ROPS Sample Clauses

ROPS. Under the Dissolution Law, the Successor Agency’s ability to pay invoices is subject to the DOF’s authorization of such payment on the Successor Agency’s Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (“ROPS”). The ROPS is a schedule of obligations that is approved by the Oversight Board to the OCII. ROPS are currently submitted annually to DOF for approval in February. Thus, any invoices that fall outside of a pre-approved ROPS are subject to DOF’s authorization and may be subject to a delay of up ten months before consideration and payment or rejection in accordance with the Dissolution Law. DOF has approved the expenditures under this MOU on the ROPS for July 2016 through June 2017 (ROPS 2016-17, line 411). OCII will continue to include the expenditures for this MOU on all future ROPS necessary to provide expenditure authority for the term of the MOU.

Related to ROPS

  • Moonlighting Employment as a physician in a professional capacity outside of what is outlined in this Agreement, whether temporary special medical activity (“TSMA”) or external moonlighting, must be approved in writing, in advance, by the Departmental Chair, Program Director and Director of Graduate Medical Education (or designee). Even if approved, professional and general liability insurance as outlined in Section 5.4 is not provided to Trainee engaged in external moonlighting. Trainee acknowledges he or she has the responsibility to obtain insurance for such engagement. TSMA and external moonlighting must be included and reported as part of Trainee's hours spent on clinical experience and education. Trainee shall not be required to engage in any outside work.

  • School Closures The District may close schools for academic purposes or reduce programming due to public health, safety, severe weather or any other purpose as determined by the District. The District shall not owe Provider any compensation for times when services of Therapists are canceled, declined, or not required due to closure, reduction in programming, or exclusion of Therapists due to health risk assessment screenings or any other reason, and Provider agrees to indemnify District for Therapist claims arising from all such actions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent required by Section 10-20.56(d-15) of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-20.56(d-15)), when enforceable under law, the Parties understand that the District may determine it is required to pay Provider the daily, regular rate of pay and benefits for Therapists for any day of school closure or e-learning day if such closure precludes the Provider’s employees from performing its regularly scheduled duties and employees would have reported for work but for the closure, unless the day is rescheduled and the employees will be paid their daily, regular rate of pay and benefits for the rescheduled day when services are rendered. The Parties agree such payment constitute full satisfaction of Section 10-20.56(d-15). As a precondition to these payments being made, Provider shall provide an invoice for the foregoing pay and benefits costs; however, Provider will not include such pay and benefits costs for any school closure or e-learning day on any invoices until the last invoice of the school year in order to allow the District the opportunity to determine if the day will be rescheduled. When a payment is to be made by the District under this provision, Provider represents and warrants that it shall pay its employees their daily, regular rate of pay and benefits for any such school closure or e-learning day. Upon request, Provider shall provide the District with certified payrolls as evidence of compliance with this section. The District retains sole discretion to determine whether Section 10-20.56(d-15) applies to this Agreement or any day of school closure and, if the District determines such law is applicable, the District retains the discretion to determine if and when a school closure day is rescheduled. For purposes of this section, “school closures” shall not include holidays or other days of closure reflected on the District’s school calendar for which Provider is not scheduled to provide services under the Agreement.

  • Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Supplier will scan its internal environments (e.g., servers, network devices, etc.) related to Deliverables monthly and external environments related to Deliverables weekly. Supplier will have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days.

  • Nepotism No employee shall be directly supervised by a member of his/her immediate family. "

  • Drainage Systems (1) Clear culvert inlets, outlets, and sediment catching basins. (2) Maintain waterbars, drainage dips, and other water diversion measures. (3) During active use, patrol and maintain functional drainage. (4) Repair damaged culvert ends.

  • Rubric The rubrics are a scoring tool used for the Educator’s self-assessment, the formative assessment, the formative evaluation and the summative evaluation. The districts may use either the rubrics provided by ESE or comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubrics developed or adopted by the district and reviewed by ESE.

  • KITCHEN Black Granite counter top, Stainless steel sink (17'' x 20''), glazed wall tiles up to 2 ft above black granite counter.

  • Catalog Information about Hawthorn University is published in a school catalog that contains a description of certain policies, procedures, and other information about the school. Hawthorn University reserves the right to change any provision of the catalog at any time. Notice of changes will be communicated in a revised catalog, an addendum or supplement to the catalog, or other written format. Students are expected to read and be familiar with the information contained in the school catalog, in any revisions, supplements and addenda to the catalog, and with all school policies. By enrolling in Hawthorn University, the student agrees to abide by the terms stated in the catalog and all school policies.

  • Welding Welding and use of cutting torches or cutoff saws will be permitted only in areas that have been cleared or are free of all material capable of carrying fire. Flammable debris and vegetation must be removed from within a minimum 10-foot radius of all welding and cutting operations. A shovel and a 5-gallon standard backpack water container filled and with handpump attached shall be immediately available for use in the event of a fire start. C8.64 – DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION (3/18). Pursuant to 2 CFR 180 and 2 CFR 417, Purchaser shall certify and obtain certifications from its Subcontractors regarding debarment, suspension, ineligibility, and voluntary exclusion, including additional Subcontractors obtained after award of this contract. “Subcontractors” are participants in lower tier covered transactions. Purchaser may rely upon a certification of a prospective Subcontractor that it is not proposed for debarment under 48 CFR 9.4, debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in covered transactions or timber sales, unless Purchaser knows that the certification is erroneous. Purchaser shall keep the certifications of its Subcontractors on file until timber sale Termination Date and any extensions thereof, and will provide a copy at the written request of Contracting Officer. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this Subsection. The knowledge and information of Purchaser is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. If Purchaser knowingly enters into a timber sale transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR 9.4, suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in covered transactions or timber sales, in addition to other remedies available to the Government, Forest Service may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. Contracting Officer shall provide a copy of Forms AD-1047 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters – Primary Covered Transactions and AD-1048 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion – Lower Tier Covered Transactions to the Purchaser. Purchaser shall complete form AD-1047 and provide to the Contracting Officer upon request. Purchaser shall require each subcontractor to complete form AD-1048 and provide to the Contracting Officer upon request.

  • Geometric visibility The visibility of the illuminating surface, including its visibility in areas which do not appear to be illuminated in the direction of observation considered, shall be ensured within a divergent space defined by generating lines based on the perimeter of the illuminating surface and forming an angle of not less than 5° with the axis of reference of the headlamp.