Reports and Accounts. As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each Accounting Period, each Limited Partner shall be provided with a report audited by an independent certified public accountant selected by the General Partner(s) that contains: the balance sheet of the Limited Partnership as of the last day of that Accounting Period, a statement of profit and loss showing the amounts allocated to or against that Limited Partner's account with respect to that Accounting Period.
Reports and Accounts. As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each Accounting Period, each Limited Partner shall be provided
Reports and Accounts. Within sixty (60) days after the close of each month, the -------- Company shall render to the Reinsurers the following:
Reports and Accounts. Accounts and premium are due and payable quarterly thirty -------- (30) days after the close of each calendar quarter. CEDING COMMISSION: 32.5% of the gross net earned premium ceded. ---------- CONTINGENT COMMISSION: See attached Exhibits A, B and C. ----------
Reports and Accounts. 5.1 The Provider shall during the continuance of this agreement:
(a) provide a quarterly written report and/or statistical information;
(b) provide an annual written report including a risk report, a quality report and/or statistical information;
(c) update the Provider’s online database, Charity Log with every new participant’s details ie name, address, date of birth and demographics every two weeks;
(d) arrange regular meetings to confirm there is a clear understanding of scope of work, the interpretation of information, timetables, deadlines and timing of reports; and
(e) provide a risk report at the Lead provider’s reasonable request and also, if the Lead provider so requires, maintain a Risk Register with the Lead provider. If the Lead provider requests additional information in respect of any such reports, the Provider agrees to provide such additional information or updates within 10 days of the request. For the avoidance of doubt, the reports referred to above shall each relate to the Provider’s performance of its obligations under this agreement during the relevant period, indicating qualitative and quantitative aspects of progress and performance on areas as agreed with the Lead provider, and otherwise in such form and containing such information as the Lead provider shall from time to time reasonably require.
5.2 The Provider shall send to the Lead provider a copy of its annual accounts as soon as they are available but in any event within 9 months after the end of the relevant financial year. The funding will be acknowledged in the Provider’s annual reports and accounts during the relevant period. The Provider will show this funding and related expenditure as a restricted fund under the description ‘Ageing Better in Camden – Big Lottery Fund Grant’ in the Provider’s annual accounts. If the Provider has more than one restricted fund the Provider will include a note to the accounts identifying each restricted fund separately.
Reports and Accounts. Accounts and premiums are due and payable quarterly thirty --------- (30) days after the close of each calendar quarter. CEDING COMMISSION: 32.5% of gross ceded premium. ---------- CONTINGENT COMMISSION: Three-Year Block: January 1, 1997 - December 31, 1999 ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ Cumulative Net Earned Reinsurance Premium less Cumulative Incurred Losses plus Pro Rata Loss Adjustment Expenses occurring on and after January 1, 1997 to the termination of the Agreement, plus deficit, if any, from the preceding SEC:vs 1/7/97 3 REINSURANCE COVER NOTE Agreement No: 970044 period, and less Reinsurers' Margin shall equal the Cumulative Net Balance. Balance times 100% equals Contingent Commission. SEC:vs 1/7/97 4 CONTINGENT COMMISSION (Continued): Incurred Losses in this calculation to include IBNR ----------- factors of 50% of net earned reinsurance premium at the first calculation at 12/31/97; 30% of net earned reinsurance premium at the second calculation at 12/31/98; 10% of net earned reinsurance premium at the third calculation at 12/31/99 and 0% at subsequent calculations. Reinsurers' Margin shall be 17.5% of the Net Earned Reinsurance Premium. Payable annually within ninety (90) days after the close of each year. Unlimited deficit carry forward. Annual calculations until all losses are settled. Annual calculations at each December 31 thereafter until all losses are settled. Calculation of this Contingent Commission shall apply collectively for all Companies reinsured under this Agreement, and not individually.
Reports and Accounts. 7.4.1 The Company will furnish to the Hotel the monthly sales reports which are generated by the Company Computer, in a form of the Company's design, within five (5) days following the end of each calendar month, in respect of Gross Revenue and Net Revenue for that month, following accounts reconciliation pursuant to Section 4.2.2 above, and including details of the Hotel's Share, the Company's Share and any other pertinent information requested in writing by the Hotel. A sample monthly report is attached as Exhibit 7.4.1 hereto.
7.4.2 Each Party shall have the right and shall afford the other Party with the opportunity, at reasonably frequency, to inspect and examine all aspects of the accounting related to calculation of the Gross Revenue and Net Revenue. It is presently anticipated that this shall occur on a quarterly basis.
Reports and Accounts. As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each fiscal year, each Member shall be furnished with a copy of a balance sheet of the Company as of the last day of such fiscal year and a statement of profit or loss showing the amounts allocated to or against such Member’s accounts in respect of such year, all prepared in accordance with Sections 9.1. Copies of all federal and state partnership income tax returns prepared by the Company shall be furnished to each Member.
Reports and Accounts. ERMA xxxll render to Aetna accounts and reports with respect to the Covered Business, and remit to Aetna all amounts owed to Aetna hereunder, in accordance with the Reporting and Accounting Convention attached as Exhibit C to the Restructuring Agreement.
Reports and Accounts. As soon as reasonably practicable after, and in all cases within three months following, the end of each fiscal year, each Member shall be furnished with a statement of profit or loss in respect of such year, prepared in accordance with section 8.1 and, if so determined by the Managers or at least ten (10%) in interest of the Members, audited by an independent certified accountant selected by the Managers. Copies of all federal and state partnership income tax returns filed by the Company shall be available to each Member, and copies of appropriate distributive share schedules thereto shall be furnished to each Member.