Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, CRO will 15.2 Zveřejnění upravené smlouvy. Před uzavřením nebo při uzavření této Smlouvy poskytne CRO provide Institution with a redacted version of the Agreement in Czech only in PDF format (“Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or Pfizer’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or Pfizer trade secret and either party’s Personal Data. Within 5 days of receipt of the Redacted Agreement, Institution will publish the Redacted Agreement in the contract registry maintained by the Ministry of the Interior (“Contract Registry”) in accordance with Act 340/2015 Coll. on Contract Registry. Institution will provide CRO with evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable. If CRO does not receive evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement within 7 days of receipt of the Redacted Agreement by Institution, CRO or Pfizer will be entitled to publish the Redacted Agreement in the Contract Registry. The parties acknowledge that the Agreement is not valid until published in the Contract Registry and agree that no contracted Study-related activities will commence until both parties are in receipt of confirmation of such publication. Any written amendments to this Agreement made pursuant to Section 19.5 (Modification) shall be redacted and published in accordance with the procedure set out in this Section 15.2 Instituci upravenou verzi této smlouvy pouze v českém jazyce a ve formátu PDF („Upravená smlouva“), ve které budou vymazány veškeré informace, které CRO nebo společnost Pfizer důvodně pokládají za svá obchodní tajemství a dále osobní údaje obou stran. Instituce následně do 5 dnů od obdržení Upravenou smlouvu zveřejní v registru smluv vedeném ministerstvem vnitra („Registr smluv“) v souladu se zákonem č.340/2015 Sb. o Registru smluv. Instituce pak bez prodlení poskytne CRO důkaz o zveřejnění Upravené smlouvy. Pokud CRO neobdrží takový důkaz o zveřejnění Upravené smlouvy do 7 dnů od data doručení Upravené smlouvy Instituci, CRO a společnost Pfizer jsou oprávněny zveřejnit Upravenou smlouvu v Registru smluv. Strany berou na vědomí, že Xxxxxxx není platná, dokud není zveřejněna v Registru smluv a souhlasí s tím, že žádné činnosti na Studii dle Xxxxxxx nebudou zahájeny, dokud obě strany neobdrží potvrzení o takovém zveřejnění. Jakékoliv písemné dodatky Smlouvy uzavřené v souladu s článkem 19.5 (Změny) budou upraveny a zveřejněny postupem uvedeným v tomto článk...
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, CRO will provide Center with a redacted version of the Agreement in PDF format (“Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or Sponsor’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or Sponsor trade secret. Within 5 days of receipt of the Redacted Agreement, Center will publish the Redacted Agreement in the contract registry maintained by the Ministry of the Interior (“Contract Registry”) in accordance with Act 340/2015 Coll. on Contract Registry. Center will provide CRO with evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable. If CRO does not receive evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement within 7 days of receipt of the Redacted Agreement by Center, CRO or Sponsor will be entitled to publish the Redacted Agreement in the Contract Registry. The parties acknowledge that the Agreement is not valid until published in the Contract Registry and agree that no contracted Study-related activities will commence until both parties are in receipt of confirmation of such publication. Any written amendments made pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be redacted and published in accordance with the procedure set out in this Article. 13.16
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, CRO will provide Institution with a redacted version of the Agreement in Slovak onlyin text document, .docs format (“Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or Pfizer’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or Pfizer trade secret. Within 5 days of receipt of the Redacted Agreement, Institution will publish the Redacted 15.
