Equipment and Infrastructure Sample Clauses
Equipment and Infrastructure. Each Selected Depot Operator agrees to maintain its plant and equipment used to provide the Compaction Services in good safe running order. Each Selected Depot Operator will conduct all required safety inspections of its equipment at least as often as required by applicable law.
Equipment and Infrastructure. The necessary equipment for carrying out the doctoral project must be available for the PhD candidate, cf. Section 7 in Part A of the Agreement. The final decision concerning what is considered necessary equipment and the funding of this is to be made by the Department/Faculty at the University in consultation with the External Party for each doctoral project. The department/institution where the candidate has their workplace is responsible for meeting these obligations. In the period covered by the Agreement the candidate will need funds to cover operating costs for the following purposes: 7 Forskrift for xxxxxx philosophiae doctor (ph.d.) og philosophiae doctor (ph.d.) i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid ved NTNU av 05.12.2018. 8 Forskrift av 31. Januar 2006 nr.102 om ansettelsesvilkår for xxxxxxxxxx som postdoktor, stipendiat, vitenskapelig assistent og spesialistkandidat xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xx/for/sf/kd/kd-20060131-0102.html 9 Forskrift av 31. Januar 2006 nr.102 om ansettelsesvilkår for xxxxxxxxxx som postdoktor, stipendiat, vitenskapelig assistent og spesialistkandidat xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xx/for/sf/kd/kd-20060131-0102.html Funding of operating costs Equipment and purpose NTNU External party
Equipment and Infrastructure. Seller shall take necessary steps to lay gas distribution lines to the factory fence of Buyer and shall install gas-metering facilities to enable gas delivery to commence on the mutually agreed date. Buyer shall take necessary steps to ensure its equipment is installed in readiness for commissioning on gas by the mutually agreed commencement date. Further, Buyer shall be responsible to plan for and install the infrastructure (internal piping and fittings) required within the factory premises to get gas to the consuming machines and equipment, by said mutually agreed commencement date.
Equipment and Infrastructure. Each Town shall maintain all current FCC frequencies and licensing. Each Town shall allow, in accordance with FCC guidelines and pursuant to this agreement, access for both transmitting and receiving on the other’s communication systems for emergency communications. Each Town shall bear the cost of maintaining or upgrading any and all equipment, software licenses and/or infrastructure it currently owns as well as any and all equipment and/or infrastructure acquired during the Term of this Agreement. Wilbraham shall be responsible for the planning and installation of all software, server, network and communication equipment related to the Communications Center.
Equipment and Infrastructure. The necessary equipment must be available for the PhD candidate for carrying out the research project, cf. Point Funding of operating costs Equipment and purpose NTNU Ext. Inst.
Equipment and Infrastructure. You must: • use the Equipment and Infrastructure in accordance with any manuals we give you or our instructions or directions; • keep the Equipment and any Infrastructure in good and useable condition at all times (fair wear and tear excepted) until it is returned to or collected by us; and • notify us as soon as possible if the Equipment or Infrastructure is faulty, damaged, destroyed or interfered with in any way.
Equipment and Infrastructure. The candidate shall be provided with the infrastructure necessary for completion of the doctoral education, cf. Part A, section 6. The university undertakes to determine, in consultation with the external party, what constitutes necessary infrastructure and financing of the same. The institution / unit at which the candidate has their place of work is responsible for ensuring the candidate’s rights concerning infrastructure. During the term of the agreement, the candidate requires financing of the following operations / equipment: Operational costs Equipment / purpose University External party If relevant, the university and the external party may enter into an agreement concerning additional funds for equipment and operations. Any such supplementary agreement shall be archived together with this agreement.
Equipment and Infrastructure. 6.1 Unless otherwise set out in an Accepted SOW, the Equipment and Infrastructure shall remain the exclusive property of AIM or its suppliers, as the case may be, and the Client shall not acquire any rights in respect of such Equipment and Infrastructure.
6.2 The Client shall provide a suitable place, conditions, connection points and electricity supply for the Equipment and Infrastructure according to AIM’s reasonable instructions and carry out any site preparation work reasonably required by AIM.
6.3 The Client shall obtain all necessary third-party consents required in relation to building alterations or additions, access to land or other permission required to install the Equipment and Infrastructure.
6.4 The Client will:
6.4.1 ensure that the Equipment and Infrastructure is used only for the provision of the Services;
6.4.2 not connect any other equipment to the Equipment and Infrastructure except as expressly authorised in writing by AIM;
6.4.3 not tamper with or remove any label on the Equipment and Infrastructure;
6.4.4 not open, disconnect, repair, maintain, modify or remove the Equipment and Infrastructure; and
6.4.5 permit AIM and/or any of its suppliers to modify, change, add or replace the Equipment and Infrastructure or any part of the Equipment and Infrastructure.
6.5 The Client shall indemnify AIM in respect of, all costs, expenses and liabilities that AIM incurs as a result of any loss of or damage to the Equipment and Infrastructure caused by the Client other than where the damage or loss has been caused as a result of the Client acting in accordance with instructions issued by AIM.
6.6 The Client will not permit any lien, charge or other like restriction to be placed on the Equipment and Infrastructure.
6.7 AIM may take possession of the Equipment and Infrastructure from the Client’s premises or take other reasonable steps which AIM reasonably believes are necessary to protect its or its suppliers’ ownership rights in the Equipment and Infrastructure and the Client will use its reasonable endeavours to provide AIM with the necessary access to exercise these rights.
6.8 Promptly after expiry or earlier termination of any Accepted SOW, the Client will use its reasonable endeavours to provide AIM and its suppliers with access to the Equipment and Infrastructure and all reasonable assistance in the removal of the same
6.9 The Client is responsible for the Equipment and Infrastructure and shall be liable to AIM for any loss or damage to it sa...
Equipment and Infrastructure agrees to provide access to the necessary personnel and facilities to be utilized by members for research, education and service as needed to fulfill the purpose of this Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the parties’ mutual understanding regarding use of the facilities and/or equipment owned by assistance in utilizing purposes, may be provided by attached as a Rider to this Agreement. The present Agreement will be in force from the date of signature and during the next five years; but it may be modified, during this period if both parts agree, by mutual consent and written addenda. Any party may terminate the present Agreement and the termination must be done with 90 days advance written notice of the date of termination. If there is any activity already being carried out, on the case of projects already approved and covered by specific contracts, the termination of the Agreement must wait for the conclusion of the aforementioned approved and covered activity or activities.
Equipment and Infrastructure. The necessary equipment for carrying out the doctoral project must be available for the PhD candidate, cf. Section 7 in Part A of the Agreement. The final decision concerning what is considered necessary equipment and the funding of this is to be made by the Department/Faculty at the University in consultation with the External Party for each doctoral project. The department/institution where the candidate has their workplace is responsible for meeting these obligations. In the period covered by the Agreement the candidate will need funds to cover operating costs for the following purposes: