Section 13.2.1 Sample Clauses
Section 13.2.1. Salary and reimbursement for employees subject to this Agreement to attend recognized 42 vocational courses.
Section 13.2.1. Salary and reimbursement for employees subject to this Agreement to attend recognized 33 vocational courses within a radius of one hundred miles.
Section 13.2.1. 33 On or before the first day of October of each year, the District shall provide Public School 34 Employees of Washington with the following information regarding each employee in the 35 bargaining unit: Name, address, phone number, position, work location, hourly rate of pay, 36 contracted work days, benefit FTE and hire date. The Association President shall be notified of 37 any change of hours, transfers, position(s), or new hires as soon as reasonable possible.
Section 13.2.1. 11 Upon the request of the Secretary Classification, the District shall provide at least half a day 12 (1/2) of technology training each year.
Section 13.2.1. At the discretion of the District, in collaboration with the District Nurse, additional hours for nurse cross-training related to student-specific needs may be authorized.
Section 13.2.1. Salary and reimbursement for all reasonable related expenses for employees subject to this 14 Agreement to attend recognized vocational courses.
Section 13.2.1. An employee with a grievance shall first discuss the grievance with his/her immediate
Section 13.2.1. 2 Reimbursement for employees subject to this Agreement to attend recognized vocational/in- 3 service courses.
Section 13.2.1. Salary and reimbursement for employees subject to this Agreement to attend recognized 15 vocational courses.
Section 13.2.1 the District decide to discharge any non-annual employee, the employee shall be so 39 notified in writing prior to the expiration of the school year. 40