Staff Complement. The Medical-Dental teaching staff of each of the clinical departments and/or programs of the Hospital where Students are taught (as listed in a list of Student placements agreed to by the University and the Hospital (see III.2 below)) shall consist of a Chief and such other members as it is mutually agreed upon between the Hospital and the University as are necessary to render exemplary teaching and research.
Staff Complement. Staff complement position means an on-going position funded from the University's operating budget.
Staff Complement. (a) The minimum base number of teachers (excluding Special Education, ESL, Continuing Education, Grove School and Alternative Attendance Programs) for staffing purposes shall be generated according to the “Credit Corrected Model” for staffing, jointly agreed between the Union and the Board in the Staff Allocation Committee. Upon agreement between the Union and the Board, the “Credit Corrected Model” will be amended from time to time to reflect changes in funding for staffing. For the purposes of staffing in grades 9 to 12 (excluding E-Learning credit courses), the board shall allocate a minimum staffing complement to achieve a maximum average class size consistent with prevailing class size regulations or 23 in the absence of such regulations. A secondary school’s Average Daily Enrolment in “Dual Credit” courses shall be included in the calculation of the number of secondary teaching positions required in the Board pursuant to this Collective Agreement and/or any class-size regulation
(b) Subject to changes in the funding formula, the minimum base number of teachers shall include a minimum of one and one-tenth (1.1) Library teachers for each thousand (1,000) students, and two and six-tenths (2.6) Guidance teachers for each thousand (1,000) students.
(c) In addition to the base number of teachers generated in L9.03 (a), the following are generated for the system:
(i) The Special Education and ESL complements will be determined by the Staff Allocation Committee based on system needs and available funding from those line items in the funding formula with a base number of 123 FTE Special Education and 9.5 FTE ESL teachers for 2008/2009, which will be adjusted annually in relation to Special Education and ESL enrolment. The number of Academic Resource teachers generated according to the formula provided by the Special Education department shall be the base number utilized in each school.
(ii) Relief periods for food school site administration will be in addition to the staff generated in L9.03 (a) above and will be determined by the Staff Allocation Committee based on system needs
(iii) Two (2) department heads at Continuing Education, five (5) department heads at Grove and one (1) department head at Alternative Attendance, with additional staff based on system needs and available funding, on the understanding that these positions exist only as long as they are self-funded
(iv) Teachers for new ministry initiatives, where funded.
(d) System-wide staffing genera...
Staff Complement. The Hospital Medical-Dental Active staff (or equivalent) of each of the clinical departments and/or programs of the Hospital where Students are taught (as listed in a list of Student placements agreed to by the University and the Hospital (see III.2 below)) shall consist of a Chief and such other members as it is mutually agreed upon from time-to-time between the Hospital and the University as are necessary to render exemplary teaching and research.
Staff Complement. The Association undertakes to maintain as a minimum the staff complement of eighteen (18) permanent active Secretariat members, exclusive of secondments, except in circumstance of temporary Secretariat replacement, for the life of the agreement. The Association undertakes to maintain as a minimum a staff complement of four (4) active members of the Senior Resource Staff for the life of the agreement.
Staff Complement. (a) The minimum base number of teachers (excluding Special Education, ESL, computer site administration, and food school operation) for staffing purposes shall be generated according to the “Credit Corrected Model” for staffing, jointly agreed between the Union and the Board in the Staff Allocation Committee. Upon agreement between the Union and the Board, the “Credit Corrected Model” will be amended from time to time to reflect changes in funding for staffing.
Staff Complement. 4.2.1 The Service Provider shall ensure that staffing levels are appropriate at all times for the full range of duties of the Contract.
Staff Complement. As at 31 December 2014, the Bank had an overall staff complement of 305 employees (including 291 operational staffs, 9 employees on secondment, 3 employees on leave of absence and 2 technical assistants).
Staff Complement. Full/Part-Time Ratios SIGNED on BEHALF of the EMPLOYER SIGNED on BEHALF of the UNION
Staff Complement. Full/Part-Time Ratios SIGNED on BEHALF of the EMPLOYER SIGNED on BEHALF of the UNION Party of the First Part; Party of the Second Part; RE: Benefit Package