Special Compassionate. Special compassionate leave of up to five (5) days in any school year without loss of salary, sick leave credits, benefits, seniority or experience may be granted at the discretion of the Principal, immediate supervisor, Coordinator of Human Resources or designate. Reasons for such leave may include, but not limited to, illness in the immediate family, attending a funeral/memorial service of a close friend or other family member not identified in 28.02, absence for the purpose of seeking medical attention for dependants, or arrival home of a newborn or adoptive child.
Special Compassionate. Special compassionate leave of up to five
Special Compassionate. Special compassionate leave of up to five (5) days in any calendar year without loss of salary may be granted at the discretion of the Coordinator of Plant Services. Reasons for such leave may include severe illness in the immediate family (father, mother, child, sibling), absence for the purpose of seeking medical attention for dependants, or arrival home of a newborn or adoptive child. For part-time and casual workers only if they were scheduled or had been called into work for days that would otherwise qualify as special compassionate leave days requiring time off for days otherwise to be worked.