Right-of-Way Engineering. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for activities necessary to certify that the right-of-way has been acquired and the project is clear for construction letting. The CONSULTANT shall prepare final right-of-way plans, title research, legal descriptions, route survey plats or right-of-way parcel plats, acquisition instruments and other materials to be used in the acquisition of right-of-way in accordance with the Right-of-Way Engineering Procedure Manual, hereinafter called the MANUAL and 865 I.A.C. 1-12. The CONSULTANT shall compare and study the title information and survey data furnished with it. The CONSULTANT shall write the legal description of every right-of-way parcel in conformity with the MANUAL. Documents, plats and plans prepared by the CONSULTANT are to be checked by the CONSULTANT prior to submittal to INDOT. Documents and plats requiring a seal under this Contract may not be reviewed by INDOT for content. If the plans, aerial mosaics, title information and surveys are furnished to the CONSULTANT, there is no expressed or implied guarantee that conditions so indicated are entirely representative of those actually existing, or that unforeseen developments will not occur. The CONSULTANT is required to examine carefully all such data and satisfy itself as to the actual conditions. In case of any obvious discrepancy between the information furnished by INDOT and the actual conditions of the locality, or in case of errors or omissions in said information supplied by INDOT, the CONSULTANT shall make such corrections or additions on the plans, plats, strips, maps, or mosaics as necessary for the proper carrying out of its services. The CONSULTANT is assumed to have made itself familiar with the plans, aerial mosaics, and surveys, and it shall not plead that INDOT or the CONSULTANT, if any, who prepared those materials should assume responsibility for adding the information thereto as required by this Contract and by the MANUAL. It shall be the CONSULTANT’S duty to immediately inform INDOT, in writing, of any such defect, error or omission which cannot be resolved without additional title search or field survey, or which cannot be made without altering the design extent or character of the right-of-way limits as shown by INDOT before proceeding on this portion of the work. The CONSULTANT may, with prior written approval of INDOT, undertake additional title research in order to resolve errors or omissions in pro vided abstracting, as may be deemed nece...
Right-of-Way Engineering. A-E shall prepare Right-of-Way Maps, Legal Land Descriptions and Exhibits, Traverse Closure Reports, Calculations; order Preliminary Title Reports and provide Land Title Investigations, and other required materials in conformance with County standards. Said Right-of-Way Engineering standards are as specified in the addendum “Right-of-Way Engineering Standards”.
Right-of-Way Engineering. At the City’s written request, the Consultant shall: Provide or obtain additional preliminary title reports, property acquisition parcel maps, legal descriptions and right-of-way plans relating to property ownership and acquisition.
Right-of-Way Engineering. Sample Format (with list of parcels for each) 1 Copy/Format Draft Sketches and Legal Descriptions 3 Copies
Right-of-Way Engineering. The CONSULTANT shall provide right-of-way engineering for 1 parcel in accordance with the procedures and standards as indicated in the Indiana Department of Transportation, Land Acquisition Division, Right-of-Way Engineering Procedures Manual. o Provide a documented 20-year title search (T&E Report) for each parcel prepared by an abstractor as approved by the Indiana Department of Transportation. o Provide legal descriptions and transfer documents for each parcel. The descriptions shall be prepared and certified by an Indiana Registered Land Surveyor.
Right-of-Way Engineering. At the CITY’s written request, the CONSULTANT shall: • Provide or obtain additional title reports that are not provided by the CITY; the title report shall include: property acquisition parcel maps, legal descriptions and right-of-way plans relating to property ownership and acquisition.
Right-of-Way Engineering. 25 If authorized by COUNTY, ENGINEER will prepare legal descriptions and plat maps in Microsoft Word format 26 and MicroStation format, respectively, using COUNTY Map Preparation Manual standards.
Right-of-Way Engineering. The CONSULTANT shall provide Right of Way engineering in accordance with the procedures and standards as indicated in the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) Division of Land Acquisition Right of Way Engineering Procedures Manual including but not limited to the following:
Right-of-Way Engineering. 1. Preliminary Right of Way Plans, title search, legal descriptions, transfer documents and land plats for each parcel within 200 calendar days after receipt of review comments from the LPA on Stage 2 plans.
2. Final Right of Way Plans within 60 calendar days after receipt of review comments from the LPA on Preliminary Right of Way Plans.
3. Right of Way Stake-out within 60 calendar days after notification to proceed with the stake-out from the appraiser.
4. Title search updating and issuance of title work to be at the time of each parcel acquisition, if required. The approximate Letting date for this project will be between July 1, 2027 and June 30, 2028 of INDOT’s 2028 Fiscal Calendar Year, assuming a notice to proceed date of October 1, 2021.
1. The CONSULTANT shall receive as payment for the work performed under this Agreement a Total Fee Not to Exceed of $1,196,172.00, unless a modification of agreement is approved in writing by the LPA.
2. The CONSULTANT will be paid for the work performed under Appendix “A” of this Agreement on a Lump Sum basis in accordance with the following schedule except as noted in the items below: Description Amount A Project Management $32,980.00 B Topographic Survey $99,450.00 C Abbreviated Engineering Assessment $7,190.00 D Traffic Study/Analysis $25,010.00 E Roadway Design $577,960.00 F Utility Coordination $48,700.00 G Environmental Documentation $45,030.00 H Public Hearing $9,070.00 I Geotechnical Investigation and Report $33,612.00 J Pavement Design $10,000.00 K Lighting Design $30,870.00 L Permitting $5,710.00 M Bidding Phase Services $7,990.00 Reimbursable (Permit Fees, Publication costs, Mileage, etc.)* $2,000.00 N RIGHT OF WAY ENGINEERING Title Encumbrance Report (60 @ $525.00 EA) $31,500.00 Right of Way Engineering (60 @ $2,835.00 EA) $170,100.00 Additional Descriptions (20 @ $700.00 EA) $14,000.00 R/W Staking (60 @ $750.00 EA) $45,000.00 Toll telephone calls, printing, mailing, FAX costs required for the permits enumerated hereinabove will not be reimbursable expenses and the costs thereof are included in the itemized costs as shown herein in Appendix "D", Section A.2. *The cost of reimbursable expenses (subconsultants, permit application fees, mileage, publications costs and/or regulatory fees) will be paid for by the LPA as a reimbursable fee at actual cost incurred by the CONSULTANT and permissible by the current IDOA rates, but not exceed the final amount shown in the table above. The CONSULTANT shall not be ...
Right-of-Way Engineering. CONSULTANT shall perform Right of Way Engineering work consisting of preparing right of way plans, property plats, and legal descriptions for those right of way parcels that need to be acquired for the project. There are expected to be 11 parcels of land to be acquired, and it is anticipated that the developer that owns the majority of land along the west side of Xxxxxx Road will be donating the required r/w for the roadway improvements and ditch relocation. This effort also includes a 20-year title research for the permanent right of way to be acquired. All of this work will be completed in accordance with the Right of Way Engineering Procedure Manual, hereinafter called the MANUAL, 865 I.A.C. 1-12.