SERVICE AIMS Sample Clauses
SERVICE AIMS. To provide patients with a robust route for safe disposal of prescribed medicines and sharps. To establish a safe and robust community pharmacy disposal service for patients in NHS Grampian. To ensure pharmacy staff understand and implement safe handling and storage of waste in their premises. To ensure that healthcare professionals and patients in NHS Grampian requiring such a service are aware of and know how to access it. To work within the health & safety requirements and infection control guidance for handling segregating and storing used medicines and sharps bins.
SERVICE AIMS. 3.1. A key Service aim is to support the Council’s priorities identified in the Council Plan xxxxx:// plan#priorities.
3.2. The vision for the Service is to have a strong emphasis on maintaining and developing abilities and skills with a ‘supporting to’ rather than ‘doing for’ approach. There will be a focus on the principles of strengths-based practice, enablement, maintenance, recovery and self- care and on improving resilience to deal with potential health and social care needs in the future. .
SERVICE AIMS. 3.1 The central aim of the service to provide patients with access to medicines prescribed from the hospital service along with any associated pharmaceutical care support deemed appropriate by the NHS Board from a local community pharmacy contracted to provide NHS services on behalf of the NHS Board.
3.2 The supplementary aims include: Ensuring that suitable education materials are provided or signposted. Providing community pharmacists with links to appropriate support within the hospital service to access advice or resolve care issues. Ensuring that any supplies can be reliably accessed by community pharmacy contractors Ensuring that medicines supplied in this way are sourced and supplied effectively and efficiently for the NHS i.e. to protect any primary care rebate that is in place.
SERVICE AIMS. 4.1 The central aim of the service is to provide patients at risk of, or with established malnutrition, with ongoing access to ONS along with any associated pharmaceutical care support deemed appropriate by the NHS Board from a local community pharmacy contracted to provide NHS Funded Services.
4.2 The supplementary aims include: • Ensuring that suitable education materials are provided to the patient or signposted; • Providing community pharmacists with links to appropriate support within the dietetic service to access advice or resolve care issues; • Ensuring that ONS supplied in this way are sourced and supplied effectively and efficiently for the NHS.
SERVICE AIMS. 4.1 Patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) may occasionally experience deterioration in their condition. Most will be familiar with the onset of the associated symptoms which can lead to hospitalisation if the medication required to alleviate the condition is not readily available. This service seeks to ensure that patients requiring medication to treat an exacerbation of COPD have reasonable access to supplies of appropriate medicines and that suitable advice is available on their use.
SERVICE AIMS. Pharmacy contractors to provide MAR chart(s) alongside dispensed medication to patients who have been identified as having prescribed medication administered by local authority commissioned care at home workers. Care at home workers can use the MAR chart to support people to take their medication(s). This may involve helping people to take their medication themselves (self-administration) or giving people their medication (administration).
SERVICE AIMS. 3.1 The pharmacy contractor will supply Hepatitis C medications to patients identified by the Hepatology Specialist Team as suitable for community pharmacy supply. Supply should be made as per directions on Hospital Based Prescription (HBP) and information sent to the pharmacy contractor from the Hepatology Specialist Team.
3.2 To provide data, both ad-hoc and via the timely submission of the Patient Compliance Reporting Form (Appendix 1), to the Hepatology Specialist Team to inform individual patient treatment plans and to help assess compliance impact on treatment outcomes.
3.3 To ensure a timely and uninterrupted supply of DAA medication(s) to the patient.
SERVICE AIMS. 3.1 The central aim of the service is to provide patients with immediate access on discharge to medicines prescribed whilst an inpatient in hospital along with any associated pharmaceutical care support deemed appropriate by the NHS Board from a local community pharmacy contracted to provide NHS services on behalf of the NHS Board.
3.2 The supplementary aims include: 1 Ensuring that suitable education materials are provided or signposted.
SERVICE AIMS. 3.1 To provide patients with a robust route for safe disposal of prescribed medicines and sharps.
3.2 To establish a safe and robust community pharmacy disposal service for patients in NHS Lothian.
3.3 To ensure pharmacy staff understand and implement safe handling and storage of waste in their premises.
3.4 To ensure that healthcare professionals and patients in NHS Lothian requiring such a service are aware of and know how to access it.
3.5 To work within the health & safety requirements and infection control guidance for handling, segregating and storing used medicines and sharps bins.
SERVICE AIMS. 3.1 The aims of this service are: a) To administer a flu vaccination for eligible patients (see 2.4) who have not already received a flu vaccination in this year’s programme.