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SCIENCE AND RESEARCH. (1) In the united Germany science and research shall continue to constitute important foundations of the state and society. The need to renew science and research in the territory specified in Article 3 of this Treaty while preserving efficient institutions shall be taken into account by an expert report on publicly maintained institutions prepared by the Science Council and to be completed by 31 December 1991, with individual results to be implemented step by step before that date. The following provisions are intended to make possible the preparation of this report and ensure the incorporation of science and research in the territory specified in Article 3 of this Treaty into the joint research structure of the Federal Republic of Germany. (2) Upon the accession taking effect, the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic shall be separated as a learned society from the research institutes and other institutions. The decision as to how the learned society of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic is to be continued shall be taken under Land law. For the time being the research institutes and other institutions shall continue to exist up to 31 December 1991 as institutions of the Länder in the territory specified in Article 3 of this Treaty in so far as they have not been previously dissolved or transformed. Transitional arrangements shall be made for the financing of these institutes and institutions up to 31 December 1991; the requisite funds shall be provided in 1991 by the Federation and the Länder named in Article 1 of this Treaty. (3) The employment contracts of the staff employed at the research institutes and other institutions of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic shall continue to exist up to 31 December 1991 as limited employment contracts with the Länder to which these institutes and institutions are transferred. The right to cancel these employment contracts with or without notice under the conditions listed in Annex I to this Treaty shall remain unaffected. (4) Paragraphs 1 to 3 above shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Academy of Architecture and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the German Democratic Republic and to the scientific institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry. (5) The Federal Government shall begin negotiations with the Länder with a view to adapting or renewing the Federation-Länder agreements under Article 91 b of the Basic Law in su...
SCIENCE AND RESEARCH o Sub-Objective 2.3.1 Apply Best Available Science o Sub-Objective 2.3.2 Conduct Leading Edge Research Goal 3: Land Preservation and Restoration o Sub-Objective 3.1.1 Reduce Waste Generation and Increase Recycling o Sub-Objective 3.1.2 Manage Hazardous Wastes and Petroleum Products Properly
SCIENCE AND RESEARCH. Our country is full of educated, talented and innovative people. Our science and research have had a great reputation in the world for a long time. Science and research will have unquestionable support, because we see them as an opportunity to move the Czech Republic even higher among the most successful countries. We will ensure a functional cooperation between the state administration and high-quality academic institutions from the Czech Republic and abroad, which will enable to transfer current knowledge into law-making.
SCIENCE AND RESEARCHResearch and innovation for future prosperity Continued development of the high-tech strategy Materials research
SCIENCE AND RESEARCH. One of the National Cohesive Strategy’s guiding principles is to ensure “fire management decisions are based on the best available science, knowledge, and experience, and used to evaluate risk versus gain.” Parties to the Alaska Master Agreement recognize the important role of science and research in understanding Alaska’s fire-adapted ecosystems and guiding an effective fire management program that meets the goals of each of the agencies as well as the public. AWFCG participates in the Alaska Fire Science Consortium (AFSC) (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/partner-sites/afsc/home/). The AFSC is one of fifteen regional consortia supported by the Joint Fire Science Program and is part of a national fire science exchange network. Their primary purpose is to strengthen the link between fire science research and on-the- ground application by promoting communication between managers and scientists, providing an organized fire science delivery platform, and facilitating collaborative scientist-manager research development. In order to accomplish this, AWFCG is committed to providing input through the AFSC advisory board members and to participating in and supporting AFSC functions. In addition, AWFCG has chartered the following committees to ensure that current scientific information is made available to decision-makers, and that critical information gaps are identified in order to help guide future scientific inquiries:


  • TEACHERS AND RESEARCHERS 1. An individual who is a resident of a Contracting State immediately before making a visit to the other Contracting State, and who, at the invitation of any university, college, school or other similar educational institution, visits that other State for a period not exceeding two years solely for the purpose of teaching or research or both at such educational institution shall be exempt from tax in that other State on any remuneration for such teaching or research. 2. This Article shall not apply to income from research if such research is undertaken primarily for the private benefit of a specific person or persons.

  • Science Take two courses, each from a different section. At least one of the courses must include a lab. A. PHYSICAL SCIENCE ASTR 111 Astronomy CHEM 101 Introductory Chemistry CHEM 102 Survey of Organic Chemistry CHEM 111 General Chemistry PHYS 105 Introduction to Physics PHYS 111 General Physics PHYS 211 Physics with Calculus B. LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE BIOL 101 Human Anatomy BIOL 102 Human Physiology BIOL 105 Introduction to Biology BIOL 111 Biological Foundations BIOL 112 Biological Foundations BIOL 113 Biological Foundations BIOL 227 Natural History of California MICR 134 General Microbiology (One of the following) ASTR 10A or B Gen Astronomy+10L Astron Lab CHEM 25 Fundamentals of Chemistry CHEM 30A Survey of Inorganic & Organic Chem CHEM 1A General Chemistry PHYS 6 Introductory Physics PHYS 2A General Physics PHYS 4A General Physics (Calculus) BIOL 40B Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 40C Human Anatomy & Physiology III BIOL 10 General Biology: Basic Principles BIOL 1A Principles of Cell Biology BIOL 1B Form & Function in Plants & Animals BIOL 1C Evolution, Systematics & Ecology BIOL 15 California Ecology/Natural History BIOL 41 Microbiology A. HEALTH (One of the following) FDNT 235 Nutrition HLED 162 Fitness for Life HLED 169 Current Health Concerns BIOL 8 Basic Nutrition OR BIOL 45 Introduction to Human Nutrition KINS 4 Concepts of Physical Fitness & Wellness HLTH 21 Contemporary Health Concerns B. FITNESS (2 different courses) One aerobics activity course and one other activity courses. In general, any physical education activity courses. For aerobic activity course transfer, confirm with the PUC Records Office.

  • Technology License 4.1 Unless any event described in Article 2.2 or 2.3 of this Agreement occurs, all of the technology required to be licensed for any of Party B’s business shall be provided by Party A on an exclusive basis. Party A will try its best to license Party B to use the technology owned by Party A, or re-license Party B to use the technology as approved by the owner. 4.2 The Parties shall negotiate with each other to enter into specific technology license contracts to expressly specify the detail matters such as the technology to be licensed, the method to license the technology, license fees and payment.

  • Technology Research Analyst Job# 1810 General Characteristics

  • Technology Discoveries, innovations, Know-How and inventions, whether patentable or not, including computer software, recognized under U.S. law as intellectual creations to which rights of ownership accrue, including, but not limited to, patents, trade secrets, maskworks and copyrights developed under this Agreement.

  • Research and Development (i) Advice and assistance in relation to research and development of Party B; (ii) Advice and assistance in strategic planning; and

  • General Management In the discharge of its general duty to manage the successful performance of the Services, Vendor shall: within thirty (30) calendar days of the Effective Date, identify to Citizens the primary and secondary management contacts responsible for the oversight and management of Services for Citizens; ensure Vendor Staff tasked with management and oversight of the Services are available promptly to perform Services during Business Hours; ensure each assigned Adjuster submits a time record directly to Vendor’s manager or point of contact. At any time during this Agreement, Citizens may require copies of time records from Vendor; ensure that no Vendor Staff carries a weapon on their person while performing Services; ensure that no Vendor Staff uses impairing drugs, chemicals, or alcohol while performing Services; ensure that Vendor Staff avoid using their duties and obligations under this Agreement to engage in any conduct that could create either an actual or perceived conflict of interest, such as due to an ongoing business relationship with an entity other than Citizens that would enable Vendor Staff to receive an improper benefit or unfair competitive advantage; ensure that the Services comply with the Best Claims Practices & Estimating Guidelines as applicable to each Service Category and any other policies or processes set forth by Citizens, including but not limited to: a. monitoring applicable file production on a weekly basis to determine compliance with Citizens’ production requirements; and, b. providing detailed reports to Citizens related to Vendor performance upon request.

  • University Any notice may be served upon the University by delivering it, in writing, to the University at the address set forth on the last page of this Agreement, by depositing it in a United States Postal Service deposit box with the postage fully prepaid and with the notice addressed to the University at the aforementioned address, or by sending a facsimile of it to the University facsimile number set forth on the last page of this Agreement.

  • Information Technology Enterprise Architecture Requirements If this Contract involves information technology-related products or services, the Contractor agrees that all such products or services are compatible with any of the technology standards found at xxxxx://xxx.xx.xxx/iot/2394.htm that are applicable, including the assistive technology standard. The State may terminate this Contract for default if the terms of this paragraph are breached.

  • Information Technology The following applies to all contracts for information technology commodities and contractual services. “Information technology” is defined in section 287.012(15), F.S., to have the same meaning as provided in section 282.0041, F.S.