion of the allowed amount to the extent You have not met Your Deductible or have a copayment or Coinsurance. Please call Customer Service at (000) 000-0000 for help in finding an In-Network Provider or visit Providers who have not signed a contract with Us and are not in any of our networks are Out-of-Network Providers. For Covered Services You choose to receive from Out-of-Network Providers, the MAC for this plan will be one of the following as determined by Alliant: • An amount based on Our out-of-network fee schedule/rate, which We have established at Our discretion, and which We reserve the right to modify from time to time, after considering one or more of the following: reimbursement amounts accepted by like/similar providers contracted with Alliant, reimbursement amounts paid by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for the same services or supplies, and other industry cost, reimbursement and utilization data; or • An amount based on information provided by a third-party vendor, which may reflect one or more of the following factors: (1) the complexity or severity of treatment; (2) level of skill and experience required for the treatment; or (3) comparable providers’ fees and costs to deliver care; or • An amount negotiated by Us or a third- party vendor which has been agreed to by the Provider. This may includerates for services coordinated through case management; or • An amount equal to the total charges billed by the Provider, but only if such charges are less than the MAC calculated by using one of the methods described above. The MAC for out-of-network emergency medical services is calculated as described in Title 33 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) 33-20E-4; with respect to emergency services We will calculate the MAC as the greater of: • The verifiable contracted amount paid by all eligible insurers for the provision of the same or similar services as d...
PROVIDER NETWORK STATUS. The Maximum Allowed Amount may vary depending upon whether the Provider is a Participating Provider or a Non-Participating Provider. A Participating Provider is a Provider who is in the managed network for this specific Contract or in a special center of excellence/or other closely managed specialty network. For Covered Services performed by a Participating Provider, the Maximum Allowed Amount for this Plan is the rate the Provider has agreed with Anthem to accept as reimbursement for the Covered Services. Because Participating Providers have agreed to accept the Maximum Allowed Amount as payment in full for those Covered Services, they should not send you a bill or collect for amounts above the Maximum Allowed Amount. However, you may receive a bill or be asked to pay all or a portion of the Maximum Allowed Amount to the extent you have not met your Deductible or have a Copayment or Coinsurance. Please call Customer Service for help in finding a Participating Provider or visit Our website at Providers who have not signed any contract with Us and are not in any of Our networks are Non- Participating Providers, subject to Blue Cross Blue Shield Association rules governing claims filed by certain ancillary providers. For Covered Services you receive from a Non-Participating Provider that have been Prior Authorized by Us, the Maximum Allowed Amount for this Plan will be one of the following as determined by Anthem:


  • Provider Directory a. The Contractor shall make available in electronic form and, upon request, in paper form, the following information about its network providers: i. The provider’s name as well as any group affiliation; ii. Street address(es); iii. Telephone number(s); iv. Website URL, as appropriate; v. Specialty, as appropriate; vi. Whether the provider will accept new beneficiaries; vii. The provider’s cultural and linguistic capabilities, including languages (including American Sign Language) offered by the provider or a skilled medical interpreter at the provider’s office, and whether the provider has completed cultural competence training; and viii. Whether the provider’s office/facility has accommodations for people with physical disabilities, including offices, exam room(s) and equipment. b. The Contractor shall include the following provider types covered under this Agreement in the provider directory: i. Physicians, including specialists ii. Hospitals

  • Supplier Diversity Seller shall comply with Xxxxx’s Supplier Diversity Program in accordance with Appendix V.

  • Provider Services Charges for the following Services when ordered by a Physician for the treatment of an Injury or Illness.

  • Volunteer Peer Assistants 1. Up to eight (8)

  • Network Services Local Access Services In lieu of any other rates and discounts, Customer will pay fixed monthly recurring local loop charges ranging from $1,200 to $2,000 for TDM-based DS-3 Network Services Local Access Services at 2 CLLI codes mutually agreed upon by Customer and Company.

  • The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to, consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and policies, commit sufficient personnel and resources to meet the requirements of this MOU.

  • In-Service Programs The parties to this collective agreement recognize the value of in-service education both to the employee and the Employer. A) The Employer reserves the right to identify specific in-service programs deemed compulsory. B) Employees required to attend such programs will be paid at the applicable rate of pay.

  • Managed Services HP will provide the services as described in a Statement of Work (“SOW”) attached to this Agreement or incorporating it by reference. Each party will appoint a single point of contact as set forth in the SOW who will serve as their primary representative, have overall responsibility for managing performance, and meet with the other party’s representative to review progress. Change requests are governed by the change management procedures as set forth in the SOW.

  • Orientation and In-Service Program The Hospital recognizes the need for a Hospital Orientation Program of such duration as it may deem appropriate taking into consideration the needs of the Hospital and the nurses involved.

  • GENERAL SERVICE DESCRIPTION Service Provider currently provides active medical, pharmacy(Rx) and dental administration for coverages provided through Empire and Anthem (medical), Medco(Rx), MetLife(dental) and SHPS (FSA) (Empire, Anthem, Medco, MetLife and SHPS collectively, the “Vendors”) for its U.S. Active, Salaried, Eligible Employees (“Covered Employees”). Service Provider shall keep the current contracts with the Vendors and the ITT CORPORATION SALARIED MEDICAL AND DENTAL PLAN (PLAN NUMBER 502 EIN 00-0000000) and the ITT Salaried Medical Plan and Salaried Dental Plan General Plan Terms (collectively, the “Plans”) and all coverage thereunder in full force through December 31, 2011 for Service Recipient’s Covered Employees. All claims of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees made under the Plans and incurred on or prior to December 31, 2011 the (“2011 Plan Year”) will be adjudicated in accordance with the current contract and Service Provider will continue to take such actions on behalf of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees as if such employees are employees of Service Provider. All medical, dental, pharmacy and FSA claims of Service Recipient’s Covered Employees made under the Plans (the “Claims”) will be paid by the Vendors on behalf of the Service Provider. Service Recipient will pay Service Provider for coverage based on 2011 budget premium rates previously set for the calendar year 2011 and described in the “Pricing” section below. Service Recipient will pay Service Provider monthly premium payments for this service, for any full or partial months, based on actual enrollment for the months covered post-spin using enrollments as of the first (1st) calendar day of the month, commencing on the day after the Distribution Date. Service Recipient will prepare and deliver to Service Provider a monthly self xxxx containing cost breakdown by business unit and plan tier as set forth on Attachment A, within five (5) Business Days after the beginning of each calendar month. The Service Recipient will be required to pay the Service Provider the monthly premium payments within ten (10) Business Days after the beginning of each calendar month. A detailed listing of Service Recipient’s employees covered, including the Plans and enrollment tier in which they are enrolled, will be made available to Service Provider upon its reasonable request. Service Provider will retain responsibility for executing funding of Claim payments and eligibility management with Vendors through December 31, 2013. Service Provider will conduct a Headcount True-Up (as defined below) of the monthly premiums and establish an Incurred But Not Reported (“IBNR”) claims reserve for Claims incurred prior to December 31, 2011 date, but paid after that date, and conduct a reconciliation of such reserve. See “Headcount True-Up” and “IBNR Reconciliation” sections under Additional Pricing for details.