RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. 16.1. The Employee and the Company shall agree that, subject to the above facts and circumstances, the restrictive conditions in paragraphs 14 and 15 are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company and its related business, and that, given these circumstances, these Agreements are fair and reasonable, and the Employee refuses from all protective measures for their application.
16.2. The Company and the Employee shall agree that the conditions of paragraphs 14 and 15 will continue to apply regardless of the method or reasons for the Employee’s work discontinuation and regardless of whether the Employee's employment was terminated with or without notice.
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. 17.1 The employer confirm that he had sufficient opportunity to inspect the building plans and specifications as well as to do an inspection of the infrastructure and that the employer could not identify or observe any patent defects during his inspection.
17.2 The employer therefore agrees to take occupation of the property and to accept the state of the property as inspected by him.
17.3 The Employer further more accepts that the property is reasonably suitable for its purpose and that it is of a good quality and standard.
17.4 The Employer furthermore declares as follows:
17.4.1 that the Employer understands the contents, purport, importance and effect of this Agreement.
17.4.2 that the Contract Sum is not unfair, unreasonable or unjust.
17.4.3 that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are not unfair, unreasonable or unjust.
17.4.4 That neither the Contractor nor any person on his behalf demanded from the Employer to waive any rights, assume any obligation or waive any liability of the Contractor on terms that are unfair, unreasonable or unjust.
17.4.5 that no unfair, unreasonable or unjust terms were imposed upon the Employer as a condition of entering into this Agreement.
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. Each Company and Shareholder shall be ---------------------- free from any agreements, restrictions or conditions which in the reasonable opinion of ADP could have a Material Adverse Effect on either Company.
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. The sale of the shares issuable upon exercise of this Option shall be limited to not exceed in any thirty (30) day period the lesser of (i) twenty (20%) percent of the aggregate trading volume for the previous twenty (20) trading days, and (ii) an aggregate of ten (10%) percent of the Option Shares.
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. ADP shall be free from any agreements, ---------------------- restrictions or conditions which in the reasonable opinion of Park would have a material adverse effect upon ADP's financial condition, operations, prospects, assets, business, or ability to consummate this transaction.
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. Park and the Park Shareholders shall be ---------------------- free from any agreements, restrictions or conditions which in the reasonable opinion of ADP would have a material adverse effect upon Park's financial condition, operations, prospects, assets, business, or ability to consummate this transaction.
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. Smileage, WDG, and the Smileage ---------------------- Shareholders shall be free from any agreements, restrictions or conditions which in the reasonable opinion of ADP would have a material adverse effect upon Smileage's or WDG's financial condition, operations, prospects, assets, business, or ability to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. 16.1 An LSC shall not be the LSC for more than two Higher Educational Institutions at a time to offer programmes in Open and Dista ce mode.
16.2 The LSC is not authorized or entitled to collect any fees from the Students enrolled.
16.3 The Learner Support Centre should not admit a learner to any programme in Open and Distance Learning for or on behalf of the SGOU.
16.4 The details of the fee payable to SGOU for various courses and any other fee such as examination fee etc, will be notified and intimated to the students from time to time by the University. All such fees shall be collected by the University directly.
16.5 The LSCs have no right to charge any fee or charges from the students in any manner. If any irregularity or discrepancy found in this regard, the registration/ recognition of the LSC can be withdrawn/canceled. by the University serving a two-month notice or the period decided by the University.
16.6 All functionaries at LSCs are part-time staff and their appointment is made on annual basis, and extension is given for their appointment yearly depending on the performance as evaluated by the SGOU.
16.7 A coordinator can normally continue for not more than five years. The supporting staff at LSC consists of Part-Time Class Ill (Assistants) and PartTime Class IV (Attendants) to be appointed by the Head of the Institution initially for one year and may be renewed annually for a maximum of five years.
16.8 The LSC shall be solely responsible for any other matter undertaken which do not come under the purview of the University.
16.9 The LSC shall no claim for any other payment, other than for the activities which are included in the compensation packages provided in the ARTCLE 18 of MOU or those arrived through mutual agreement signed with the University.
16.10 The expenditure borne for the functioning of LSC shall be payable by the University to LSC as per the rules and rates mentioned in ARTICLE 18 of the Mol-J.
16.11 The University will perform all the registration related activities for enrollment of students through notification and adopting proper procedure. The LSC is not connected with such activities except with instruction/order issued by a competent authority by the University.
16.12 The University shall depute its officials concerned to inspect the LSC maintained for the academic activities of the University. The officials so deputed shall be authorized to verify all the records related to the activities performed by the LSC.
16.13 The...
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. ADP shall be free from any agreements, ---------------------- restrictions or conditions which in the reasonable opinion of Smileage would have a material adverse effect upon ADP's financial condition, operations, projects, assets, business or ability to consummate this transaction.
RESTRICTIVE CONDITIONS. 38 (p) Defaults.................................................. 38 (q) Material Adverse Changes.................................. 38 (r) Books and Records......................................... 38 (s) Shareholders' Equity...................................... 38 (t) Capital Expenditures...................................... 39 (u) Agreement Between Smileage and GDP........................ 39 (v) Compliance with Laws...................................... 39 (w) Related Party Transactions................................ 39 (x) Contract with First Commonwealth.......................... 39 (y) Due Diligence............................................. 39