REDUCTIONS IN TEACHERS. 6.1 The Administration and Alliance shall form a joint committee for the purpose of initiating and monitoring the reduction-in-force procedures. The committee shall be made up of members divided equally between Administration and Alliance members. The Alliance and Administration shall select their own members to the committee and each shall designate one of their members as co-conveners. The co-conveners shall establish the agenda and meeting times of the committee. The committee shall establish the criteria for moving individuals from Group 2 into Group 3 and any alternate definition of placement into Group 4, if any. The committee shall meet annually by December 1. If no agreement is reached, statutory definition of Groups 2 and 4 will govern. Placement parameters shall be determined by February 1 of each year in order to affect RIF sequencing for that Spring. Any member of the committee may request and receive the past two (2) evaluation ratings of any employee in the District as well as that employee’s length of service. RIF lists shall be provided to the Alliance by March 15.
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REDUCTIONS IN TEACHERS. Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, honorable dismissals and recalls shall be in accordance with the School Code, except where the School Code permits supplementation through provisions negotiated between the parties, with the commitment of the parties to engage in such negotiations expressed in the attached Memorandum of Understanding. Among other changes required by the School Code, all teachers shall be categorized into one or more positions for which the teacher is “qualified to hold, as that term is defined in the School Code’s Section 24-12(b), Within each position, and subject to agreements made by the joint committee referenced below, the District or joint agreement must establish four groupings of teachers qualified to hold the position, as provided for in the School Code’s Section 24-12(b) A list of the “sequence of honorable dismissal” shall be provided by the Board at least 75 days before the end of the school year, unless an earlier date is agreed to by the parties. . If the Board decides to decrease the number of Teachers employed, the Board shall dismiss teachers in compliance with the Illinois School Code and according to the provided sequence of dismissal. In compliance with the School Code, a joint committee will be established and will hold its first meeting on or before December 1, 2011, for the purpose of establishing procedures and guidelines to comply with the recently amended School Code regarding teacher dismissals and incorporating such modifications as permitted by the School Code and agreed to by the parties.



  • Distributions in Kind Except as expressly provided herein, no right is given to any Partner to demand and receive property other than cash. The General Partner may determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, to make a distribution in-kind to the Partners of Partnership assets, and such assets shall be distributed in such a fashion as to ensure that the fair market value is distributed and allocated in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 10.

  • Monitoring of Contribution Limitations Information The Custodian shall not be responsible for monitoring the amount of contributions made to the designated beneficiary’s account or the income levels of any depositor or contributor for purposes of assuring compliance with applicable state or federal tax laws.

  • Limitations in Tariffs A Party may, in its sole discretion, provide in its tariffs and contracts with its End Users and third parties that relate to any service, product or function provided or contemplated under this Agreement, that to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Law, such Party shall not be liable to the End User or third Party for (i) any loss relating to or arising out of this Agreement, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, that exceeds the amount such Party would have charged that applicable person for the service, product or function that gave rise to such loss and (ii)

  • CERTAIN CANCELLATIONS PROHIBITED The Student may not cancel the third (summer) semester of three semester agreements during the first semester (fall) without also cancelling the spring portion of the agreement. Requests to cancel only the summer portion of a three semester agreement received prior to the first day of spring move in shall be treated as if submitted on the first day of spring move in for the purpose of determining applicable cancellation fees.

  • Redeployment and Redundancy 2.14.1 The parties acknowledge that the Public Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxx 0000 (PSMA) and the Public Sector Management (Redeployment and Redundancy) Regulations 2014 (Regulations) provide the legislative framework for redeployment and redundancy for all Employees covered by this Agreement. If the provisions of this Agreement and the Regulations are inconsistent, the provision of the Regulations shall prevail.

  • UTILIZATION OF PROP F AND TEMPORARY EXEMPT EMPLOYEES 117. The Human Resources Director agrees to work with City departments to ensure proper utilization of Proposition F and temporary exempt (“as needed”) employees when such positions would more appropriately or efficiently be filled by permanent employees. In addition, the City will notify holdovers in represented classifications of any recruitment for exempt positions in their classifications.

  • Modifications in Writing 19. No change, modification, extension, termination or waiver of this Agreement, or any of the provisions herein contained, shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each party.

  • Notification of Limitations on Contributions San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code (the “Conduct Code”) Section 1.126 prohibits any person who contracts with the City for selling or leasing any land or building to or from the City whenever such transaction would require the approval by a City elective officer or the board on which that City elective officer serves, from making a contribution to such an officer, or candidate for such an office, or committee controlled by such officer or candidate at any time from the commencement of negotiations for such contract until the termination of negotiations for such contract or three months has elapsed from the date the contract is approved by the City elective officer, or the board on which that City elective officer serves. San Francisco Ethics Commission Regulation 1.126-1 provides that negotiations are commenced when a prospective contractor first communicates with a City officer or employee about the possibility of obtaining a specific contract. This communication may occur in person, by telephone or in writing, and may be initiated by the prospective contractor or a City officer or employee. Negotiations are completed when a contract is finalized and signed by the City and the contractor. Negotiations are terminated when the City and/or the prospective contractor end the negotiation process before a final decision is made to award the contract. Through its execution of this Agreement, Tenant acknowledges that it is familiar with the provisions of Article III, Chapter 2 of City's Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, and sections 87100 et seq and sections 1090 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, and certifies that it does not know of any facts which constitute a violation of said provisions and agrees that if it becomes aware of any such fact during the term of this Agreement it shall immediately notify City.

  • Considerations in Assignment (A) The employee shall be granted, upon written request, a conference with the person responsible for making the assignment to express concerns regarding:

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