Social Infrastructure. The construction of Buildings for Analytical /R & D Lab and Pilot Plant is already completed and procurement of equipment / machinery for the labs / Pilot Plant is in process.
Social Infrastructure. Within the framework of its mining, GEOVIC shall undertake to build appropriate housing, medical, educational, sports and recreational facilities for its employees. At the request of the State, GEOVIC may place at the disposal of neighbouring establishments or of the public, telecommunications facilities, electric lines, water supply and the health, school, sports and recreational facilities that it has established, provided that use of such facilities shall cause no detriment to GEOVIC.
Social Infrastructure. This sub-activity will provide social infrastructure and social services sufficient to serve an anticipated total population of approximately 60,000, including the resettlers, new settlers and other migrants. Access roads, potable water, sanitation, schools, health centers, public markets, warehouses, multi-function centers, laundry facilities and solar electricity supply for selected social infrastructure sites will be constructed or existing facilities renovated in accordance with international and national norms.
Social Infrastructure. In social infrastructure, house is made of pucca and kaccha both of type. Tar road is available in near villages. Mostly people are dependent on agriculture. People of the area move to other place in search of employment. By this proposed Sand Stone mining in the area, provides employment opportunities in the area and this helps to control migration of people of one place to other.
Social Infrastructure. Proposed project will provide employment for about 20 people directly and indirectly providing for about Mines Manager, Mines mate, Geologist, Watchmen, Skilled Labours/Operators, Unskilled Labours.
Social Infrastructure. Slum improvements aim at improving quality of life in poor settlements of the Program ULBs. Investments consist slum infrastructure to cover inadequate services relating to water, sanitation, roads, streetlights, drainage, community/town halls, rain water harvesting structures and street lightning.
Social Infrastructure. (i) Subprojects in notified slums that include water supply, sanitation infrastructure, initiation/ formation of self-help groups, health and environmental sanitation awareness campaigns, footpaths, and pavements,
(ii) Subprojects that include fire fighting equipment and infrastructure for the selected ULBs.
Social Infrastructure. Proposed project will provide employment for about Skilled 15 and unskilled 30 workers.
Social Infrastructure. Existing road will be maintained regularly. People of the area are moves towards other place for search employment. By this proposed project of masonry stone mining in the area, provides employment opportunities in the area/region and this helps to check migration of people of one place to other. Medical and educational facilities will be provided.
Social Infrastructure. Proposed project will provide employment for about 20 people directly and indirectly providing for about 40 which are Shopkeepers, Mechanic, drivers and transporter.