Public Sample Clauses
Public. Public" means municipal, county and other governmental bodies which are political subdivisions within the State of Maine.
Public. Public" means a municipal, county or other governmental body that is a political subdivision within the State.
Public. Subject to the provisions of Section 7.3.4, any holder of Shares may Transfer such Shares in a Public Offering or, after the closing of the Initial Public Offering, pursuant to Rule 144, which Shares will conclusively be deemed thereafter not to be Shares or Registrable Securities under this Agreement and not to be subject to any of the provisions hereof or entitled to the benefit of any of the provisions hereof.
Public. The finance charges, at HSBC’s prevailing rate, will be imposed using the average daily balance method upon your unpaid outstanding balance as of statement cut-off date, excluding new retail transactions made in the current billing cycle, accrued from the statement cut-off date until the outstanding balance and applicable interest are fully paid. For fees0F1, charges and pre-terminated instalments, finance charges will be imposed using the average daily balance method upon the fee/charge/pre-terminated instalment amount accrued from transaction date until the fee/charge/pre-terminated instalment is fully paid. For cash advance transactions, finance charges, at HSBC’s prevailing rate, will be imposed using the average daily balance upon your transaction from the transaction date until the transaction is fully paid. Any amount unpaid as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due Date unless YOU opt to re-avail of YOUR credit line for the next billing cycle by paying an amount less than the Total Due but not less than the Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due shall consist of the following: • Four percent (4%) of YOUR current billed balances (including cash advances and cash advance fees and charges, retail purchases, non-installment related fees and charges), or Five Hundred Philippine Pesos (PHP500.00), whichever is higher • 100% of the fixed monthly amortization of installment transactions and installment related fees and charges • Past Due installment amortization amount plus the corresponding full amount of finance charge incurred, if any • Any other Past Due or overlimit amount, whichever is higher The fees, finance charges, rate of interest and/or penalty rate stipulated may be increased, decreased or otherwise changed from time to time. The Cardholder authorizes HSBC to increase or charge additional service fees as may be deemed necessary to maintain the service to the Cardholder. The upward or downward adjustment of the interest, penalty rate and/or service fees shall be binding on the Cardholder on the date/s of effectivity as indicated in the written notice (in the monthly SOA or thru a separate notice) from HSBC.
Public. The community or people in general or a part or section of the community grouped because of a common interest or activity.
Public. The Recipient agrees that the Province may make public the name and business address of the Recipient, the amount of Funds, and the purpose for which such Funds are being provided to the Recipient under the Agreement.
Public. Position vacancies advertised to the public, shall be advertised for no less than seven (7) business days. Municipal employees who meet the minimum qualifications and did not apply when the position was open internally shall receive priority consideration before external applicants.
Public. It is a best practice for the Jurisdiction to refer the public to their Jurisdiction’s official website and/or Jurisdiction operated social media sites for further information regarding the emergency that warranted the Alert & Warning. If the website, or any other registered domain name that leads to is used as part of a public Alert & Warning message, the Jurisdiction must provide County OES with information to update the site before the Alert & Warning is sent. The Jurisdiction is also responsible for providing regular updates to County OES so that the County OES website can be updated with the latest disaster information. Incomplete or imperfect information is not a valid reason to delay or avoid issuing an Alert & Warning. Time is of the essence, as recipients of warnings will need time to consider, plan, and act after they receive an Alert & warning. This is particularly true among individuals with disabilities and people with access and functional needs. They may require additional time to evacuate or may be at increased risk of harm without notification. For all Alert & Warning messages sent, the initiating jurisdiction shall be responsible for managing public and media questions, comments, or concerns arising from the message. During a regional emergency, it is a best practice for all jurisdictions to coordinate Alert & Warning and Public Information through the Operational Area Emergency Operations Center.
Public. Position vacancies advertised to the public, shall be advertised for no less than seven (7) business days.
Public. The views of the public are essential to informed decision making in the historic properties review. The Department shall seek and consider the views of the public in a manner that reflects the nature and complexity of the application and its effects on historic properties, the likely interest of the public in the effects on historic properties, and confidentiality concerns of private individuals and businesses.