Self-Contained Teachers Sample Clauses

Self-Contained Teachers. 19 If a self-contained class reaches the number of students specified in the 20 Memorandum of Understanding, the Self-Contained Teacher may request a meeting 21 with the building administrator and a Special Education administrator to discuss 22 appropriate remedies. 23 24 If resolution is reached, the agreed remedy shall be reduced to writing and signed by 25 the involved parties. If no resolution is reached, then an appeal meeting will be held 26 with the Director of Special Education, Human Resources Administrator, Association

Related to Self-Contained Teachers

  • Landings After landings have served Purchaser’s purpose, Purchaser shall ditch and slope them to permit water to drain or spread. Unless agreed otherwise, cut and fill banks around landings shall be sloped to remove overhangs and otherwise minimize ero- sion.

  • Substitute Teachers 21.01 A substitute teacher is employed by the Division either to replace a regular teacher or fulfill an assignment which is less than twenty (20) consecutive days in duration. 21.02 Upon commencement of the sixth (6th) day of substitute teaching in the same assignment, a substitute teacher shall be paid for each day taught at the per diem rate (to be calculated as 1/x of the salary to which a teacher of the same qualifications and experience would be entitled under the basic salary schedule of the current collective agreement, where x equals the number of days in the current school year). This rate of pay shall be retroactive to the first day of the teaching assignment and shall continue in effect until the end of that specific teaching assignment. In-service days, administrative days and school closure days shall not constitute a break in the consecutive days for that specific teaching assignment. 21.03 Substitute teachers shall be paid as follows: Daily Rate (including vacation pay) 165.66 ** **Substitute Teacher rates for the 2021/2022 school year will be effective on the date the parties confirm the amount of the COLA adjustment (in January 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter.) Pay relating to the salary earned by substitute teachers during any month shall be forwarded to those teachers not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of the following calendar month. 21.04 Manitoba Teachers’ Society fees and Xxxxxxx Teachers’ Association fees shall be deducted from a substitute teacher’s pay. The Association shall indemnify and save harmless the Division from any and all losses, costs, liabilities or expenses suffered or sustained by the Division as a result of any claim or legal action arising from the deduction of local Association fees or Manitoba Teachers’ Society Fees. 21.05 A substitute teacher who has been employed for at least nine (9) consecutive days of substitute teaching in the same assignment in a school year shall be entitled to one (1) day of sick leave with pay for each nine (9) days taught in that assignment. Sick leave shall not accumulate from assignment to assignment. The use of sick leave with pay shall not constitute an interruption of the substitute teaching assignment. 21.06 If a substitute teacher is absent from a period of substitute teaching on account of bereavement leave granted in accordance with Board practice or policy, and that substitute teacher returns to the same substitute teaching assignment immediately following the period of bereavement, the period of leave shall not constitute an interruption of the substitute teaching assignment. 21.07 The provisions of the Collective Agreement do not apply to substitute teachers except as expressly provided for in Article 21 – Substitute Teachers: Article 1 – Obligation To Act Fairly Article 2 – Purpose

  • Mentor Teachers A. A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher as identified in Section 1526 of the School Code and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher as specified in the School Code and State Administrative Rules and Regulations. B. Each bargaining unit member in his/her first three (3) years in the classroom shall be assigned one or more Mentor Teacher(s) by the Administration. The Mentor Teacher shall be available to provide professional support, instruction and guidance. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide a peer who can offer assistance, resources and information in a collegial fashion. C. A Mentor Teacher shall be assigned in accordance with the following: 1. Participation as a Mentor Teacher shall be voluntary. 2. The Mentor Teacher assignment shall be for one (1) academic year subject to review. The appointment may be renewed in succeeding academic years. 3. Should either the Mentor Teacher or the Mentee present cause to dissolve the relationship, the administration will meet with the Mentor Teacher and the Mentee to determine an appropriate course of action. D. Upon request, the Administration may provide release time so the Mentor may work with the Mentee in his/her assignment during the regular work day. E. Mentees who are new to the profession shall be provided with a minimum of fifteen (15) days of professional development instruction during their first three (3) years of classroom teaching. F. Performance responsibilities of a Mentor Teacher may include but not be limited to: Work to establish a relationship with Mentee based on mutual trust, respect and collegiality; provide encouragement, support, guidance and feedback when needed; help Mentee feel welcome; take part in training to enhance teaching and mentoring skills; complete periodic evaluations of Mentor-Mentee program, as requested; contact mentees, minimally once a week, for formal or informal meetings; help Mentee learn about resources, procedures, curriculum, students' needs, building and district policies, regulations and schedules; promote a smooth transition between teacher training and the actual classroom setting; facilitate three-way conferences involving the Mentor, Mentee and Principal; provide opportunities for Mentee to observe the Mentor and other teachers; share new and alternative materials, methods and resources with Mentee; observe Mentee's teaching in a classroom setting; conduct pre and post observation conferences; and assist Mentee with goal setting.

