Timelines a) Timelines may be extended by mutual consent of the parties. b) Working days shall be defined as Monday through Friday excluding statutory holidays. c) Disputes that arise during non-instructional days (Summer Months, Christmas Break, and March Break) will have timelines automatically extended. d) Local grievance timelines will be held in abeyance while the dispute is in the CDRP, in the event that the matter is referred back locally.
Timeline Contractor must perform the Services and deliver the Deliverables according to the following timeline:
Work Scheduling Except at the request of an affected employee, no employee shall have the number of hours they are normally scheduled to work reduced as the result of the use of non-permanent employees such as, but not limited to: seasonal, intermittent, student interns, interns, interim, established term, or temporary employees, due to the performance of such employee’s duties by the nonpermanent employee.
Self Scheduling The Home and the Union may agree to implement a self-scheduling process. Self-scheduling is the mechanism by which employees in a Home create their own work schedules. The purpose of self scheduling is to improve job satisfaction and quality of work life for the participating employees. Self scheduling requires a collaboration of employees and management to ensure proper coverage of the Home and to meet the provisions of the Collective Agreement. It is agreed that self scheduling will be negotiated locally by the Home and the Union and will include a trial period. Each Home must have the majority agreement of the full-time and part-time employees who vote on the issue to agree on a trial period of up to six months. Once the trial period is complete, each Home must have a minimum of 66⅔% agreement of the full-time and part-time employees who vote on the issue to continue with the new schedule on a permanent basis.
Scheduling i) The designated employer will provide the employee with their schedule of shifts in accordance with the collective agreement for both homes. [Insert the split/sharing of shift numbers here] Similarly, the employee will submit all requests for time off including vacation to the designated employer in accordance with the collective agreement. ii) Posted schedules will include home identification. An employee will only be scheduled in one home per shift. iii) Overtime payment and other premiums will be in accordance with the collective agreement of the designated employer. iv) Weekends off, consecutive work days and all other scheduling provisions will be in accordance with the collective agreement at the designated employer.
Overtime Scheduling 1. Each employee interested in working overtime may volunteer by requesting, in writing, to be added to the voluntary overtime list within his/her building and/or the district-wide voluntary overtime list. They will also indicate whether they wish to work during their vacation period. Such written request to be added to or deleted from the overtime lists may be made at any time; however, if the employee is requesting to be deleted from the list(s), he/she shall not be allowed to rejoin the list(s) for a ninety (90) calendar day period. Such lists shall be maintained on a yearly basis, from September 1st to August 31st of each year. The employer will serve notice to the employees, by a memo into each work area, that overtime lists are being formulated, by August 15th of each year. 2. The list will be compiled for September with the volunteers listed in seniority order. Overtime shall be rotated among volunteers. The rotation shall be continuous through the year until a new list is compiled the following September. If an employee volunteers who was not on the list he/she shall be placed on the list according to his/her seniority and he/she shall be eligible to work overtime in accordance with the normal rotation. 3. To the extent possible, employees will be notified at least four (4) hours prior to the end of the shift of any overtime for that day and by noon on Friday for any Saturday overtime. Any employee who has volunteered to work overtime and is notified in accordance with this paragraph shall be obligated to work the overtime hours in their building unless excused by the supervisor. 4. Overtime assignments will be on a rotating schedule among the qualified employees within each classification who have expressly volunteered for such overtime work. The employer’s obligation to rotate overtime shall be satisfied by calling employees who are working at the time the overtime determination is made (i.e., not on vacation or other leave of absence) in seniority order and offering them the opportunity to work. 5. If there are insufficient volunteers available for any specific assignment, the employer may require the least senior employee in the division to perform the work. 6. Substantiated errors made in the rotation of overtime (Article XIII Section G.4) will be corrected on the basis of offering the by-passed employee an amount of overtime equal to the time lost due to the error of assignment. Depending on the number of hours involved, it is possible that this may take more than (1) one overtime offer/assignment. Acceptance of the compensatory overtime will not change the employees spot in the overtime rotation, thus the employee will remain eligible for overtime in the same rotation as before the error. The compensatory overtime will not be offered at such a time or in such a manner that would purposefully cause inconvenience or inability to the effected employee to comply. In the event the employee declines the offered overtime work, the employee shall forfeit any future claim to the overtime hours in dispute.
Review Process A/E's Work Product will be reviewed by County under its applicable technical requirements and procedures, as follows:
Commissioning Commissioning tests of the Interconnection Customer’s installed equipment shall be performed pursuant to applicable codes and standards. The ISO and Connecting Transmission Owner must be given at least five Business Days written notice, or as otherwise mutually agreed to by the Parties, of the tests and may be present to witness the commissioning tests.
Timeframes For continuous short-term travel of more than 24 hours but less than 31 days, the employee will be reimbursed for actual costs up to the maximum allowance for each meal, incidental, and lodging expense for each complete 24 hours of travel, beginning with the traveler's time of departure and return as follows: (a) On the first day of travel on a trip of 24 hours or more: Trip begins at or before 6 am Breakfast may be claimed Trip begins at or before 11 am Lunch may be claimed Trip begins at or before 5 pm Dinner may be claimed (b) On the fractional day of travel at the end of a trip of more than 24 hours: Trip ends at or after 8 am Breakfast may be claimed Trip ends at or after 2 pm Lunch may be claimed Trip ends at or after 7 pm Dinner may be claimed If the fractional day includes an overnight stay, receipted lodging may be claimed. No meal or lodging expenses may be claimed or reimbursed more than once on any given date or during any 24-hour period. For continuous travel of less than 24 hours, the employee will be reimbursed for actual expenses as follows: (a) Travel begins at or before 6 am and ends at or after 9 am: Breakfast may be claimed. (b) Travel begins at or before 4 pm and ends at or after 7pm: Dinner may be claimed. (c) If the trip extends overnight, receipted lodging may be claimed. No lunch or incidentals may be claimed on a trip of less than 24 hours.
Timetable In order to set a timetable and procedural framework within which the subcommittees will accomplish their tasks, the parties have further agreed to the following: The subcommittees referenced in Section 1 above will be appointed and have their first organizational meeting within six (6) weeks of the date of the MOU ratification. Each subcommittee shall provide to the Head of the affected Department a final report no later than thirty (30) weeks after the date of the MOU ratification. The Department Head who receives a final report will meet with the LMC to provide feedback on the report, indicating areas of acceptance and explaining the reasons for rejecting any of the recommendations in the report.