Sergeant and Lieutenant. An Officer’s eligibility to take a promotional examination for sergeant and lieutenant shall be determined by the following criteria:
a. The Officer has served in the Department in the next lower classification or other positions specified by the Civil Service Commission for at least three (3) continuous years immediately before the date the promotional eligibility examination is held.
b. The Officer must satisfactorily complete a supervisory or management training course of study for the promotional classification before the Officer may take the promotional eligibility examination. The City will provide reasonable opportunities, at the City’s expense, for candidates to attend such courses of study. The Chief shall develop future training programs in-house, or in conjunction with educational institutions or agencies, which are tailored to individual supervisory ranks.
Sergeant and Lieutenant a) Promotional Procedure for Rank of Sergeant and Lieutenant
(1) Positions in the rank of Sergeant and Lieutenant shall be filled from an eligibility list created by a promotional procedure consisting of a written examination and an Assessment Center conducted in accordance with this Article. There shall be no minimum passing score for the written examination but there shall be a minimum passing score of 70% of the cumulative Written Examination and Assessment Center. A candidate failing to meet the minimum cumulative score shall not move forward in the process.
(2) A Corporal/Detective or a Sergeant becomes eligible for promotion to the next immediate level after two (2) years in rank.
b) Scoring After the Assessment Center scoring has been completed for the rank of Sergeant and Lieutenant the eligibility list shall be calculated as follows: Written Examination Points: Assessment Center Maximum Exam Points 100 Maximum Points 100 Written examination points The written examination score x .50 adjustment factor for the ranks of Sergeant or Lieutenant The Assessment Center Points x .50 adjustment factor for the ranks of Sergeant or Lieutenant There shall be a minimum passing score of 70% of the cumulative Written Examination and Assessment Center prior to any time in rank or education points being added. A candidate failing to meet the minimum cumulative score shall not move forward in the process. *Formula shall be carried to 3 decimal points and rounded up from .0005. Police Civil Service tie-breaking rules will be applied if necessary.
c) Time in Rank Points Each Officer testing for the rank of Sergeant shall be entitled to up to a maximum of seven
Sergeant and Lieutenant. In the selection of a successful applicant for a vacancy to any other position other than a specialized assignment, or promotion, rank seniority shall prevail. Should no bargaining unit employee desire the position, the least senior qualified employee shall be reassigned first.