Scale of Contributions Sample Clauses

Scale of Contributions a. Subject to the provisions of article 5, paragraph 2 of the present Arrangement, each Participant shall, in accordance with the following scale applicable for 1973, contribute to the expenditure resulting from the execution by the Organisation, under the terms of this Arrangement, of the sub-phase B 2 of the definition phase. Federal Republic of Germany 52.55 Belgium 4.20 Denmark 1.50 Spain 2.80 France 10.00 Italy 18.00 Netherlands 2.10 United Kingdom 6.30 Switzerland 1.00 Other countries (*) 1.55 (*) Weight of vote to be attributed to the Federal Republic of Germany as long as the provisions of (c) below are applicable. b. The scale for the execution of the sub-phase B 3 and the design, development and construction phase will be fixed by the States parties to the Arrangement on the completion of sub-phase B 2 (see article 5 of the present Arrangement). c. The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany guarantees the payment of any sums shown under the heading "Other countries" in the above table until such time as they are otherwise covered.
Scale of Contributions. (a) The scale of contributions shall be based on the product of two conceptual factors, the "ability to pay" of each Party to the Agreement and the relative "meteorological benefit" derived from the meteorological observations made at the stations under the terms of the Agreement. (b) There shall be three measures of the "ability to pay" of a Party: the national income as presented in National Income Data and Related Statistics prepared by the UN Statistical Office for the Committee on Contributions, the number of WMO units, and the annual contribution to the United Nations. (c) There shall be seven measures of meteorological benefit. In calculating the measures of meteorological benefit, the position of the centre of the network is defined by the arithmetic means of the latitudes and longitudes of the stations comprising the network as specified in Annex I. The distance R is defined as the great circle distance in kilometres, on a spherical earth of radius 6373 km, between the position of the centre of the network and the position of the capital of the Party involved. The formulae for determination of the meteorological benefit factor M are as follows: (1) Radial step function (2) Single ramp function (3) Double ramp function (4) Danish function (5) Modified Danish function (6) Proximity factor (7) Longitude/latitude formula (i) for countries close to the network and to the west of 5 W, the meteorological benefit factor is 0.7; (ii) for countries between 5 W and 50 E the meteorological benefit factor is 1.0 at the western boundary falling steadily to 0.3 at the eastern boundary; (iii) for countries east of 50 E, the meteorological benefit factor is 0.3; (iv) for countries to the west of 50 W the meteorological benefit factor is 0.3; (v) for countries to the south of latitude 30 N, the meteorological benefit factor is 0.3 regardless of longitude; (vi) for countries to the south of latitude 45 N but to the north of latitude 30 N, the meteorological benefit factor is 0.75 of the value given by (i) and (ii) above but subject to a minimum value of 0.3 for the meteorological benefit factor. (d) The three ability-to-pay factors when combined with the seven meteorological benefit factors give 21 possible scales of contribution. The percentage contribution by a Party to the Agreement shall be established as the average of the following two quantities: (i) the average for the country concerned of the percentage contributions derived from the 21 possible scales; (ii...
Scale of Contributions. 10.1 Members shall contribute to the budget of the Grouping according to a scale of contributions. 10.2 For subsequent financial years, the scale of contributions shall be calculated in proportion to the Gross National Product, as published by the OECD and updated triennially from the date of signature of the Formation Agreement. 10.3 If after the entry into force of this Formation Agreement a Party becomes Member of the Grouping, the scale of contribution shall be modified by the General Assembly according to the basis for calculation laid down in paragraph 2. The new scale shall take effect when the Party concerned becomes a Member. A Party which becomes a Member of this Grouping after the first year of operation of this Formation Agreement shall be required to pay, in addition to the contribution laid down in paragraph 2, a single additional contribution to the non-recurrent expenditure previously incurred by the Grouping. The amount of this additional contribution shall be determined by the General Assembly acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 11.7.a.
Scale of Contributions. 6.3.1 The Executive Secretary presented the results of work undertaken by an intersessional contact group (ICG) on a review of the scale of contributions used to calculate Parties‟ contributions (AC6 Doc 34). The elements of this review, agreed to in the margins of AC5, were used by the ICG to establish criteria against which to evaluate a number of different methodologies to calculate Parties‟ contributions. 6.3.2 The results of this evaluation (Table 1, AC6 Doc 34) revealed that use of the United Nations (UN) assessment formula, Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, or a combination of these two methodologies best met the evaluation criteria. Parties were surveyed and asked to decide which of the proposed methodologies they supported. The results of this survey (Table 2, AC6 Doc 34) revealed strong support for use of either the UN or the GNI methodologies. 6.3.3 In relation to transitional arrangements for phasing in of a new contribution formula, all respondents to the survey agreed that the new method should be phased in over a three year period. 6.3.4 Parties were also asked to advise their preferences for the use of additional funds arising from a new Party joining the agreement in the intersessional period. Of those responding to the survey, three were in favour of continuing the current approach, that is that they be used to grow the existing budget, while two respondents were against this approach. The Advisory Committee supported growing the budget if/when a new Party joins the Agreement during an intersessional period, noting that it would be too complex administratively for Parties to reduce their contributions intersessionally and would be unlikely to result in significant savings to individual Parties. 6.3.5 The ICG also sought Parties‟ opinions on the financial principles adopted at MoP3. The ICG advised that depending on which calculation method is adopted at MoP4, it is possible that Principles A2, A3 and B2 will need to be revised. The ICG was unable to make any recommendations on how these principles could be amended, until a new calculation method is agreed to and Parties decide if the accession of a new Party will result in a reduction of existing Parties‟ contributions. 6.3.6 The meeting agreed to continue intersessional work post AC6, with a view to identifying the financial impact that the AC‟s preferred methodologies, the UN scale, GNI, or a combination of the two, would have on Parties‟ level of contributions. It was agreed that...
Scale of Contributions. 6.2.1 The Meeting of the Parties adopted Resolution 1.3 on the “Scale of Contributions for the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels”.
Scale of Contributions. 7.12.1 The Secretariat presented a paper on a proposed scale of contributions for the 2016 - 2018 triennium (MoP5 Doc 19). 7.12.2 Concerning the French scale of contributions, MoP5 agreed to amend the scale of contributions formula to delete paragraph 4 concerning the application of the scale of contributions formula, for the triennium 2019 - 2021, and thereafter (Resolution 5.6 Annex B). Parties agreed that this would ensure MoP6 consider scale of contributions in line with Article VII 2a. 7.12.3 Brazil emphasised the need to review the formula used to determine the individual contributions from Parties in order to reach a more balanced distribution between them. 7.12.4 France proposed to review the scale of contributions formula at MoP6.
Scale of Contributions. 7.10.1 The scale of contributions was discussed in conjunction with agenda item 7.9; relevant discussions and decisions are reported under 7.9 above.
Scale of Contributions. 7.10.1 The informal Budgetary Group also considered the options presented on the scale of contributions (MoP3 Doc 25 Rev 1). 7.10.2 There was discussion by the MoP on a set of principles relating to the calculation of the scale of contributions in the event of new Parties acceding to the Agreement in the intersessional period. These principles were drafted by the Secretariat, for consideration by the Parties. The informal Budgetary Group was also asked to refine these principles. The MoP subsequently agreed the following principles would be used in calculating the current contributions of the Parties, and provide guidance for calculation of future contributions:
Scale of Contributions. 7.10.1 The Secretariat presented a paper on a proposed scale of contributions for the 2019 - 2021 triennium (MoP6 Doc 18), including scenarios applying 2.1 and

Related to Scale of Contributions

  • Allocation of Contributions You may place your contributions in one fund or in any combination of funds, although your employer may place restrictions on investment in certain funds.

  • Return of Contributions The General Partner shall not be personally liable for, and shall have no obligation to contribute or loan any monies or property to the Partnership to enable it to effectuate, the return of the Capital Contributions of the Limited Partners or Unitholders, or any portion thereof, it being expressly understood that any such return shall be made solely from Partnership assets.

  • Investment of Contributions At the direction of the Depositor (or the direction of the beneficiary upon the Depositor's death), the Custodian shall invest all contributions to the account and earnings thereon in investments acceptable to the Custodian, which may include marketable securities traded on a recognized exchange or "over the counter" (excluding any securities issued by the Custodian), covered call options, certificates of deposit, and other investments to which the Custodian consents, in such amounts as are specifically selected and specified by the Depositor in orders to the Custodian in such form as may be acceptable to the Custodian, without any duty to diversify and without regard to whether such property is authorized by the laws of any jurisdiction as a trust investment. The Custodian shall be responsible for the execution of such orders and for maintaining adequate records thereof. However, if any such orders are not received as required, or, if received, are unclear in the opinion of the Custodian, all or a portion of the contribution may be held uninvested without liability for loss of income or appreciation, and without liability for interest pending receipt of such orders or clarification, or the contribution may be returned. The Custodian may, but need not, establish programs under which cash deposits in excess of a minimum set by it will be periodically and automatically invested in interest-bearing investment funds. The Custodian shall have no duty other than to follow the written investment directions of the Depositor, and shall be under no duty to question said instructions and shall not be liable for any investment losses sustained by the Depositor.

  • Payment of Contributions The University and eligible academic staff members shall each contribute one-half of the contributions to the Academic and Administrative Pension Plan.

  • Matching Contributions The Employer will make matching contributions in accordance with the formula(s) elected in Part II of this Adoption Agreement Section 3.01.

  • Initial Contributions The Members initially shall contribute to the Company capital as described in Schedule 2 attached to this Agreement.

  • Retirement Contributions On behalf of employees, the State will continue to “pick up” the six percent (6%) employee contribution, payable pursuant to law. The parties acknowledge that various challenges have been filed that contest the lawfulness, including the constitutionality, of various aspects of PERS reform legislation enacted by the 2003 Legislative Assembly, including Chapters 67 (HB 2003) and 68 (HB 2004) of Oregon Laws 2003 (“PERS Litigation”). Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any party’s rights, claims or defenses with respect to the PERS Litigation.

  • Company Contributions 33.1.1 The Company will make contributions on the Employee’s behalf to a complying superannuation fund which meets the Company’s statutory obligations under applicable superannuation legislation.

  • Other Contributions In this Agreement, Other Contributions means the financial or in-kind contributions other than the Grant set out in the following table: Contributor Nature of Contribution Amount (GST exclusive) Timing Grantee < insert description of contribution, e.g., cash, access to equipment, secondment of personnel etc> $<insert amount> <project end date> <name of third party providing the Other Contribution> <insert description of contribution, e.g., cash, access to equipment, secondment of personnel etc> $<insert amount> <insert date or Milestone to which the Other Contribution relates> Total $<total other contributions>

  • Rollover Contributions An amount which qualifies as a rollover contribution pursuant to the Federal Internal Revenue Code may be transferred to and paid under this contract as a contribution for a Participant. Prudential may require proof that the amount paid so qualifies.