  • Pilot Project – One Employer Two Homes Employment Opportunities Where the local parties enter into these agreements, the agreement shall include the following principles:

  • Role of Seniority in Layoffs (a) Both parties recognize that job security shall increase in proportion to length of service. Therefore, in the event of a layoff, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their bargaining-unit-wide seniority, providing that the retained employees are able to perform the available work. (b) The layoff process will occur in accordance with the Layoff/Recall Policy and Procedures. In no case may this policy override a right or condition outlined within this Collective Agreement.

  • MEMBERS OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS AND CONSULAR POSTS Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the fiscal privileges of members of diplomatic missions or consular posts under the general rules of international law or under the provisions of special agreements.

  • General Partner Participation The General Partner agrees that all business activities of the General Partner, including activities pertaining to the acquisition, development or ownership of any Asset shall be conducted through the Partnership or one or more Subsidiary Partnerships; provided, however, that the General Partner is allowed to make a direct acquisition, but if and only if, such acquisition is made in connection with the issuance of Additional Securities, which direct acquisition and issuance have been approved and determined to be in the best interests of the General Partner and the Partnership by a majority of the Independent Directors.

  • Super Seniority For purposes of layoff and recall only, the President shall head the seniority list, provided however, that such officer must have the necessary skill and experience to perform the required work. The Sheriff agrees that this section shall not be applied in an arbitrary manner.

  • Verizon OSS Facilities Any gateways, interfaces, databases, facilities, equipment, software, or systems, used by Verizon to provide Verizon OSS Services to CBB.

  • TEACHER FACILITIES A. The Board shall provide for each actively employed teacher: 1. A serviceable desk, chair and computer. 2. Access to a dining table. 3. A lockable desk, file cabinet or closet in which teachers may store instructional materials and supplies. 4. An appropriately furnished room to be reserved for the exclusive use of staff as a faculty lounge. Said room will be regularly cleaned by the custodial staff and will be in addition to the other teacher work areas. However, staff will be expected to keep the lounge reasonably neat and orderly. 5. Access to well-lighted and clean employee restrooms, separate from the students' restrooms with appropriate supplies. 6. Storage facilities for special instructional personnel. 7. In accordance with applicable food and nutrition guidelines, the principal, at request by a majority of the teachers, may arrange for the installation of a maximum of two faculty vending machines in each faculty lounge. All proceeds from the machines shall be used in such manner as the majority of teachers and educational support employees of that building shall determine. Cost, if any, of installation shall be borne by the teachers and educational support employees of each school. B. Where feasible in existing buildings, and in all new buildings, the following will be provided. 1. A teacher work area containing adequate equipment and supplies to aid in the preparation of instructional materials. 2. A communication system so that teachers can communicate with the main office from their classrooms, provided that such system is used only for emergency announcements during class periods. 3. Space for teachers' dining in a faculty lounge or other room unavailable to students with tables and chairs sufficient to accommodate teachers during their lunch period. C. Teachers shall report in writing to the principal any condition considered unsafe or hazardous. The principal shall take action(s) as appropriate and shall notify the teacher in writing of such action(s) taken within five (5) days. D. A telephone will be made available for teachers to use for school business. Teachers and principals shall arrange this use to provide reasonable privacy during the call. During the workday, teachers may make personal phone calls only if the calls cannot be made at any other time. E. Teachers who need access to a telephone for school business after the workday ends shall arrange this access with the principal. Teachers with supervisory responsibilities will also have access to the building. F. An adequate portion of the parking lots at each school will be reserved for teacher parking. Effective July 1, 2012, newly hired employees assigned to the South East Street Central Office location will be required to pay a fee of $45 per month if they elect to park in designated BOE parking areas. Twelve-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payments over 24 equal paychecks. Eleven-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payments over 22 equal paychecks. Ten-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payment over 20 equal paychecks. G. The Board will take steps to ensure teachers have access to their classrooms when custodians unlock the buildings in the morning and up to one (1) hour before custodial shifts end on weekdays during the school year, provided rooms are not being utilized by outside user groups. Teachers shall have access to their rooms during summer operating hours during summer months unless there is scheduled maintenance, outside user groups or FCPS programs occurring.