Source Documents. The Consultant will retain an official copy of consultant estimates, payroll time sheets, employee travel claims, and all other original source documents for transactions listed on the Project Detail Ledger. These will be systematically filed in an order that will facilitate retrieval. All expenditure vouchers or other cost documents must also be traceable through the Consultant's disbursement process to copies of warrants or checks issued and to corresponding documentation maintained in the official accounting records of the Consultant's central finance office.
Source Documents. Source documents are defined as original documents, data and records. This may include hospital records, clinical and office charts, laboratory data/information, work sheets, subjects’ diaries or evaluation checklists, pharmacy dispensing and other records, recorded data from automated instruments, microfiches, photographic negatives, microfilm or magnetic media, ECG printouts, and/or x-rays. The Investigator(s)/institution(s) will permit trial-related monitoring, audits, IRB/IEC review, and regulatory inspection(s), providing direct access to source data documents.
Source Documents. Teachers shall have the right to view any source documents.
Source Documents. Provided below are hyperlinks to source documents. Please read and understand funding source rules and regulations:
Source Documents. Documents containing Data which is or may be required as part of Data Transmission with respect to a claim for payment for mental health services rendered to an eligible Individual. Examples of Data contained within a specific Source Document include, without limitation, the following: Individual’s name and identification number, claim number, diagnosis code for the service rendered, dates of service, procedure code, applicable charges, the Provider’s name and/or Provider number.
Source Documents. Institution and Investiga- tor shall maintain and retain complete and ac- curate source documents as defined by ICH- GCP E6 1.52 ("Source Documents").
Source Documents. Institution and Investigator shall maintain and retain complete and accurate source documents as defined by XXX-XXX X0 1.52 ("Source Documents").
Source Documents. The Grantee will retain an official copy of consultant estimates, payroll time sheets, employee travel claims and all other original source documents for transactions listed on the Project Detail Ledger. These will be systematically filed in an order that will facilitate retrieval. All expenditure vouchers or other cost documents must also be traceable through the Grantee's disbursement process to copies of warrants or checks issued and to corresponding documentation maintained in the official accounting records of the Grantee's central finance office.
Source Documents mean documents containing Data that are or may be required as part of a Data Transmission concerning a claim for payment of charges for medical services that a Provider furnishes to a Covered Individual. Source Documents are subject to the security standards of Article V of this Agreement. Examples of Data contained within a Source Document include, without limitation, Individual’s name and identification number, claim number, diagnosis codes for the services rendered, dates of service, service procedure descriptions, applicable charges for the services rendered, the Provider’s name and/or National Standard Identifier, and signature.
Source Documents. Benefitfocus will, to the extent it deems necessary to perform the Services, keep copies of all source documents provided by Client or on behalf of Client into the Benefitfocus system. Benefitfocus shall not perform as Client’s designated record keeper, or official document repository or system of record.