Section Two Sample Clauses

Section Two. The State shall provide counsel to an employee who is sued for malpractice, provided that the employee was acting within the scope of his/her employment and was not acting in a willful or wanton manner.
Section Two. The Union but not any employee shall have the right to appeal in writing by submitting data, views, arguments, or a request for a hearing relative to reevaluation of a class or classes of positions allocated to the State Compensation Plan . Within sixty (60) days after the receipt of such written data or holding the requested hearing, the Commissioner of Administrative Services or his/her designee shall answer the appeal .
Section Two. The Department will attempt to correct deficiencies or inadequacies with respect to equipment, supplies and materials provided to shops or academic or related classes to the extent that such matters are called to the Department’s attention by bargaining unit employees. Said deficiencies or inadequacies shall not by themselves be used against employees in the performance evaluation process.
Section Two. Employees with less than two (2) years of service may grieve discipline under Article 21 based on a claim of inequitable treatment. Any such grievance shall not be arbitrable.
Section Two. The waiver of any breach or condition of this Agreement by either party shall not constitute a precedent in the future enforcement of the terms and conditions herein. If any Article or Section of this Agreement or any supplements thereto should be held invalid by operation of law or by any competent jurisdiction or tribunal, or if compliance with or enforcement of any Article or Section of this Agreement should be restrained by such tribunal, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be effected thereby, and the parties shall enter into immediate collective bargaining negotiations for the purpose of arriving at a mutually satisfactory replacement for such Article or Section.
Section Two. There shall be no annual increment or top step bonus paid for the 2016-2017 contract year.
Section Two. That Fort Bend County Reinvestment Zone No. 23 is hereby designated pursuant to the Guidelines for the purpose of encouraging economic development in Fort Bend County through tax abatement.
Section Two. (a) For the purpose of this article, the definition of seniority in Article 16 shall apply. No employee shall be laid off if any employee in the same agency in the same class and with comparable qualifications, with less seniority, is retained. For employees in the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services, seniority shall include continuous service with the Department of Education at the time the Division/Bureau of Rehabilitation Services was transferred to DHR. For employees of the Department of Construction Services, seniority shall include continuous service with the Department of Education at the time the Bureau of School Facilities was transferred to the Department of Construction Services and any successor entity.
Section Two. If either party desires to terminate this Agreement it shall, ninety (90) days prior to the termination date, give written notice of termination. If neither party shall give notice of termination or withdraws the same prior to the termination date of this Agreement, it shall continue in full force and effect from year to year thereafter, subject to notice of termination by either party on ninety (90) days written notice prior to the current year of termination.
Section Two. Engagement & Liabilities