Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. ESE will provide model contract language and guidance on rating educator impact on student learning growth based on state and district-determined measures of student learning. Upon receiving this model contract language and guidance, the parties agree to bargain with respect to this matter.
Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. DESE will provide model contract language and guidance on rating educator impact on student learning growth based on state and district-determined measures of student learning by July 15, 2012. Upon receiving this model contract language and guidance, the parties agree to bargain with respect to this matter.
Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. The parties shall establish a committee to negotiate the issues related to the rating impact on student learning growth. No changes shall be implemented without mutual agreement between the parties.
Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. The parties agree to bargain with respect to this matter during the 2014-2015 school year. The first time administrators are to be rated on their Impact of Student Learning, that rating shall be Moderate or High.
Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. A. Basis of the Impact on Student Learning Rating i. The following student performance measures shall be used in combination with professional judgment to determine an educator’s impact on student learning, growth, and achievement.
Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. As part of the state’s Educator Evaluation System, a rating of high, moderate, or low will be assigned to teachers on a three-year reporting cycle. Evaluators will base ratings on trends and patterns on state assessments and/or district determined measures (DDMs). Starting with the 2014-2015 school year, educators and evaluators will identify measures that will be used as a basis for judgments about educator impact.
Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. Following receipt of guidance from ESE, the parties will negotiate the process for using state and district-determined measures to arrive at an Educator’s rating of impact on student learning, growth and achievement.
Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. The Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth based on District-determined measures of student learning, growth and achievement will be discussed pursuant to ESE guidance.
Rating Impact on Student Learning Growth. The school district will collect the first year of data for determining Student Impact Ratings for all educators and administrators during the school year 2015-2016. The school district will collect the second year data for determining Student Impact Ratings for all educators and administrators during the school year 2016-2017 and the school district will determine Student Impact Ratings for all educators and administrators by October 1, 2017. Subsequent collection and determination of Student Impact Ratings for all educators will be conducted in accordance with state law and regulations and the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the parties as then in effect. The Student Impact Ratings of high, moderate and low will be based on evidence from multiple measures of student learning, growth or achievement. The multiple measures that will be used are as follows: