SERVICE AIM. 2.1 The aim of the Community Equipment Service is to maximise the independence of Hillingdon's residents and other people who meet the eligibility criteria shown in Annex A thereby reducing the pressure on the borough's health and care system. This will be achieved by enabling people to carry out day-to-day tasks and activities of daily living that they would otherwise be unable to do without support.
SERVICE AIM. 1.1. To provide, in accordance with an appropriate prescription, supervised administration of medication, contributing to a reduction in risks associated with inappropriate use or diversion of prescribed medicines.
SERVICE AIM. 1.1. To provide an easily identifiable source of medication which facilitates the effective management of unexpected breakthrough symptoms by healthcare professionals in urgent situations, until the patient’s needs can be fully reviewed and tailored medication provided.
SERVICE AIM. To promote good practice in the management of patients who are at ongoing risk of blood borne viruses. In particular to focus attention on proactively identifying those who are at risk of Hepatitis C, but have never been tested, and to offer them a test.
SERVICE AIM. 1.1. To provide patients who use sharps as part of their treatment for an ongoing medical condition with a safe and convenient means of disposing of filled sharps containers via community pharmacies.
1.2. To supply patients requiring an empty sharps container with appropriate equipment and advice to promote the safer use of sharps.
SERVICE AIM. The Hillingdon Community Equipment Service (HCES) shall provide value for money by being a high quality, well co-ordinated, cost effective loan equipment service for Service Users registered with General Practitioners based in Hillingdon who are contracted with NHS England to provide general medical services in Hillingdon or to people resident in the London Borough of Hillingdon who may not be registered with a GP in Hillingdon.
SERVICE AIM. 2.1 The purpose of the direct enhanced services is to cover all primary school age children [01/09/2003 - 31/8/2010] living in Cumbria or registered with a Cumbrian GP.
2.2 The target timeframe for this programme is from 1st September 2014 to 31st December 2014 in order to achieve maximum impact from the programme before influenza starts to circulate. .
2.3 The programme is intended to maximise uptake in the target group
SERVICE AIM. 1.1. To improve access to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) by linking community pharmacies with the intensive behavioural support service provided by Help Me Quit (HMQ) and other NHS Wales smoking cessation services.
SERVICE AIM. To enable those in need of support to maintain their independence, health and well- being in their chosen home for the foreseeable future. This outcome would normally be achieved by supporting people throughout the repair, adaptation or improvement process, so that the individual is able to remain in their own home in a warm, safe, secure and accessible environment. This should also include the direct provision of repair and maintenance services, preventative initiatives, and providing advice on accessing appropriate funding including private finance.
SERVICE AIM. To provide a pharmaceutical service to support home care services across the City of Edinburgh in the administration of medicines. This will include advice, information and supply.