Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding Sample Clauses

Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is made and entered into, by and between Public Health Seattle & King County, hereinafter referred to as “PH,” and Seattle Public Schools, hereinafter referred to as “SPS.” This MOU is to serve as the operating agreement between the parties for the purpose of providing and coordinating preventative and primary healthcare services to students through school-based health centers, school nursing services, and health education activities supported by the Families and Education Levy. The parties agree that this MOU is intended to ensure the parties’ agreement and common understanding of regulatory guidance and policies, so as to support coordination and integration efforts of PH and SPS leadership and school-based health and education professionals.
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. The undersigned hereby agree to the conditions and provisions set forth in this agreement for the purpose of describing the services to be provided through the One-Stop delivery system; how the costs of such services and the operating costs of the system will be funded; methods for referral of individuals between the One-Stop Operator and the One-Stop Partners for the appropriate services and activities.
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. The purpose of this MoU is to provide a framework for cooperation between the Parties with the overall goal of enhancing the sustainability of the food production and nutrition in developing countries.
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a cooperative, mutually beneficial partnership among PacMtn, the Chief Locally Elected Official (XXXX), the core and required federal workforce programs (WorkSource Partners), the One-Stop Operator (Operator), and the additional local partners that comprise the local One-Stop System (WorkSource System), in Grays Harbor, Pacific, Lewis, Mason, and Thurston counties. The WorkSource System functions as the American Job Center Network in the region. This MOU sets forth the responsibilities of the WorkSource Partners related to the planning and implementation of workforce services to employers and job seekers pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) and the 2020-2024 Regional Strategic Workforce Plan (Local Plan), develop in response to the state’s Talent and Prosperity Plan, by PacMtn with support from the WorkSource Partners and XXXX. The partner agrees to work with PacMtn, the CLEOs and the Operator to create a seamless, customer- focused service delivery system that aligns service delivery across the board and enhances access to program services. The implementation of WIOA and the WorkSource System has created the opportunity for the PacMtn Region to rethink how and where it provides workforce services to job seekers and businesses. This MOU assures compliance with the mandates of the law, while the WorkSource Partners and the Operator work together, under the guidance of the PacMtn and XXXX, to align infrastructure and service delivery strategies in support of a more accessible, customer-centered system.
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. 1.1 From time to time, due to the wide and varied nature of public services, a local authority may lack appropriate expertise or experience in a particular subject or lack specialist equipment required to carry out a particular function or investigation. To facilitate better ways of working and doing more with less, better use could be made of both expertise and equipment if it were shared amongst local authorities. The purpose of this memorandum is therefore: ▪ to establish a straightforward mechanism to facilitate the sharing of officer expertise as well as equipment within the participating Local Authorities to promote effective service delivery ▪ to establish the roles and responsibilities of the parties to this memorandum individually, collectively and to each other ▪ to define the system of requesting and agreeing the exchange of goods and expertise so that both lending and borrowing can be compared in a fair and equitable manner 1.2 The parties to this memorandum are those indicated on the front page of this document. 1.3 The partnership is not exclusive to those parties named and is open to any local authority that is willing to comply with the terms and conditions of the memorandum and partnership. 1.4 Local authorities that want to join the partnership may join at the agreement of all the other stakeholders. 1.5 This document is liable to mutual review on an agreed frequency of not more than twelve months or as a result of any material change or review of the partnership.
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. The purpose of this MOU is to formalize a partnership between the MCSD, Fox Elementary School, and the MILL DISTRICT, with the goal of obtaining the mission and objective(s) outlined above. This MOU is not a contract for goods or services and no monetary consideration is contemplated herein. SECTION II GENERAL OBLIGATIONS
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. This MOU is to serve as the operating agreement between the parties for the purpose of providing and coordinating preventative and primary healthcare services to students and staff of Lake Forest Elementary School through a school-based health center (“SBHC”) and health education activities.
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. 2.1 The Government of Jersey has an absolute commitment to the international effort to combat financial crime in all of its forms. To fulfil this commitment, the Government must ensure that Financial Crime Agencies in Jersey continue to have appropriate resources and funding to identify, investigate and prosecute financial crime and recover the proceeds of crime linked to Jersey. 2.2 The Chief Minister, on behalf of the Government of Jersey, wishes to enter into this MOU with the Chief Officer of the SoJP, the Attorney General, the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit, the Viscount, the Comptroller of Revenue (“Comptroller”), and the Chairman of the JFSC to clarify certain matters concerning the investigation and prosecution of financial crime in Jersey. 2.3 In 2016 MONEYVAL4 published a report5 on the compliance of Jersey with the 2003 Recommendations of the FATF6. That report contained findings that the number of money laundering convictions and confiscations were relatively low given the size and characteristics of the Island’s financial sector. The report recommended that the authorities review resource levels and the effectiveness of the regime concerning money laundering convictions and confiscations. 2.4 This MOU details the considerations of the Financial Crime Agencies in relation to: 2.4.1 Financial crime identification. 2.4.2 Sharing of intelligence. 2.4.3 Investigations and prosecutions. 2.4.4 Recovering the proceeds of crime. 2.5 The matters considered and covered in this MOU are: 2.5.1 Broad/high-level responsibilities of each of the Financial Crime Agencies. 2.5.2 The reporting lines for each agency. 2.5.3 The reporting requirements for each agency. 2.5.4 An effectiveness review process.
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as “MoU”) is to provide a formal framework for the partnership between IDH and Olam. It defines overall joint strategic interests and new areas of potential collaboration. The Parties specifically acknowledge that this MoU is not an obligation of funds, nor does it constitute a legally binding commitment by any Party, with the exception of clause 5 on the exchange of confidential information and clause 9 on governing law and jurisdiction. Any opportunities for formal co-operation which may arise in the future are strictly subject to contract.
Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding. 1.1 This MoU provides necessary terms and conditions concerning the collaborative research project between KEK and I-xxx specified in Article 2.