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, Pfizer or CRO will provide Center with a redacted version of the Agreement in PDF format (“Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or Sponsor’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or Sponsor trade secret. Within 5 days of execution of the Agreement, Center will publish the Redacted Agreement in the contract registry operated by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic (“Contract Registry”) in accordance with the Slovakian Contracts Registry Act (Act No. 546/2010 Coll. Supplementing Act No. 40/1964). Center will provide CRO with evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement as soon as is reasonably
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, Pfizer or CRO will provide Center with a redacted version of the Agreement in PDF format (“Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or Sponsor’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or Sponsor trade secret. Within 5 days of execution of the Agreement, Center will publish the Redacted Agreement in the contract registry operated by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic (“Contract Registry”) in accordance with the Slovakian Contracts Registry Act (Act No. 546/2010 Coll. Supplementing Act No. 40/1964). Center will provide CRO with evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable and in any event within 7 days of execution of the Agreement. The parties acknowledge that the Agreement is not valid until published in the Centralized Contract Registry of Slovak Republic and agree that no contracted Clinical Trial-related activities will commence until both parties are in receipt of confirmation of such publication. In the part of the provisions where this is not excluded by the valid legal regulations of the 13.15
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, CRO will provide Institution with a redacted version of the 15.
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, CRO will provide Institution with a redacted version of the Agreement (“Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or Pfizer’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or Pfizer trade secret. Within 10 days of receipt of the Redacted Agreement, Institution will publish the Redacted Agreement
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, CRO will provide Institution with a redacted version of the Agreement in Czech only in PDF format (“Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or Pfizer’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or Pfizer trade secret(the protocol, study timelines, fees/costs, insurance and beneficiary template). Within 20 days of signature of the Redacted Agreement, Provider of health services will publish the Redacted Agreement in the contract registry maintained by the Ministry of the Interior (“Contract Registry”) in accordance with Act 340/2015 Coll. on Contract Registry. Institution will provide CRO with evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable Confirmation of the publication of the Agreement in the contracts register will be
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, CRO will provide Institution with a redacted version of the Agreement in Czech only in PDF format (“Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or XXX’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or XXX trade secret, including without limitation the Protocol and Attachment A – Study Budget and Payment Conditions. Within 5 days of receipt of the Redacted Agreement, Institution will publish the Redacted Agreement in the contract registry maintained by the Ministry of the Interior (“Contract Registry”) in accordance with Act 340/2015 Coll. on Contract Registry. Institution will provide CRO with evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable. If CRO does not receive evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement within 7 days of receipt of the Redacted Agreement by Institution, CRO or XXX will be entitled to publish the Redacted Agreement in the Contract Registry. The parties acknowledge that the Agreement is not valid until published in the Contract Registry and agree that no contracted Study- related activities will commence until both parties are in receipt of confirmation of such publication. Any written amendments to this Agreement made pursuant to Section 19.5 (Modification) shall be redacted and published in accordance with the procedure set out in this Section 15.6. 16.
Publication of Redacted Agreement. On or before execution of this Agreement, Pfizer or CRO will provide Center with a redacted version of the Agreement in PDF format ("Redacted Agreement”), having removed any information which in CRO’s or Sponsor’s reasonable opinion constitutes a CRO or Sponsor trade secret Within 5 days of execution of the Agreement, Center will publish the Redacted Agreement in the contract registry operated by the Government Office of the Slovak Republic ("Contract Registry”) in accordance with the Slovakian Contracts Registry Act (Act No. 546/2010 Coll. Supplementing Act No. 40/1964). Center will provide CRO with evidence of publication of the Redacted Agreement as soon as is reasonably practicable and in any event within 7 days of execution of the Agreement. The parties acknowledge that the Agreement is not valid until 56/57 súhlasia s tým, že nebudú zahájené žiadne zmluvné aktivity súvisiace s Klinickými skúšaním, kým obe strany nedostanú potvrdenie o takomto zverejnení. Akékoľvek písomné zmeny a doplnenia vykonané v súlade s podmienkami tejto Zmluvy budú upravené a zverejnené v sú ade s postupom stanoveným v tomto článku. published in the Contract Registry and agree that no contracted Clinical Trial-related activities will commence until both parties are in receipt of confirmation of such publication. Any written amendments made pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be redacted and published in accordance with the procedure set out in this Article. 57 /5 7