Performance Evaluation Process. 19 A. The County may implement and maintain performance evaluation 20 processes involving members of the bargaining unit.
21 B. Employees will have the right to attach a response to any 22 evaluations in their personnel files.
23 C. No evaluations or employee responses will be admissible in any 24 disciplinary or arbitration hearing.
25 D. All performance evaluations shall be signed by the employee's 26 supervisor, who shall bear ultimate responsibility for the content of the 27 evaluation.
Performance Evaluation Process a. Evaluations for all employees, who have completed their probationary period, will be completed by April 30 of each fiscal year. The performance evaluation form is in Appendix H of this Agreement. At the time of completion of the performance evaluation, the standards for the next year’s evaluation process will be set by employee’s supervisor and discussed with the employee.
b. Employees will be evaluated for the period starting May 1 of the previous year against the performance standards established during the previous evaluation process and any additions or modifications that have been communicated to the employee during the year.
c. Supervisors will notify employees of their performance evaluation ratings by May 15 of each year and will provide employees an opportunity to comment in writing by June 1. Comments shall be attached to the appraisal.
d. Employees who accepted another position included in the bargaining unit shall be included in the SCP in that fiscal year. Department heads from both the former and current units will collaborate on the performance appraisal.
e. Employees who report to a new supervisor within a particular fiscal year shall be included in the SCP in that fiscal year. The new supervisor is responsible for discussing and collaborating with the former supervisor or department head, if available, to complete the evaluation.
f. Employees who announce their intent to retire must still be evaluated.
g. Employees who are temporarily red-circled as the result of a no- fault downgrade must still be evaluated.
h. The SCP outlined in this article shall only occur once per year as outlined above (or twice in the case of Section B.2.b. below).
Performance Evaluation Process a. Every new regular full time or part time employee should be evaluated at a minimum on or about the 180th and 364th calendar days of employment. Probationary employees may be evaluated at any time during their probationary period. Every regular full-time or regular budgeted part-time employee should be evaluated annually prior to the month the employee is eligible for a step increment or the anniversary of the step increment date. Additional personnel evaluations may be used when deemed appropriate by the Director. An employee may also request an additional evaluation if a work-related problem exists that may be resolved through the formal evaluation process. For further information on evaluation procedure, see the "Performance Evaluation Guidelines for Employees and Supervisors" in the Division of Human Resources.
b. The employee may file a rebuttal statement. The statement becomes a permanent part of the employee's personnel file.
c. Employees are encouraged to be active participants in the evaluation process and will be provided an opportunity to include comments in the electronic evaluation system.
d. The performance evaluation, together with related correspondence, is forwarded to the Division of Human Resources for placement in the employee's official personnel file. A photocopy shall be provided to the employee upon request.
Performance Evaluation Process a. Every new regular full time or part time employee should be evaluated at a minimum on or about the 180th and 364th calendar days of employment. Probationary employees may be evaluated at any time during their probationary period.
b. The employee may file a rebuttal statement. The statement becomes a permanent part of the employee's personnel file.
c. Employees are encouraged to be active participants in the evaluation process and will be provided an opportunity to include comments in the electronic evaluation system.
Performance Evaluation Process. The parties agree to continue working towards developing the details of a mutually agreeable Performance Evaluation System to incorporate into the collective bargaining agreement. This benefit is outlined in the supplemental agreement signed March 2, 2014. This benefit is outlined in the memorandum of understanding between the parties. This benefit is outlined in the memorandum of understanding between the parties.
Performance Evaluation Process. Employees shall receive annual performance evaluations based upon the job duties and both qualitative and quantitative performance indicators previously established. If the Employer does not conduct an annual performance evaluation, an employee may assume that their performance is satisfactory unless the employee has received written notice or discipline to the contrary. These performance evaluations will not be tied to annual raises. Feedback from managers who an employee does not work with and has no direct knowledge of their performance will not be incorporated. Any performance issues must be discussed prior to an employee’s evaluation before it can be documented in the review. Employees shall have the opportunity to respond in writing to managerial
Performance Evaluation Process. On an annual basis, each negotiations unit member shall be assessed and evaluated as to professional competence in the performance of his/her duties over the year in question in accordance with the process outlined below.
Performance Evaluation Process. The performance evaluation process will include:
a) The Employee self-assessment of performance according to a job description and if applicable, work plan.
b) The evaluator (immediate supervisor) consults with other staff familiar with the Employee’s work to obtain feedback.
c) A meeting between the evaluator and the Employee to discuss the above as well as the evaluators comments.
d) Employer Representative prepares a written assessment of Employee performance.
e) The written evaluation will be given to the Employee.
Performance Evaluation Process. During the course of negotiations, the Union has expressed concerns about the performance evaluation process used for bargaining unit employees, and has expressed the desire for a mechanism for bargaining unit employees to provide feedback to and about their supervisors. Although the Employer is not able to commit to a specific course of action at this time, it has committed to consultation with the Union before performance evaluation forms are next revised. The Employer and the Union both believe that feedback from multiple sources is a desirable goal. During bumping the following guidelines shall apply:
Performance Evaluation Process. The supervisor will communicate with the employee about performance problems as they occur, and develop and document a joint plan for performance improvement, with the final plan determined by the Employer. In addition, supervisors shall initiate an annual evaluation meeting. The purpose of the annual evaluation meeting is to review and discuss the employees performance. The employee shall have an opportunity to discuss the evaluation with the supervisor and is encouraged to contribute. Employees may also provide a written response that is either included as part of the evaluation form or attached to the evaluation. The performance evaluation meeting shall include the following: ● review of the employee’s job description, and making revisions if applicable; ● assessing the employee’s progress toward achieving project goals and objectives; ● recognition of individual accomplishments and opportunities for growth; ● update of salary funding circumstances which may impact the employee; ● feedback from the employee on how the supervisor can support the employee’s professional goals. ● Review of the current funding sources and known end dates as well as any potential prospective funding sources and projected timelines which may impact the employee. Supervisors may solicit performance feedback from others who have knowledge of the employee’s performance as appropriate. Employees may suggest individuals to provide performance feedback. The final evaluation, with employee comments and supplemental documents attached, shall be signed by the supervisor and the employee. The employee will be provided a copy. The employee signature means that the employee has seen and is aware of the content of the evaluation, but does not necessarily mean that the employee agrees with the evaluation content.