Purpose for Utilization of Sick Leave Sample Clauses

Purpose for Utilization of Sick Leave. Sick leave may be utilized for any personal illness, injury or physical incapacity not compensable under Maryland’s Workers’ Compensation Act, which prevents the employee from performing the functions of the employee's job; and for necessary medical, dental or optical examinations conducted by a licensed physician. In addition, sick leave may be utilized to care for an ill or disabled member of the employee’s immediate family (child, spouse or parent) in accordance with the Maryland Flexible Leave Act.

Related to Purpose for Utilization of Sick Leave

  • Definition of Sick Leave Sick leave means the period of time an Employee is absent from work because of disability due to illness or injury not covered by Workers’ Compensation.

  • Accrual of Sick Leave a. A full-time employee shall accrue four (4) hours of sick leave for each biweekly pay period, or the number of hours that are directly proportionate to the number of days worked during less than a full-pay period, without limitation as to the total number of hours that may be accrued. b. A part-time employee shall accrue sick leave at a rate directly proportionate to the percent of time employed. c. An employee appointed under Other Personal Services (OPS) shall not accrue sick leave.

  • Verification of Sick Leave The appointing officer or designee to whom application for sick leave is made may make such independent investigation as to the necessity for sick leave as is deemed proper and may require certification for any period of sick leave, provided that the employee has been previously notified in writing that such certification for absence of less than five working days shall be required. The Human Resources Director may at any time make such independent investigation as may be deemed proper regarding the illness of any person on sick leave.

  • Donation of Sick Leave 8.10.1 On a case-by case basis and with mutual agreement between the Association and the District, any bargaining unit member may donate five (5) days (40 hours) of accumulated sick leave to another bargaining unit member who has suffered a long- term, non-industrial related illness or injury and who will exhaust all fully paid leaves. The employee suffering from such illness or designee must request, in writing, donations of sick leave from bargaining unit members only, through the Personnel Office. Requests shall be made prior to the exhaustion of all fully paid leave. Donation of sick leave will not be retroactive. 8.10.2 The Personnel Office will send out the notification of the request for donations of sick leave. The request will be sent for posting on all CUEA bulletin boards and the CUEA President notified of the request. All donations of sick leave will be voluntary with no personal solicitation of donors allowed. The names of any bargaining unit members donating sick leave under this provision will not be made public. 8.10.3 Only bargaining unit members who have a minimum of fifteen (15) days (120 hours) of accumulated sick leave remaining after donating five (5) days (40 hours) of sick leave under this provision will be permitted to participate in this program. Employees eligible to donate sick leave will do so on a District approved form and must submit that form to the Personnel Office. 8.10.4 The maximum amount of sick leave that may be donated to any one person requesting donations under this provision will be equivalent to sixty (60) days. 8.10.5 Donated sick leave will be utilized for the specified employee in the following manner: (A) donated sick leave will be assigned a usage number. The first donated sick leave received by the Personnel Office will be the first sick leave used by the beneficiary. As sick leave is used by the unit member requesting it, the leave time will be charge against the unit member donating the sick leave. (B) if the employee returns to work prior to using all donated days, unused sick leave will be returned to the bargaining unit member donating the sick leave. 8.10.6 Up to an additional twenty (20) days (160 hours) of donated time may be requested in writing to the Assistant Superintendent, Personnel Services by the affected member or his/her immediate family. In this case, Section 8.10.5 procedures will be put into effect. 8.10.7 When all paid leaves of absence have been exhausted, and the unit member is unable to return to work, in lieu of resigning the unit member may elect to do one of the following: take a personal leave without pay pursuant to Section 8.5 or Article VIII for not to exceed the remainder of the school year in which the leave occurs, or retire if eligible pursuant to the provisions of the State retirement system.

  • Accumulation of Sick Leave The unused portion of an Employee's sick leave shall accrue for her future benefit, up to a maximum of one hundred and thirty (130) days.

  • Reporting of Sick Leave The employee will call in sick or returning in accordance with Article 14.05 to the designated employer for purposes of payment. For purposes of notification of absence, the employee will notify the appropriate home in accordance with Article 14.05 of their absence that shift.

  • Extension of Sick Leave Unless an employee otherwise requests in writing, an employee who has used up her sick leave credits shall be granted advanced sick leave with pay for a period up to fifteen (15) days subject to the deduction of such advanced leave from any sick leave credits subsequently earned.

  • Portability of Sick Leave 1. The employer will accept up to sixty (60) accumulated sick leave days from other school districts in British Columbia, for employees hired to or on exchange in the district. 2. An employee hired to or on exchange in the district shall accumulate and utilize sick leave credit according to the provisions of the Collective Agreement as it applies in that district.

  • Transfer of Sick Leave Any teacher shall be entitled to transfer sick leave credit from 14 other Florida school districts with the restriction that at least one-half (1/2) of the valid 15 accrued leave shall be established in The School District of Xxx County, Florida.

  • Granting of Sick Leave An employee shall be granted sick leave with pay when he or she is unable to perform his or her duties because of illness or injury provided that: