Section 10.9.1 Sample Clauses
Section 10.9.1. In the event a lay-off situation occurs, the District shall present the Association a seniority list by 38 category at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first lay-off. 39
Section 10.9.1. 3 Individuals whose names are on the reemployment list, who elect to accept a position with the 4 District which is substantially less than the position previously held, shall remain an active 5 name on the reemployment list.
Section 10.9.1. 22 The senior employee within the general job classification for which there is a posted vacancy, 23 who applies for an available position within the same job classification with the School District, 24 shall be granted an interview, unless he/she has been interviewed for a similar position within 25 the last six (6) months or the most senior applicant is awarded the position.
Section 10.9.1. 39 Employees laid off shall file their addresses in writing with the Superintendent's office and 40 shall thereafter promptly advise the District in writing of any changes of address. 41
Section 10.9.1. 32 Individuals whose names are on the reemployment list, who reject an offer with the District 33 which is substantially equal in hours [within one (1) hour of previous position unless the 34 position falls below four (4) hours] shall be removed from the reemployment list. Individuals 35 whose names are on the reemployment list, who elect to accept a position with the District 36 which is substantially less than the position previously held, if requested in writing within ten 37 (10) business days, shall remain an active name on the reemployment list.
Section 10.9.1. 28 When a job is posted, an abbreviated job description for the position must be part of the posting 29 and a salary rate or range shall be posted. If possible, the posting shall list building and grade 30 level of opening.
Section 10.9.1. 35 If a position is not staffed by a regular employee for a period of thirty (30) working days, the 36 individual occupying it on the 31st, or any subsequent day from the date of posting or date 37 position was last occupied on a continuing basis, shall be deemed a regular employee, subject 38 to all rights accruing under this agreement, except as provided. An employee will not receive 39 benefits of sick leave and District medical contribution until after the first ninety (90) days of 40 employment in a single position. An exception may be made to this section for leave 41 replacements only.
Section 10.9.1. 15 In the event of a reduction in force, employees so affected are to be placed on a reemployment 16 list maintained by the District according to reduction in force ranking. Such employees are to 17 have priority in filling an opening in the classification held immediately prior to reduction in 18 force, subject to the provisions of Section 10.7 and 10.8. Names shall remain on the 19 reemployment list for one (1) year.
Section 10.9.1. 47 Any position that has permanently increased in time by one (1) hour or more shall be posted for 48 bid as a new position.
Section 10.9.1. 7 Summer School positions will be publicized within the bargaining unit by May 15th of each 8 year. Employees meeting minimum qualification will be hired in accordance with 10.7. of the 9 Collective Bargaining Agreement.