Purpose of the Authority. The purpose of this Agreement, and the creation of the Authority, is to provide for the joint exercise of powers common to the General Members, and those additional powers granted by SGMA, for the purpose of cooperatively carrying out the requirements of SGMA, including, but not limited to, serving as the GSA for the Basin and developing, adopting and implementing a GSP which achieves groundwater sustainability in the Basin. Article III: Term
Purpose of the Authority. The purpose of the Authority is to support 9-1-1 service (including emergency telephone service, emergency notification service, and basic emergency service) in the Authority’s jurisdiction in accordance with the Emergency Telephone Service Law and other applicable law. “9-1-1” means a three-digit number to facilitate the reporting of an emergency requiring response by a public safety agency.
Purpose of the Authority. The Authority intends, among other things, to adopt and implement a GSP or GSP chapter for Non-districted Land, and enter into agreements, as necessary and requested, with General Members to provide them with the required regulatory authority to include Outside Member Land in a General Member’s GSP or GSP chapter. The sole purpose of the Authority is to provide regulatory authority for Non-districted Land so those lands are able to be regulated under a GSP as required by SGMA.
Purpose of the Authority. The AUTHORITY is established for the purposes of administering this Agreement, pursuant to the joint powers provisions of the California Government Code, and of providing the services and other items necessary and appropriate for the establishment, operation and maintenance of a self-insurance plan for workers' compensation, liability, property damage, fire damage, medical, dental and vision claims, or any other risk or plan authorized by law for the Public Educational Agencies who are Members thereof, and to provide a forum for discussion, study, development and implementation of recommendations of mutual interest regarding insurance, self- insurance and other related plans.
Purpose of the Authority. Each Member to this Agreement has in common the power to study, plan, develop, finance, acquire, construct, maintain, repair, manage, operate, control, and govern water supply, water management, or land use responsibilities within the Basin either alone or in cooperation with other public or private non-member entities, and each is a local agency eligible to serve as the GSA in the Basin, either alone or jointly through a joint powers agreement as provide for by SGMA. The purpose of this Authority is to serve as the GSA for the Basin and to develop, adopt, and implement the GSP for the Basin pursuant to SGMA and other applicable provisions of law.
Purpose of the Authority. Each Member to this Agreement has in common the power to study, plan, develop, finance, acquire, construct, maintain, repair, manage, operate, control, and govern water supply projects and exercise groundwater management authority within the Basin either alone or in cooperation with other public or private non-member entities, and each is a local agency eligible to serve as the GSA in the Basin, either alone or jointly through a joint powers agreement as provided for by SGMA. This Agreement is being entered into in order to jointly exercise some or all of the foregoing common powers, as appropriate, and for the exercise of such additional powers as may be authorized by law in the manner herein set forth, in order to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement. The purpose of the Authority is to serve as the GSA for the Basin and to develop, adopt, and implement the GSP for the Basin pursuant to SGMA and other applicable provisions of law.
Purpose of the Authority. 2.1 The Authority is established for the purposes of administering this Agreement and for jointly exercising powers common to each Member by:
2.1.1 Pooling on a self-funded basis various risks in excess of individually selected deductible amounts and up to a jointly selected maximum;
2.1.2 Jointly purchasing insurance coverage or participating in risk pools and/or programs to provide coverage over the self-funded maximum;
2.1.3 Creating and maintaining loss funds to pay the costs of self-funded portions of covered losses;
2.1.4 Jointly purchasing insurance, other products and services for the mutual benefit of the Members;
2.1.5 Implementing a risk management program;
2.1.6 Providing a forum for discussion, study, development and implementation of recommendations of mutual interest regarding self-funded protection, risk management and other programs, as more specifically provided for in the Bylaws; and
2.1.7 Providing for the future inclusion of additional public educational agencies which desire to become parties to this Agreement.
Purpose of the Authority. 2.1 The Authority is established for the purposes of administering this Agreement and for jointly exercising powers common to each Member by:
2.1.1 Pooling on a self-insured, i.e., permissibly uninsured, basis various risks in excess of individually selected deductible amounts and up to a jointly selected maximum;
2.1.2 Jointly purchasing insurance coverage over the self-insured, i.e., permissibly uninsured, maximum;
2.1.3 Creating and maintaining loss funds to pay the costs of self- insurance, i.e., permissibly uninsured, portions of covered losses;
2.1.4 Implementing a risk management program;
2.1.5 Providing a forum for discussion, study, development and implementation of recommendations of mutual interest regarding self-funded insurance, i.e., permissibly uninsured, risk management and other programs, as more specifically provided for in the Bylaws; and
2.1.6 Providing for the future inclusion of additional public agencies which desire to become parties to this Agreement.
Purpose of the Authority. 2.1 The Authority is established for the purposes of administering this Agreement and for jointly exercising powers common to each Member by:
2.1.1 Pooling on a self-funded basis various risks in excess of individually selected deductible amounts and up to a jointly selected maximum;
2.1.2 Jointly purchasing insurance coverage over the self-funded maximum;
2.1.3 Creating and maintaining loss funds to pay the costs of self-funded portions of covered losses;
2.1.4 Implementing a risk management program;
2.1.5 Providing a forum for discussion, study, development and implementation of recommendations of mutual interest regarding self-funded protection, risk management and other programs, as more specifically provided for in the Bylaws; and
2.1.6 Providing for the future inclusion of additional public educational agencies which desire to become parties to this Agreement.
Purpose of the Authority. The initial purpose of the Authority is to investigate, evaluate, and improve cooperation of the Member Utilities and coordination of electric generation and/or transmission services involving Projects of the Authority and to do such other things as may be permitted by law that further the interests of the Member Utilities. The Authority is authorized under this Agreement to undertake any of the activities described in Section 6 below. The Member Utilities acknowledge that, if the Authority purchases a state-owned power project as described in AS 42.45.310, this Agreement may be amended pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 herein to include additional provisions and authority under AS 42.45.