Section 7.8.1 Sample Clauses
Section 7.8.1. All hours compensated in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week will 3 be paid at a rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's base rate.
Section 7.8.1. 16 The parties agree to abide by all laws relating to drug and alcohol testing in connection with 17 CDL license regulations. Testing will be conducted by the ESD 105 consortium or another 18 outside contractor. Personnel selected for the random drug and alcohol testing shall be paid for 19 one hour at their regular rate.
Section 7.8.1. Hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per work week shall be 9 compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the employee's base hourly rate, except 10 employees working an alternate schedule as described in Section 7.8.2 and bus drivers. 11 Employees working an alternate schedule shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half 12 (1½) times the employee’s base hourly rate for hours worked in excess of ten (10) per day or 13 forty (40) per work week. Bus drivers shall be compensated at one and one-half (1½) times 14 their base hourly rate for hours worked in excess of forty (40) per work week. Bus drivers shall 15 be compensated at twice their base hourly rate for hours worked in excess of forty-eight (48) 16 per work week. Employees, other than bus drivers, who work in excess of twelve (12) hours 17 per day or forty-eight (48) hours per week shall be compensated at twice the employee's base 18 hourly rate. Drivers shall not be exempted from regular route packs on the basis of overtime 19 liability. 21 If an employee works over eight (8) hours in one (1) day, but if it is two (2) separate jobs, the 22 overtime rule does not apply. Overtime shall only apply if the combination of jobs runs into 23 over forty (40) hours worked per week or if an employee works over eight (8) hours in one (1) 24 day doing the same job.
Section 7.8.1. 23 Extra work shall be assigned on a seniority basis of those signing up for the work. The exceptions to 24 this are:
Section 7.8.1. 15 All hours worked by direction of the District in excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be 16 compensated at one and one-half (1½) times the employee’s base hourly rate.
Section 7.8.1. 2 With prior approval from their immediate supervisor, an employee may flex their work 3 schedule to make up for all lost work hours. An employee may also elect to use vacation,
Section 7.8.1. 11 Upon recommendation of the immediate supervisor through administrative channels to the 12 Superintendent, and upon approval of the Board of Directors, an employee may be granted an 13 unpaid leave of absence for a period not to exceed one (1) year.
Section 7.8.1. 7 In order to prepare school buildings and premises for students and staff during inclement 8 weather and other emergency situations, the district will follow the process outlined below:
Section 7.8.1. 42 The District will contact local radio stations as soon as the closure is known and ask them to 43 announce that the school schedule will be modified or closed in accordance with the District 44 adopted directives.
Section 7.8.1. 31 An unpaid lunch may be provided to employees working less than five (5) hours by mutual 32 agreement.