Prescribed Medication. Cost of Medication(s) prescribed by a Physician following a covered medical Emergency. All eligible prescriptions are subject to a non refundable US $5 co-payment. Payment of the prescription will only be valid for the initial 30 days after the onset of the Emergency. The cost of prescription beyond this period is not covered.
Prescribed Medication. Employees utilizing any prescribed medication which is accompanied by warnings that the medication may impair mental or motor skills or cause drowsiness, must immediately report this treatment to his/her supervisor so a determination can be made regarding the effect of the medication on the employee’s ability to safety perform his/her job. This report may be a general description of the treatment. The name of the drug is not required.
Prescribed Medication. The nursery will give prescribed medication to your child when prescribed by your doctor. The medication needs to be handed into the nursery in its original bottle/tube/package, with the dispensary label, administration/dose, and storage instructions clearly visible. The label MUST be written in English. A medication form will be sent to you via our Famly app for you to acknowledge. If your child has been prescribed anti biotics of any kind, as per our nursery policy, your child must stay at home for the first 24 hours to ensure that they do not have an adverse reaction to them. Over the counter medication: Over the counter medication, such as Calpol, will only be administered to your child once by the nursery. You will be notified of this at the time of administration and the reason for it being administered. If it is deemed that your child requires a further dose, you will be called, asked to collect your child and advised to seek medical attention to rule out any illness. N.B: Your child will need to be 24 hours Calpol free before returning to nursery. A medication form will be sent to you via our Famly app for you to acknowledge. Accidents and Injuries: Although appropriate risk assessments and control measures are in place for the nursery’s premises, activities and outings, it is still common for children to have minor accidents/incidents whilst at nursery. If your child sustains an injury, however small, you will be informed of the accident/incident and any injury sustained. The nursery will administer basic first aid to your child if required and advise you of what first aid has been given. A form will be sent to you via our Famly app for you to acknowledge. Injuries sustained at home: Should your child arrive at nursery showing any signs of injuries, a staff member within your child’s room will enquire as to how/when the injury happened. This information will be recorded and you will be sent a form via our Famly app for you to acknowledge. More serious injuries: In the unlikely event that your child were to sustain an injury beyond our capabilities as first aid providers, the nursery will call you immediately and advise you of the injury sustained. To avoid any delay in treatment, a member of the management team will take your child to the nearest A&E department or request an ambulance to take your child to hospital if they feel your child should not be moved. The staff member will accompany your child along with your child’s records held on file c...
Prescribed Medication. Medication prescribed by a U.S. licensed medical provider that may cause impairment may be allowed but must be reported to the Human Resources and documentation must be provided. However, it may be determined that the use of said medication may result in a safety hazard for the employee or others. In this case, the employee may be temporarily reassigned to other duties and/or it may be determined that the employee is temporarily unable to return to his or her normally assigned duties. The Employer may require the employee to submit a doctor’s release in order to perform the employee’s regularly assigned duties when there is question as to the effects of the prescribed medication.
Prescribed Medication. The cost of any prescribed drugs, dressings and injections dispensed by a Vet clinic during the Period of Insurance for the treatment of Illness and Injury.
Prescribed Medication. Employees who, under a physician's care and prescription, use a controlled substance (except for methadone which is banned under these circumstances), shall carry the substance in the original container, name of the doctor prescribing the contents and pharmacist's identification thereon, and may be required to provide documentation from said physician. Any employees using a prescription drug that could potentially impair the employee's fitness for duty, shall inform the Medical Review Officer (MRO) at of such drug use. The MRO shall advise the Project Manager only if the use of the prescription drug could impair the employee's fitness for duty. For the safety of all employees, VWI'JA may place employees using an impairing prescription drug in a less hazardous job assignment or place them on temporary medical leave until certified by the MRO as fit for duty. VWNA reserves the right to have its MRO:
1. Determine if the use of the prescription drug impairs mental or motor function or produces other hazardous effects to the employee, VWNA, or to the public; and
2. Restrict the quantity of the prescription drug the employee is allowed to bring to the workplace. Although the use of a prescribed medication as part of a medical treatment program is not grounds for disciplinary action, failure to report the use of such substances as outlined above or use which is inconsistent with a prescription Will subject an employee to disciplinary action, including discharge.
Prescribed Medication. Any product labeled “not for human consumption”. This includes products such as bath salts, K2, spice.
Prescribed Medication. Narnians is able to administer any medication during sessions. Any medication administered by the school during the school day will be passed to the Narnians Manager to be handed back to the parent / carer.
Prescribed Medication.
(a) If You have a medical condition for which medication is prescribed, You must obtain information from Your treating practitioner in relation to any potential impacts on Your capacity to safely undertake Your duties.
(b) If you are advised that any medication you take or may be required to take has any potential to impact on Your capacity to safely undertake your duties, You must disclose this information to Greyhound. Greyhound will then work with You and Your medical practitioner to determine if there is any reasonable adjustment available to allow You to safely undertake Your duties.
(c) Where You fail to disclose possible risks from prescription medication to Greyhound, You will be subject to disciplinary action for failing to comply with their work health and safety obligations to Greyhound and its clients.
Prescribed Medication. 18.7.1 Due to the nature of the work and the environment that includes firearms, money and people, employees will advise their supervisor if they are taking prescribed medication that may in any way affect their performance of work. Supervision and management will have due regard to confidentiality and the OH&S implications of the circumstances.