Revision clause Sample Clauses
Revision clause. The Parties may by mutual consent amend and revise this Part with a view to deepening their trade and investment relationship.
Revision clause. Upon request by a Party, the Parties shall consult to consider accelerating the elimination of customs duties as set out in Annex 1 or incorporating into one Party’s schedule, goods that are not subject to the elimination schedule. Further commitments between the Parties to accelerate the elimination of a customs duty on a good or to include a good in Annex 1 shall supersede any duty rate or staging category determined pursuant to their respective Schedules. These commitments shall enter into force after the Parties have exchanged notification certifying that they have completed the necessary internal legal procedures and on such dates as may be agreed between the Parties.
Revision clause. 1. The Parties agree to review this Agreement in its entirety no later than five (5) years after its entry into force. Such review is without prejudice to instances of adjustments, reviews or revisions otherwise provided for in this Agreement, such as those contemplated under Articles 12(2), 16(8), 17(5), 18(5), 26(10), 33(3), 35(6) and 65(e).
2. As regards the implementation of this Agreement, either Party may make suggestions oriented towards adjusting trade- related cooperation, taking into account the experience acquired during the implementation thereof.
3. The Parties agree that this Agreement may need to be reviewed in light of further developments in international economic relations and in the light of the expiration of the Cotonou Agreement.
Revision clause. The Trade Committee may review this Agreement, its implementation, operation and performance where necessary and make appropriate suggestions to the Parties for its amendment.
Revision clause. 1. Upon request of a Party, the Parties shall consult to consider accelerating, or broadening the scope of the elimination of customs duties as set out in Annex 2A (Schedule of Specific Tariff Commitments of India) and Annex 2B (Schedule of Specific Tariff Commitments of the UAE). Further commitments between the Parties to accelerate the elimination of a customs duty on a good, or to include a good in Annex 2A (for India) and Annex 2B (for the UAE), shall supersede any duty rate or staging category determined pursuant to their respective Schedules of Tariff Commitments. These commitments shall enter into force on the date specified by the Parties following the exchange of notifications certifying that they have completed their internal legal procedures.
2. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit a Party from unilaterally accelerating, or broadening the scope of the elimination of customs duties set out in its Schedule of Tariff Commitments in Annex 2A (for India) or Annex 2B (for the UAE). Any such unilateral acceleration, or broadening of the scope of the elimination of customs duties will neither permanently supersede any duty rate or staging category determined pursuant to their respective Schedule nor will serve to waive that Party’s right to impose at a later time the duty rate or staging category that is determined for that later time by their respective Schedule.
3. For greater certainty with respect to paragraph 2, a Party may:
(a) raise a customs duty back to the level established in its respective Schedule of Tariff Commitments in Annex 2A (for India) or Annex 2B (for the UAE) following a unilateral reduction; or
(b) maintain or increase a customs duty as authorised by the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO.
Revision clause. Many users of the patent system have argued for a broader range of provisions, which can be reviewed by the Administrative Committee in order to improve the functioning, efficiency and cost effectiveness of the Unified Patent Court and the quality of its judgements. Some Member States argue that such a review should require unanimity in the Administrative Committee, others fear that unanimity may render a necessary review too difficult. The Presidency proposes as a compromise to maintain the three quarter majority for a review decision of the Administrative Committee but to give Member States the possibility to reject a review on the basis of their relevant internal decision making procedures.
Revision clause. Article 1(3) and the Articles contained in Chapter II, with the exception of amendments to Article 8, may be amended by the Council, acting unanimously and on a proposal from the Commission. The EIB shall be associated with the Commission's proposal on matters relating to its activities and those of the Investment Facility.
Revision clause. The Employer reserves the right to change the employment contract unilaterally if he has such an overriding interest that the interest of the employee, which is affected by change, must yield based on norms of reasonableness and fairness thereto.
Revision clause. 1. The Parties agree, as appropriate and in accordance with the provisions of Article 92, to assess or review this Agreement every five (5) years from the date of entry into force.
2. Twelve (12) months before the end of each five-year period at the latest, the Parties shall inform one another of the provisions of the Agreement that they wish to review with a view to eventual amendment. Ten (10) months before the end of the current five-year period, the Parties shall enter into negotiations in order to discuss any amendments to be made to the Agreement. It shall be reviewed in the light of the experience acquired by the Parties during its implementation.
3. Notwithstanding this timing, the Parties may consider reviewing this Agreement as required, in particular on expiry of the Cotonou Agreement.
4. If one Party requests the review of any provisions of the Agreement, the other Party shall have a period of two (2) months in which to request the extension of the review to include other provisions related to those that were the subject of the initial request.
Revision clause. The Authorities shall regularly review this Agreement and initiate revision thereof if deemed necessary. Any revision requires the explicit and written consent of all the Authorities.