Relays Sample Clauses

RelaysThe Contractor shall furnish and install either a solid state, mercury or electro-mechanical relay as manufactured by ECAM, MDI, ASCO, Square D, or Duracool. Relay shall be normally open type, 120 volt coil, and contact rating as specified by the Director. Where required, relay shall be mounted on a high quality Bakelite panel or equivalent material, or in a box when relay is to be mounted in a transformer base. In electro-mechanical relays where relay contacts are held closed by mechanical means, the Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary accessories required for normal operation with either a PEC or an A.T.S. as the Control. Where relays are ordered installed in control panel boxes vaults, or similar structures, the Contractor shall furnish and install the required number of #12 conductors between terminal on relay and adjacent control. The Contractor shall also connect the relay to the adjacent cutout or busswork, and install the electrical conductors and terminal lugs necessary to insure proper operation of the relay, as part of the item.
RelaysProtection relays shall be provided with flag type indicators to indicate cause of tripping. Flag indicators shall remain in position till they are reset by hand reset. Relays shall be designed to make or break the normal circuit current with which they are associated. Relay contacts shall be of silver or platinum alloy and shall be designed to withstand repeated operation without damage. Relays shall be of draw out type to facilitate testing and maintenance. Draw out case shall be dust tight. Relays shall be capable of disconnecting faulty section of network without causing interruption to remaining sections. Analysis of setting shall be made considering relay errors, pickup and overshoot errors and shall be submitted to Engineer in charge for approval.
Relays i. Relays shall be of drawout design with built in testing facilities. Small auxiliary relays may be in non drawout execution. ii. Relay shall be rated for operation on 5 Amp secondary current & 110 / 220 V secondary voltage; number & rating of relay contacts shall suit the job requirements. iii. The contractor shall furnish, install & co-ordinate all relays to suit the requirements of protection & interlock & as broadly indicated in the annexure & drawings.
Relays. Where a foreign or domestic collecting society has under a separate agreement acquired the right to grant or administer a licence of the right to use the Work in particular but not by way of limitation by inclusion of the Work in a service transmitted by satellite, cable or other terrestrial means the Contributor shall not be entitled to payment from the BBC in respect of such use nor shall the BBC lay claim to any monies payable by such society in respect thereof.
Relays. (i) Check nameplate details according to specifications. (ii) Check for any physical damage. (iii) Check internal wiring. (iv) Megger all terminals to body; Megger AC to DC Terminals. (v) Check operating characteristics by secondary injections (vi) Check minimum pick up voltage of D.C. coils. (vii) Check operation of electrical / mechanical targets. (viii) Relay settings.
Relays i) ITV1 programmes shall be entitled, on payment of a fee, as follows, to each musician, plus the Primary Use Fee Supplement where applicable, to transmit as a simultaneous relay on television and/or radio a programme consisting of a performance normally given to the public and therefore pre-rehearsed before an invited audience or a public performance which would be given even if it were not to be televised: ii) Musicians may be engaged for a Session of not less than three hours. A Session may be extended to provide additional recording time on payment to each musician of an additional fee, as follows, for each additional fifteen minutes or part thereof by which the session is extended: iii) Fee per musician for broadcast on the ITV Digital Channels shall be at a rate of 75% of the above fees and will enable 10 minutes of music to be used within the programme which has been created within a one-hour Session.
Relays. Pilot lights and control switches.
Relays. Energy management control wires shall be removed from the units without cutting them.
Relays. (ME090000) - Provides instruction on the basic relays such as control relays, over / under voltage relays, non-directional over / under current and differential relays Rotating Electrical Machinery: (ME 110000) - Provides instruction on DC /AC Motor and Generator machine fundamentals Controllers and Pilot Devices (ME 130000) - Provides instruction in fundamental temperature concepts, temperature sensors, operating principles, thermocouples, RTD, and thermistor. Systematic Approach to Troubleshooting: (ME 140000) provides instruction in the seven step process on troubleshooting including precautions, site references, electrical safety precautions, troubleshooting plan boundaries, failure analysis, operability tests, PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC DCPP ApPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION SECTION IV, continued